Macron administration discussing the possibility to lower the age of consent at 13 years old

First, pic related is an exposition backed and funded by the socialist government in 2016

Infamous super women's right minister of Macron proposed to lower age of consent at 13 years old
>She is also famous for giving fines to companies whose board does not include a majority of women
>And for denying the existence of street harassement caused by maghrebis (because it is a "racist fantasy")

During the presidential campaign, Macron was backed by Pierre Bergé the owner of a dozen of newspapers including the notorious leftist "Le Monde" and the gay magazine "Têtu"
>said Pierre Bergé is a famous homosexual
>accused by his ex lover during the weinstein gate of being a sexual predator
>now accused of organising child orgy in Moroccan brothels

Front National was right all along
>the Front National has repeteadly warned about pedophilia and corruption

An attorney is publicly confronting Macron on pedophilia and ask for answers
>she confronts him about pedophilia in medias
>she confronts him about pedo rings corruptions
>Macron still has not answered

Other urls found in this thread:


Previously in /fos/


Macron supporters ask for a concordat with Islam after a serie of violent events


First the Kikes import the mussies, then they legalize pedophilia in order to please them, the they can fuck as many boys as they wan't in the ass. This is what happens when women are allowed to voat, shoot them, gas them, rape them in the ass.

This isvery serious.

Our taxes are used to fund this type of "art" and for rich pedophile to take vacation in brothel filled of little boys.

The Macron pedo-ring

>jews or jews-loving
God, please get this country on its track.
Save us.

Pour que vive la France...

>Macron administration discussing the possibility to lower the age of consent at 13 years old
wtf i love macron now

Gwadanon pls

This is a cia pre-emptive action so the jews don't go to prison after all the leaks come out. Truly these governments and their agents need to fucking die.

By all means... let them keep doing stupid shit until the FN wins and makes them all slaves.
Oh boy they will sure love those 48+ hr work weeks with no unions and internet/media censorship. Trump is a commie faggot in comparison with the european far right.

13 or 14 should be the law fucking everywhere in the west. High AoC is just a feminist trick to force guy to settle down with used goods that will never bound with you.

I wonder if the cops are going to let this happens

I feel for ya man

the point is they are changing this only to appease muslims

Google 'Stu Mead art' if you want too see degeneracy set to maximum.

>Far right

Thank you based Macron I guess...

>Infamous super women's right minister of Macron proposed to lower age of consent at 13 years old

Wut? Did we switch timelines? Feminists were the ones to push for the aoc to be INCREASED.

France needs to round up all the Algerians and Morrocans and send them home.

Would France be afraid of going to war with Morroco or Algeria? No? Then why the fuck are you afraid of rounding them up and kiking them out of your country

Emma Wastson and the "Dildo" of Fire

>by WarmerBrother

haven't heard from our frog bros for awhile. how is macron holding up in general?

FN are commies with closed borders.

Surely you mean 31 years old?

spend 26,000€ on makeup
>"France has no culture"
>want to "build a highway of freedom from Africa to Europe"
>calls factory workers "illiterate drunkard"
>trash talk French people in foreign countries on how they don't like reforms
>30% popularity (actually only 40% voted for him because of his ideas)

>make an alliance with a ridiculous centrist party
>apoint their representant as ministry of Justice
>said representant is under charge for corruption
>fires every representats of said party

>apoint his ministers only through survey popularity poll
>a fucking nature documentary reporter as minister of environment
>place all his friends in a shadow cabinet (préfet, cabinet ministériels, ...)
>complain about government unefficiency

>campaign promise to rise defense budget
>make a shiton of propaganda photos with the military (top gun, submarine, ...)
>500 millions budget cut in the military
>get triggered when a general raises concern
>make a speech in front of of the Defense Staff yelling "I'm your chief, I'm your chief, I'm your chief" (yes 3 times)
>generals get embarassed of having such a brat as president
>resign just after saying to his troop not to follow blindly a self-proclaimed leader in a facebook post

>"if they are poor, they should start their start-up"


Clearly making a move to secure the muslim vote.

I know but so what? If muslims asks for for something good and it is done so because they were the ones who asked, it should be welcomed anyway. Besides I'll take a muslim before a feminist any day

that clever bastard...

I can't wait to get a french loli wife when I migrate to Paris Inshallah

>"if they are poor, they should start their start-up"
is this real, vid link plz

Anymore to this op. Drop the set of semen demons on redheads.

I had high hopes for Marine and her nephew... Then you lazy french faggots elected that Rothschild robot married to a tranny mummy. You've made your choice, now enjoy the shitshow and kys

i hear that french law forbids asking for race, are there any legit estimates how many real french there are?
i wonder if we are already more populous than froggies or not

Did you receive the cross Macron want to detach from the statue of John Paul II yet ?


man france. you fucked up real bad this time.

>Macron administration discussing the possibility to lower the age of consent at 13 years old
Are you an idiot. There is no age of consent int he first place in France.

There is no "lowering", it's about setting an age in the first place.

And 13 as age of cnsent come with an imposed age gap, adult still would not be allowed to fuck.

France is run by Satanists and freemasons.

>13 year old gets raped by mudslime
>Responds by lowering the age of consent to 13 so it's no longer rape
Only in France

>13 year old

13 years old is past puberty and 13-15 is the time when women are physically most attractive to men. That's when men are supposed to pick a girl to wife up so they can be nice and cozy together by the time she's 16 and ready to start making babies.

But im le tired...

>how many real french there are
We have what we call sickle cell disease screening. It is a test performed on newborn with predispotition for the disease. However it's mostly arabs an blacks who got that disease. So it is a fair assumption to say that the percentage of tested newborn directly reflect the percentage of baby of foreigners.

Here a study with this figures speculating that we will be goblins (less than 50% natives) by 2020 or 2024.

because a victory in this front will only give them more political weight to keep asking for france to change to accommodate their backwards culture even more

>13 years old is past puberty
according to the thalmud, yes I know

France will be getting some DARK stuff in their future.

Ready to apologize?

15 years and three quarters was the minimum to sleep with someone.

Shouldn't change, or should be raised to 18.

*13 malian girls raped by adult malian man;
Who cares ?

i heard hungarians want to take the cross not us but thats old news so who knows
so if i understand the chart right its 40% nig-variety now?
if thats real its fucking horrifying.
does that even reflect what you see on streets?

so people are thoroughly pissed. anything new from the front national, or any other right wing upstart?

I'd like a french hairy whore in my harem

just came here to say that I find this image arousing

Sounds pretty good desu mate. Age of consent in Brazil is 14.

Apologize to Malika Le Pen, the communist retard?
The only hope was Lassalle

Low age of consent doesn't make sense in the context of current western society and culture. People aren't even independent until their 20's.

doesn't métropolitaine mean urban areas?
otherwise tell me you are making this shit up

kek. no, if it to appease muslim there's no burka/burkini/religius symbol ban. these just france perverted culture, nude beach and restaurant member?

>40% nig-variety now
for the newborns

and that's not surprising, rats will behave like rats

The Vatican is licking their lips and rubbing their hands like Birdman right now.

me on the left

Alabama = New france?

doesnt it mean mainland france?

look at that fucking schnozz

There is literally nothing wrong with fucking a 13 year old.

>Feminists lobbying to lower the age of consent
Truly what the fuck is even occuring

Now I'm gonna goto france and fuck some french nymphette like I am Henry Miller

Can you post more pictures like this? Except with no Satan and more realistic

Well done you turbofaggots.

Proud Gascon nose

>antisemitic fliers calling for a genocide
...our religion?

It's literally creating a hard limit under which sex is rape how is it surrendering to pedos ?


This is being put in place strictly for the benefit of Muzzies, dipshit. The white women will continue to whore around until age 35 and then never settle down while the shit skins arrange marriages at age 13. By age 20 they'll already have at minimum 3 kids.

Its all part of the plan to outbreed you.

Shieet where are dam french lolis?

just checked it. it really does.

>complains about used goods
>wants to create a system where girls can legally become used goods before leaving middle school
Do you ever think?


t.Turk in Turkey

Ally with us. (with Erdo)
Sounds crazy but might work. Let's defuse Germany and EU.
This crap even started to piss me off.

I know what the law is for and I also know what the law is REALLY for. The muslim angle is just the trojan horse for another go at weimar conditions.

In addition to that, and because you called me a dipshit, I'd like to point out that the main reason I commented was to point out that even in a pure white country a low age of consent does not make sense in current western culture. A lot would have to change. I agree that it COULD be beneficial.

>they made the aoc higher
>the jewz did it!!1!
>they want to lower it again
>the juzz want it!!1!

They're all northern Africans and middle Eastern.

Litteraly first link you lazy fuck. It was a public exposition.

>gets invaded by islam
>now changes law so that muslims can marry 13 year olds

You can't make this shit up.

High AOC for you and low AOC for me.
Both statements that you made right.

Get a grip France. Youre more cucked then the brittbongs.

There was no law prior, a case recently had a man get almost nothing for making a 11 yo pregnant because she “consented”, this law basocally creates a hard this is rape limit if you fuck a less than 13 regardless of ”consent”

no, france metropolitaine means france itself, you never says "france et les outre-mer" or "la france et la corse" because the islands are still part of the french territory

>13 years old is past puberty
lol it literally is, i started to masturbate when i was ten. Im male btw

>loose vag
>bitch attitude
2old desu

>now accused of organising child orgy in Moroccan brothels
I think you are all missing the main topic of this thread

They're trying to drown the real shit in fake outrage about made up nonsense it's insane.

Hard to feel sorry for France. They could have either changed their country for the better with Le Pen despite her flaws, or continue to go down the EU drain with the Rothschild banker Macron and his creepy wife whose children are older than her husband.

danse la france...

Success breeds jealousy, even your magna carta was made by French barons under french occupation of england.

What is your national motto already ?


Part and parcel I guess.
Hillary would have probably said that same shit here.

kek. i just read "creepy horse wife"

The French president met the love of his life at 13. It seems only fair he would allow others the same oppoetunity.

3rd world culture is completely different. People arent as individualistic. They act instead as a family unit. The 13 year olds will be married off to a husband that their father picks. The newly weds will then live in the husband's parents house indefinitely, continuing to go to school and/or work and churning out babies while the parents/grandparents take care of the children at home.

Western culture is too focused on the individual instead of the family unit. This isnt going to change any time soon and will be the downfall of western society. This mentality not only makes the birth rate be below the level of replacement but it also makes accruing any kind of wealth unattainable for the average person. Think about paying rent with 3 generations of income all contributing vs paying rent (or buying a house) on your own. The family unit will win every time.


hes trying to make it easier for muslims not to be in jail. soon he will start teaching islam in schools and nationalise mosques. screencap this

In the 70s a lot of french (((intellectuals))) called for the legalization of pedophilia
French people love doing the dirty work for the jews

I don't want to make you depressed but there is no hope for France, Germany, USA, Sweden, UK, Spain, etc
Your best bet is to move to China or Japan.