Sup Forums is done for.
Checked. Praise kek.
jews are trying to kill kek.
Hebephilia ≠ Pedophilia
Nobody gives a fuck pedo. Kill yourself.
This isn't up for debate.
No, it isn't. Attraction to females capable of producing offspring is perfectly natural and not comparable to Pedophilia, I totally agree.
Nothing you say matters.
That's kind of rude. I think what you have to say, matters.
Your mental disposition has no place in our new world.
What mental disposition? What "new world"?
The world without zionism, talmudism, or Jewry.
I don't support any of these things.
>be autistic incel
>socially retarded
>no drive, ambition or goals
>live entire life glued to computer screen
>plays video games to fill void
>browses Sup Forums
>sees pedowood threads
>dedicates his life to "research" with other incels
>thinks this gives his other wise meaningless existence a purpose
>does nothing but wander through the rabbit hole with no exit
I wonder why anyone would willingly put themselves into this type of situation?
And then I begin to realize you kids have no drive or ambition, aimlessly wandering through life because your crippling depression got the better of you. I understand how you feel and If I can give you kids one bit of advice, it would be that this story doesn't have a happy ending.
Be Jewish. Shill on this site for over a year. Accomplish nothing.
Top kek.
>be autistic incel
>no drive or ambition
>suffer from depression
>play video games all day
>glued to computer chair
>browse Sup Forums one day
>see a bullshit pizzagate thread
>((((autism intensifies))))
>thinks he's gonna be a hero
>starts believing in photo shopped pictures and minor coincidences
>((((confirmation bias intensifies))))
>joins a discord dedicated to "pizzagate investigation"
>instantly put on a watch list
When will you naive little boys learn? There is no salvation in this life. You spend your free time aimlessly wandering in the dark, well let me help guide through this rabbit hole. This pizzagate phenomenon is nothing more than the incoherent ramblings and fixations of a mentally unstable person. When you feed into this mental illness it will consume you..
You literally copied and pasted the same talking point as the kid above me.
You again? Bumping just to spite this fucking kuck
The problem with #pizzagate is the fact that the so called "investigators" never seem to have any concrete evidence that would actually end up indicting these so called pedos, instead they just constantly rehash the same old photo shopped macros and claim they are making a difference some how. What these arm chair detectives don't seem to understand is just because you can doctor a photo to look a certain way and take a few minor coincidences out of context to fit your narrow world view doesn't make it legitimate or even note worthy. I recommend anyone who is a spectator to take note of the OP and his lack of substance and over all evidence about the very people he is trying to slander with outlandish accusations that wouldn't hold up in a kangaroo court let alone a real one.
My verdict for #pizzagate is very #fakenews
You're a kike shill. Kys.
wow another pizza bologna thread
How does it feel spamming these conspiracy theorists and claiming it's legit? You kids need CONCRETE evidence when you make such outlandish claims
anyways saged and reported
Just reminding you of what you protect.
He's afraid
You showed them a mirror.
No sane human being would shill for pedos, they would be simply quiet and lurk moar. Only actual pedos do that.
Discouragement shill detected
Deploy memetic combat squadrons
the sweetest feeling in this life is incinerating purity
the thought of taking away innocence is such a rush ughhhh
It's easier to control your puppets, when they're gay, or pedos.
If they ever step out of line, you have all the dirt you need to destroy them. These are the people the system would select for, which makes them rise to the top.
It makes perfect sense. The cult like aspect of their degenerate behavior, only helps to bind them even further into secrecy.
>No Trump on the meme?
You're a pedo globalist shill, please kill yourself
So lets see. Jews have
>Nuclear Blackmail
>Pedo Blackmail
>Monetary economic blackmail
Seems like all these kikes know how to do is blackmail.
Says the meme flag kike.
If you're defending this disgusting shit, then you're obviously a pedo, and you need to be tortured in a way that it takes you at least three days to die.
Isn't it funny the same shills who have shilled for months suddenly comes to the defense of
>Bannon and Roy Moore
>Wesintein and Epstein
>Deny Pizzagate
>Call Trump a pedo
You know what ties it all together? The shills are all Jewish Zionist operations.
Sons of Israel
Oh! how they cheer
When their victims experience
anguish and fear
Sweaty and nervous when the tables turn
For all your crimes in the ovens you burn.
Trump is the pedogate boss
When it will be revealed the network will die, you're doing everything you can for that not to happen
people will know about your ploy
Nobody listens to meme flags.
If you just made this look like a news article - white BG, simple text, non-shooped pic - more people would actually pay attention and read it.
They won’t even check for a source, they will just believe that it is true. You could put a date and a Jewish by-line name but even that is probably not necessary.
The way these macros are now look like fake conspiracy theory stuff. Like old ‘aliens are real’ tabloids from the 90s.
Put the information out in a format that is more likely to be read and believed by new readers, otherwise you’re just preaching to the choir.
Damn it, I wish I could find Gary Oldmen's quote from the Playboy interview where he said he was invited to Hollywood parties, but there were other parties he could see just above him, that were so exclusive and secretive, that even he couldn't get in.
Gary Fucking Oldman. He was basically saying there are Hollywood parties for the Tribe only. God knows what they do at those.
Did you ever see Katt williams on hollywood partiers? youtu.be
Dave Chappelle said something very similar. He said do you really think all of these Black Comedians just suddenly go crazy, or maybe were they invited to something, asked to do something so sick and disgusting, that they couldn't handle it because of their religious beliefs?
I wonder what he could have been talking about?
Oh shit, is that a real image from the show?
Bumping with the dopey prince and his child sex slaves. Fuck the democrats amd their pedophile mates.
>Saudi Princess Amira Bint Aidan Bin Nayef went on a rampage against the ruling Saudi regime in her exclusive statements to the French newspaper Le Monde, saying slavery in Saudi Arabia has different forms, but it is done in secrecy and permitted only among the primary beneficiaries of the princes of the House of Saud.
>She mentioned one of the most repulsive things: buying and renting the children, especially the orphans, from countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, Djibouti, Somalia, Nigeria, Romania and Bulgaria.
>According to Aidan, the ex-wife of the Saudi Prince Al Waleed bin Talal, who was recently arrested in scope of the anti-corruption purges in the country, those who accuse others of corruption and money laundering, are in fact highly corrupted themselves.
>Russian online newsportal Fort Russ reports quoting Aden’s interview on Le Monde, the princess said they’ve turned the city of Jeddah into a slave market where underage girls are being exploited for noisy sex parties involving drug and alcohol abuse.
>She said that one of the main reasons why this keeps going on is that the members of the Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice (Saudi Sharia police) tend to keep away from the matter, fearing they might lose their jobs, should they intervene.
>The children become the property of those who buy them and are not allowed to leave without permission.
>Even the Asian maids who come to work often find themselves in a kind of slave-like position. Young girls are divided into smaller groups and exploited for immoral acts.
>Trafficking of white women and exploiting them for sexual practices is also relatively common.
All roads lead back to Israel and the Rothschilds.
There's more to it than that.
what show?
Wrong archive. Fuck
I know,
>kidnapping, drugging, torturing, raping, and ritually murdering pre-teens isn't QUITE as bad as doing it to children
True Detective.
You guys think they SHUT IT DOWN cuz the content was hitting too close to home?