UK out, Russia in.
Is it possible?
UK out, Russia in
japan can join the EU to
czy cie hohole żydowski do reszty popierdoliło?
CCCP 2.0
Too white, we would admit Mongolia instead
Why the fuck would the Russians join such a cuck organization. Not a chance would Putin subject his nation to that.
You can count most of eastern Europe ouf then, we joined just to get away from further Russian influence for the most part.
Hopefully, Ukrainebro.
MAKE EUROPE WHITE AGAIN and let’s keep Pakistanis and Indians and Arabs in the UK.
Russian conquest of Europe when?
>russia joining an organisation that spends most of it's time agitating against russia
makes sense
funnily enough the poor eastern states is the reason for the Euroscepticism that is on the rise in northern Europe.
We joined the EU for business not to pay you charity
never. The notion is completely insane.
He would be out of the picture obviously.
But it's Anglos and Americans who are agitating against Russia most of all, not EU per se.
There is very little difference between Putin and the Eurocrats anyways
Fuck off McCain.
No, they're to rayciss, I think the eurocunts should open the borders with iraq and syria. So all the unhappy muhammads can become happy when fucking your last trace of white genetics.
Fucking UA cunt.
That is bluepilled skepticism. Most countries with surplus budget in EU funds need to invest to conform to EU regulations. And the remainder of the money that ends up at actual companies in such countries is returned to richer exporting countries like Germany and Netherlands. The truth s that the rich countries stay rich and the poorer are kept in check.
Hahahahahaha what a load of fucking bullshit.
you are a fucking idiot you know that right?
Of course. That's why we're using Russia as a boogeyman to create an Eu army......
>But it's Anglos and Americans who are agitating against Russia most of all, not EU per se.
The EU still does it best to impoverish russian citizens, but if you an beat them, join them.
No, it's fucking retarded. Germany is literally a US-proxy state, it will never ally with Russia. Every pleb and their mother bang on about muh UK-US speshul realtionshep as if they were foreign policy buffs but they completely ignore marshall plan, monet plan, adenauer agreement, kennedy berlin policies, etc, etc. Western germany has been a magnifying glass for US interests for the best part of the cold war and continuing on afterwards following the colour revolutions and USSR collapse. Also germany is the only EU with a permanent large US troop reserve (30 or 50k? cant remember). Oh and the US nuclear umbrella as well, of course. Cant forget that one too. So just to wrap it up, no. As long as the military and economic status quo persists, it's pretty much a no-go.
that's quite literally impossible
friendly reminder that pic related is going to happen in the next 30 years once putin and erdogan are gone, and it makes the average american shart his pants
It appears they also expect to admit Catalonia, from this hypothetical map.
"Is it possible?"
Short answer: no. Long answer: fuck no.
Hope that helps.
P.S. No.
this guy gets it
>Short answer: no. Long answer: fuck no.
Both wrong. It is not just possible, it will happen. Europe is Russia’s number 1 trading partner by far. Post Putin, there will be a free trade treaty and association membership on the table. And from there it is only a few small steps towards full membership.
Young Russians all want to be part of the big European family and have freedom of movement. Once all thr Soviet diehards are gone, this will be like Ukraine joining the EU (happening in 10yrs or so).
>merkelbots believe this
You can add all the Stan countries, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and maybe Mongolia (so Finland has some friends).
What a halal picture
Dont forget the EU national anthem
How can Americlaps and Chinks compete?
You know it has to be done.
>Don't forget the EU national anthem
I never did.
Because i am not an island monkey.
>You know it has to be done.
I know but does Russia know?Right now they are trying to commit suicide, getting swallowed up by China trough ASEAN.
>ecclesiastical pronunciation
the jews did this
have fun being an undemocratic monolith of corruption and nepotism that will be slaughtered by countries that will industrialize or cecede
Despite the fierce Putin propaganda, many people in Russia understand it. Remove Putin and it can be done. But Germany also has to get rid of USA influence for this to happen.
>But Germany also has to get rid of USA influence for this to happen.
Trump is single handedly destroying any influence the USA had anywhere on the planet.Remove Putin and his oligarchs and we can start fixing Russia and Ukraine.
Slav countries were always shit tier, they are shit tier and they will remain shit tier even beyond the heatdeath of the univers
also no unkrain
looking forward to extending the commonwealth
Why do Turks hate the slavs so much?
Why are there people who think the EU is anti-Russia? Yeah, sure there's some occasional declarations where they "condemn" things but otherwise they seem to do business just fine with Russia, especially Germany.
What the Ukraine events showed us is that Western Europe doesn't give a shit about what Russia does to others and they basically have the same appeasement policy of the 30s.
stop posting strong Orthodox Zubr
>papist pederas
>serbia in the EU
what is this, 2050?
Russia kept Central Europe in chains for 50 years. Plus the Americans would freak out. They'd literally sperg out if Russia joined. Russia is far too big and powerful inside the EU they would take control. Their society is full of dangerous bastards like Chechens or Russian mafia that would effectively become super terrorist criminals if allowed into schengen. The Bulgarians are bad enough.
Jokes on you I was born in ukrain myself :^)
slav culture is infirior in almost every aspect, we llready have shit tier nations ala Bulgaria
>Russia joins the EU
Kind of defeats the entire purpose of the EU doesn't it?
Russians have plenty of muslims, more than enough to qualify for euronigger status
russia dont have a motive to enter in the eu their industries cant compit ,it need at leasst 30 years to russia to became technically advanced enought.And with the euro all the comparative advantages are gone is long way
At some point in the future may be viable ,
For you guys? Yes. For the peoples of Europe? Haha hell no
What?Since when are Bulgarians considered slavic?
Jewish Emigre?
>implying Russia is european
Depends on what you think the purpose of the EU is.
If Russia joined they would take over the EU and uncuck it. Putin is ether Nazbol or natsoc.
Something like 9 million isn't it? Russia are far too huge to integrate. Serbia is already being talked about being a member too far. That being said its a geopolitical problem. They are cultured and a European country in many ways if they were a lot smaller it could work
and german dont want to loose their supremaci over the eu,so the chances even if russia wanted are small
Just as long as it doesn't ruin anime.
OK, why do europoors on Sup Forums show up in their state flags, you should should all be EU flags since I can't select my state, you shouldn't have that option either.
No? It's the entire purpose of NATO - 'Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down'
But Americans should fuck off already. You can't keep Germany and Russia away from each other.
Russia enters EU, NATO abolished, EU army created, Chinks and Amerimutts on suicide watch.
>an ASIAN country joining an EUROPEAN union
learn geography hohol
Not possible. Russia wants to lead (dominate), not be told what to do from Brussels or Berlin.
not possible in the next 20 years. And they'd have to give you back Crimea first
loves Islam(ok Nazis liked this),
loves Jews,
loves censorship(ok Nazis liked this),
hates conservationism(ok Nazis liked this)
hates free markets(ok Nazis liked this)
yeah probably nazi but not uncuked or even right wing
besides muh gayze how is he right wing again
we should just go for a eurasia union at this point...
>United Ireland.
No, that's the thing. It won't be able to take it over, Russia would be pacified instead.
Putin wakes up every day and his first thoughts centre around how to fan the flames of nationalism in Europe for the purpose of breaking up the EU. I love Putin!
Once the Eu opened the boarder most of Russia population would move to Germany to be redistributed to the nearest "gibs me dat" state.
>Full retard
>Russia and Japan join an alliance called European Union
Sure smells like Hearts of Iron IV in here.
Oh, so you're not retarded. Just CIA. I understand now.
Still plugging away at the ol' Philosoraptor protocols, kike?
>american education
No, it's you who should learn both geography and history.
77% of Russian population live in European part. And around 82% of Russian population are ethnically European.
No way it is Asian. Putin pushes this whole Eurasian idea, but it's total nonsense. It's just an excuse to distance from EU, like Russia is some kind of special and strong country and don't need no EU.
to stop the inmigrant it will be the best action plans millions of russian will move to the west making economy refugees without a use the capitalist.
It may be the only form to stop the paquistanization of europe
the idea the left cant meme has been discredited.
Muh Russia got stupid conservatives who don't know shit about Russia to shill for it.
Sincerely a conservative atheist who wants to abolish welfare because dysgenics
You cunt pussy. Turks dont even know what the word "slav" means. They are bussy in clubs fucking german women and working. they are out in 8 pm and never heard about twitter or Sup Forums.
They will Balkanise Russia first
Still don't care as long as the EU is broken into pieces and nationalism rises.
Guarantee over the next twenty years the EU will Morph into a European Ethno state we can already see the old order giving way to the new.
Fuck off cunt. If that happens you will become a Chinese puppet. Australia is always the poodle of the latest power whether "poms" or "seppas". Your already half chinese.
Unlike rapefugees and some other countries that entered EU, Russia is very resource-rich country. Russians just can't utilize it on their own, but EU will be able to. And EU lacks resources to attain superpower status.
So even if there's going to be some influx of immigrants, it's going to be worth it overall.
And for strong EU army, I believe Russia will be a great addition. It's still 2nd strongest army of the World, after all.
And I don't really understand this whole "Russia will take EU over", there's going to be plenty of counterbalance countries to it. Russia outside EU is much greater threat to it.
>but if they want to join my club it's ok ;)
really makes me think huh?
you don't get it do you?
Putin is NOT trying to help conservatism or destroy the EU.
Russia just has nothing to offer teh EU than be a boogie man.
Do you have any idea how hard it would be for the EU to have a federal EU army if Russia was involved?
extremely difficult because who is this army going to be "Defending against"
Please sop making conservatives look like idiots stop giving the left fuel to question the legitimacy of any election they don't like
Australians have no backbone. trying to convince them to run an independent foreign policy is an effort in futility they are completely pozz'd by America and China.
we are closer and closer to this
At the moment Japan is cozying up to the US. It would be a strange union anyways.
But it would bridge the high IQ countries of the world across the Eurasian continent. Hmm. Don't know what to hink of it. It's certainly not a European Union anymore, then.
That's like including Sweden into the Pan-African Union. Memes aside, that would defeat the entire point of the enterprise.
Dream on...
too many white people would never go along with that and do you seriously thing the leftist politicians are going to stop the welfare that they have bought their votes with.
Only a massive breakdown of the social order would allow such a thing to happen and oustide forces would subvert any uprising turning it into a puppet.
Pretty much this will be built bey the left and right thinking hey are going to have any say in how things are run
If Russia gets into EU, it runs the EU. It's either that or balkanization.
I'm serious mate the biggest gains being made in European Politics are from Right Wing parties. Once the continents 68ers die off it is GG. Ironically the opposite is true for you and America.
Russia has a fast falling popularion. When they join in 2050, it will be 80 million and thus as much as Germany has.
And Russia is part of Council of Europe already anyway?
What is the Asian country doing there then?
this belarus looks like switzerland inside of EU
Their demographics are recovering well but you are right the 90's fucked them hard.