>#1 novel on MAL
>published in every shithole
Anime when?
Is it actually good?
>#1 novel on MAL
>published in every shithole
Anime when?
Is it actually good?
To summarize it, its edgy.
And not in some kind of neo new meaning kind of way edgy.
>is it actually good
ahahahahaha no
it's good in the way that normies and people with shit taste will like it
Adaption never since it's a finished series.
>Muh suffering
It's trash and the fantranslation is written too straightforward.
So people like you?
> Head banging
> Loops because of a fucking bitch that refused to accept reality all because of love and it took thousands of fucking loops.
> Chainsaw massacre
> Inconsistent fucking characters especially Maria.
> Crazy insanity loco
>Bullshit Daiya that did all that shit for LOVE FOR KOKONE.
This sums this series up. Yup. What do you think?
Sounds better and funnier than Re:zero.
If you take context as a funny joke. At least Re:Zero bothered to give context (if people bothered to pay attention, no really).
Nah, pretty sure it's the same shit, since both this and Re;zero are highly ranked on MAL.
Kazuki is the best yandere.
I don't even give a fuck about MAL. Never shall I use these godforsaken sites to dictate my own opinion in the matter. It's stupid and I'd rather not be a sheep to opinions. Long story short, I don't give a fuck.
>normies and people with shit taste will like it.
If that were the case, it would have been way more popular. The author almost gave up halfway because it didn't sell shit.
what kind of a comeback is that?
obviously speaking about the western audience, not the one in japan. and despite that, he still made 7 books
If you don't know, then you're clearly new to Sup Forums.
>it's that faggot again
You can belittle every fictional work like this, but I'm not going to argue with you, you make the same retarded post about this LN every time the thread pops up.
I remember this series being his last LN series, so maybe he just wanted to get done with it and move on. He writes real novels now.
>Normies even knowing what an LN is, let alone reading it.
normies as far as ones that know what an LN is. entry level weeb, the like. you know what i mean
> Writes real novels.
I'm not gonna be very impressed judging from how he wrote this series.
It's normalfag, you stupid crossboarders.
The novels sold like shit. Anime never.
>but it's popular with gaijin pirates online!
>langauge and slang never evolve :((((((
go back to 2007, gramps
I enjoyed reading it but this applies only to me since this is my opinion and you other anons have to deduce on your own if this appeals to you or not
You liked re:zero so you should give that a chance.
Thanks for proving my point, stupid crossboarder.
I cried twice reading the last volume. It was the 2nd time I ever cried over something animu-related for almost 10 years. Don't read it like "oh it's this hyped Hakomari ranobe". Just give it a try and decide for yourself, if you like the 1st volume - you should definitely like the entire novel as well.
I still don't get why Hakomari gets compared to Re:Zero this much, only the first and last volumes have time loops, and they're not even similar to Re:Zero's.
Is this just to shitpost or something?
If it's popular, anime is bound to happen eventually
Loops and popularity.
> I remember this series being his last LN series, so maybe he just wanted to get done with it and move on. He writes real novels now.
No, he is actually writing F-Rank no Boukun now. Here is some crappy translation of the first chapter.
Oh, I'm sorry. Sorry if Re:Zero actually gave itself better excuses than in Hakomari. So stop your bullshit.
>He writes real novels now.
He said in one of hakomari's afterworlds that he stopped writing F-Rank even though it was't yet finished. Than and the Mahou Shoujou one too I believe.
>Abe Yoshitoshi art
My dick.
Literally obsessed.
I am very aware of time-loops of how they lack consequences. No, mental bullshit is not a true consequence. In the end, time loops have no sense of responsibility, thus no tension. I'm quite aware of how these series handle such things and I won't say which did better.
Probably the best selling novel in Poland
How well did it?
My wife Nene bringing dubs of truth
>he wouldn't even commit genocide for his waifu
Not quads. Not good enough.
They don't release sales numbers but it's very popular and almost every fag reading novels buying it
Our LN market started like 2 years ago and it's still pretty small
So far you can get:
No Game No Life
Zeroth Maria
Log Horizon
Sword Art Online
Durarara !!
and Kara no Kyoukai which was lately announced
>#1 novel on MAL
That matters how exactly? You have to go back.
Although It was funny how the author pat himself on the back with that tweet when he saw the mal ranking.
The author wants an anime but no nip company will do it since it won't sell.
I enjoyed reading the "normal life" guy going insane and eventually retarded
or you just have shit taste
>Is it actually good
It isn't anything amazing but it's better than 99% of LNs so that's something.
>He writes real novels now
So? How are these "real" novels faring? Bet they're worse than Hakomari.
No it's not. Just because the writing style is fancier doesn't make it better. Contextually, it is a terrible novel regardless.
>It isn't anything amazing but it's better than 99% of LNs
Its literally worse than your average isekaishit.
Tell me about Maria, why does she look like gender bender Lelouch?
It is funny that before Re:Zero got an anime, no one ever mentioned that word in Hakomari threads.
Why do you think this? I'm curious.
Where do you even buy this? Other than online
Double dubs are pretty much quads
I read 4 volumes, trying to understand why anons praised it so much. And failed. I genuinely thought it was offensively bad. Like, so bad reading it made me feel dirty, as if I'd stepped on dog poo and it just won't come off no matter how you wipe it in the pavement.
i think it went to shit around the 3rd or 4th volume, you know after the hiatus
also the other novel from this author about the ghost girl that makes people kill themselves is much better, but it will never have an anime because it would cause a suicide epidemy
Is his new LN (Bokura wa Mahou Shoujo no Naka) any good?
Yeah once MC goes full edgelord/mind broken it becomes really fucking weird. I skimmed through the entire epilogue though because the edge was basically pretend at that point.
>Zerowa Maria
>W rękach Daiyi
>I genuinely thought it was offensively bad.
Same. Your post has better prose than anything you can find in the LN.
The first volume is genuinely cute and a decent little piece of supernatural teen drama. The rest were all mistakes.
>Judging the author based on the prose of a fan-translated work
English release when?
The characters can feel so inconsistent at times. Kazuki's insanity or obsession over his everyday life never felt justified, The romance between him and Maria also just kinda happened, because the plot wouldn't move without that. Maria goes from being pretty useful and confident to not doing anything significant. Daiya is supposed to be this witty and smart guy and yet his actions never feel impressive. Everyone else is just some case of love drama or bullying.
Not going to read the thread because I just started book 2, but 1 was very good
Book 2 is the worst one, just saying.
Czy oni przepuścili to przez "translator mechaniczny"? Lecę uczyć się japońskiego.
muh kokone
>1 was very good
it was, like, ok and there was a cute girl in it
> Kazuki's insanity or obsession over his everyday life never felt justified
He was "created" by Maria to do exactly that.
>The romance between him and Maria also just kinda happened
After spending as many years as they did, they would obviously start to have feelings for each other.
>Daiya is supposed to be this witty and smart guy and yet his actions never feel impressive.
I'll give you that. To me, he felt like a cheap light form death note in vol 5/6.
i liked it. the ending though.
>ywn find someone you care for so much that youre willing to loop 400000 times (~1100 years) for
>He was "created" by Maria to do exactly that.
Oh yeah, something like that happened. I must admit this story was way too convoluted for me at times and I didn't bother to piece all the puzzles together.
>After spending as many years as they did, they would obviously start to have feelings for each other.
It never really felt genuine to me, they just say they spent a life's time with each other, but they never really show it. We barely know what they're like outside of the box shenanigans and what their interests are. They don't mix together too well or have any significant intimate moments. At times Kazuki even doubts his faith in Maria, like, come on man.
>It never really felt genuine to me
I guess it is because the one who remembered almost everything that happened in the first book was Maria, and the story is narrated by Kazuki, who barely even remembers anything. That's the main conflict in the latter books, and also the reason why he doubts Maria.
I kinda starts as a one-sided love from Maria.
>Is it actually good?
I liked it a lot.
but the better question is
who would animate it?
Except Japanese readers have gone on record saying the prose in the original is shitty too. ask.fm
I want to hug Maria.
>the writing was the standard mixture of boring and tortured prose that you find in too many LNs.
>I can see myself enjoying it if I just treat it as another LN
Where does it says it's shitty again? He says it's just average.
I want to hold hands with Maria.
that was awesome, that bitch deserved it
Game of Idleness was fucking good, definitely my favorite arc.
Haven't finished it yet, Volume 5 and the beginning of volume 6 had too much suffering for me to handle atm. Also fuck daiya, haruaki and kokone are wasted on him.
Anime by KyoAni soon
They'd censor the violence and dark themes so much.
Where's all the hate coming from? I don't remember any of it some months back. And what's with all the re:zero posting?
I read a single chapter of it. And I have to say - if there's one LN I'd call pretentious chuuni garbage - It's fucking this one.
There's no way the author can write autisticly like that and be self aware of his autism. He's just plainly autistic. No other explanation I can come up. His head is fucked up. He legit thinks he's writing well.
It's fucking sad. And it's sad there's enough autists who like this garbage.
Then again I suppose Harry Potter and Twilight are universally liked as well so... the world really needs some sort of a eugenics program right about now.
So what exactly do you find autistic about it?
>I read a single chapter of it.
>I look at transfer student Aya Otonashi, whose name I don't yet know, standing on the platform.
>"Aya Otonashi."
>The transfer student murmurs her name to her classmates in a low voice, as if she doesn't care whether we can understand her. Nevertheless, her voice is clear.
>—Yeah. I somehow already know her name, even though I've just heard it for the first time.
And I'll just finish this off with a review from MAL:
>With all of that said, Hakomari is one of the best, if not the best of stories that has surfaced into the literature repertoire.
How do these people function on a daily basis? Both the author and the retarded kids reading this crap. It's a fucking modern day scientific mystery. A religion can be build around this unanswerable question.
EoPs really like this LN for some reason
>every good book needs heavily descriptive, flowing prose commenting on the meaning of life
I hate literature faggots.
It's a deconstruction of chunni tropes and a kind of veiled commentary on the place people who are drawn to these kinds of stories have right now, and could or ought to have in the wider society they live in. It's actually pretty sophisticated.
average for a LN is still shitty prose
>I only read the first chapter
You're not even trying.
Alright, thanks for answering my question.
This is, word for word, the same shit fans of Re:Zero use to validate their poorly written story (and even Re:Zero is better than this). Legitimately fucking hilarious.