This is how Western media present our Independent March? Kek, they are doing the God's work, thanks.
This is how Western media present our Independent March? Kek, they are doing the God's work, thanks
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>subhuman slavs ever being white
christ, the fake news.
Faggots gonnna fag
>american meme flags
fucking KIKES are MADDDD and getting BTFOd so hard this year its a Blessing from God showing us to keep it up.
fuck the jews
hate us cause ain't us
>islamic holocaust
Its basically two different things. Hitler was known to be a muslim dick lover.
Poland is doing nothing wrong here as usual.
Calm down Tyrone, it's just people showing pride in being European.
russia has higher gdp per capita and better standards of living than your subhuman shithole.
Russian shills in this thread, ask yourself 1 question...
Is this what you are fighting for?
Do you belive in God?
Do you have any conscience?
Do you even feel any guilt or are you just like North Korea?
This is the value of life of ethnic Russians according to their gov.... 0$
Remember Kursk Submarine? refusing the help to rescue soldiers?
Remember 4 mil homeless kids?
If they don't threat a russian life as anything precious do you think they will threat other lifes any better?
They had no problem with radiating hundreds of thousands of Khazakhs to test their nuclear bombs
How does priviledged Russians live? They live in so called Kommunalka where 5 families share 1 apartment, each family gets 1 room.
dont fucking discuss with this shill, idiot
>Amerimutt detected
The average russian earn way less than the average pole. Poland has the most blooming economy in Europe right now
muh Trump... ffs
it's a fucking national day
fucking kikes
huh they sent this on the tv here a couple of months ago actually
Most of the people on the march just mindlessly repeats slogans heard on the internet. Poland few years ago voted for left-liberal party PO and Donald Tusk.
>Poland few years ago voted for left-liberal party PO and Donald Tusk
because of agressive disinfo campaign, smearing in media, international pressure and Smoleńsk assassination
My dad (pretty redpilled) asked me "did you see all those western reports about independence march?" I said "phew, then I guess we all turn nazi, gas the jews and conquer europe". KEK WILL MAKE IT TRUE.
I think about sueing the fuck out of that TV kikes for calling young patriots "nazis"
help me out, give me most jewish lawyer you have
guys, I need the most positive less "nazi" pictures from yesterday's celebration
I need to show some contacts that Poland is right
Are you ashamed to be nazi Polandbro?
>*turns on spooky voice* bewareeee this is happening on our planet
>30 seconds in
>muh six billion
Here you go Ski, my local one
hell nah
thanks guys
Then why bitch about the coverage?
I will contact him about this matter, my feefees are deeply hurt about being called nazi
whiter than you, Muhammad
nice job over there with that march polanons
felt good watching that go down
this fuckin nigger
>hardcore right wing
>doctor of theology
nightmare of leftists
> Looks in comment sections\
> Sees people who actually beleive this
> mfw
eze monnnieezz
>They live in so called Kommunalka where 5 families share 1 apartment, each family gets 1 room.
here, cure for cancer in video form
How 2 learn Polish
Wasn't in the Austrian Lügenpresse at all.
Well, PiS if it was for real, should simply run this piece on prime tv with subs. There are thousands of hoursof discussion to make. Digging a grave for opposition.
>This is really ugly and it's reflective of where we are as a country [...]
what is this nigger talking about. what we?
Thats also nice vid with english subs
play Witcher series with Polish dub + eng sub
>They live in so called Kommunalka where 5 families share 1 apartment, each family gets 1 room.
No one really lives in those anymore, c'mon.
Taylor likes this
Because u Austrians are cucks and should be annexed when the time comes
>le 56% face
Quick I need tips on how a polish person can become a member of nationalsozialistische deutsche arbeiterpartei just in case its for real.
Just go around to every old person and say "Hey, are you a Nazi too?"
Eventually someone will say yes.
we have to have anti russian propaganda
having external enemy really improves societal cohesion
you shown us how to do so Ivan :^)
Wait what? Can you explain further Piotr? Is he one of the Haitian Poles or something?
Poland triggered Western Jewish media owners and Neoliberal puppets by just simply having a nationalist march.
"Nazi" "white supremacy" are strawmen's that are only used at pro white rallies, because they can't come up with any articulate responses on why Europeans or white people can not choose their own side.
>calls other people cuck
>stupid meme flag
Don't ever try to educate american meme flag on Russia.
Let him be stupid and let people laugh at him.
But I like you guys. Why do we have to be enemies? I wanna be friends.
join this party:
u sure?
Probably the first time I envy poland... keep up the good work
I wish I know what culture and patriotism meant. Being mestizo is the worst feeling in the world.
hate us cause they aint us
doing God's work for chavs like you
>tfw Jews start another world war so America invades to wipe out the last of the Europeans
nah, he got here for some reason, probably to study and got Polonized so hard that he became right wing token negro
Polacks aren’t white though. They are shitty Slavs.
Polish president in Kremlin.
Imagine if dymitryads went a bit different...
nah I think that he was born in Poland but I'm not sure
Hey, what party are these people voting for? Because I cannot find it?
I thought this one, but it hasn't been running for a while, so which one is it?
They weren't like this when USSR handed them back to you. What have you done to them EU?
we were friends, we are brothers
but as you know, with family you look the best on photos
stay away, maybe in 500 years or so we will be able to trust you again
we are still pissed at Stalin and now we also have that Smoleńsk issue to be angry about
Prawo i Sprawiedliwosc or Kukiz'15
memers vote Wolnosc (Korwin party)
german subverters vote PO or .Nowoczesna
farmers vote PSL
rest are irrelevant
we are friends cioto. dawaj bialorskiej pizdy nao!
He is a disabled nigger, has an actual proper education (PhD in theology), is extremely nationalistic and loves to troll feminists asking them if they would abort him. And of top of that he can't have kids. There is something magical about Poland.
Get back to unblocking my toilet Slav. I need to expel my burger to make space for a Big Mac
>nigger asking feminazis to be aborted
our power is too big
Can you elaborate so pol can correct your ZOGGED out perception and historical inaccuracy of why the polish wouldn’t love nazis or have you never heard of
Most Poles of Sup Forums have little idea of politics and history, most of them are chavs who think in terms of physical strength and war, don't pay too much attention to their words, because they're still a minority
What's the closest of those to ethnic nationalism, and how much support do they have?
>confederate meme flag
>doesn't realize muh germans are same haplogroup as 'non-white' *slavs*
lurk moar newfag
Our far right organisations are extremely divided, but they are not political parties. There is currently ruling party, PiS, more nationalistic Kukiz and Korwin's party, but it is not nationalistic, at least not for the Polish standards.
i love poland so much
>pissed at Stalin
technically Arab, not Russian, but woteva
Are you a Russian rape baby? That makes you even worse. Like a double nigger.
Don't let them bait you, kielbasz bro.
Thank you, Poland.
Stop speaking your monkey language. Speak AMERICAN.
"chanting 'clean blood' and calling for an Islamic holocaust"
Glorious. March on lads.
You are unironically the only white ethno-state left and our only hope.
>ethnic nationalism
no one does that as in part of their programme, but PiS and Kukiz are more for preserving current situation, PO and Nowoczesna want to go full Sweden with annual rapes and stuff, PSL will do whatever to get paid and normal people want Polan to be Polan
Slavs aren’t white. They are genetically different from the Germanic race
Stalin was Georgian
whatever, kikes did this