So much free time and freedom!

> be childfree and single
>have my own place and car just for myself
>have savings because I don’t have any kids to feed or take care of
>have free time for myself to do whatever the fuck I want , working out , going out , studying technology stuff, relaxing...
>I can spend all of my money in whatever I want just for myself (no children birthdays, no children tuitions fees, children clothing , etc)
>I don’t have to waste my own time listening to my gfs problems since I don’t have a gf anymore (sex is totally overrated and not worth your freedom)
>have free time to hang out with my friends , play video games at home and work out together
>have total freedom about my life , no kids or wife on my way to freedom
> I can sleep all day long when I get home. No children to take care of or annoying wife to listen to. Just me , myself and I.
> I can take a hot bath with the lights turned off , aromatic candles all around me while listening to my favourite relaxing music during hours. I could never do this with a wife or children.

Somehow I am a degenerate for living a quiet and comfy life according to Sup Forums

I don’t even earn much money , I work part time and have loads of free time since I work very early in the morning

Why should I sacrifice this freedom ? Why should I live by the script and throw my life away ? Why should I settle down , work on a relationship and raise my kids when I can be free ?

You guys keep blaming the Jews for all of your problems but truth is you guys are really free to do whatever you want with your lives.
You are the ones slaving yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:

feels good man

Good job being a responsible person. If you wanna have happy life kill the notion that you need a wife. Jesus says straight up don’t do it.

so who´s also living the dream?

Me. Bout to be making six figures with no bitch and no kids

If we didn't have alimony laws and child support, then I might live with a woman. But at the moment it's a huge risk to take for bitches that are incapable of feeling love. I'm pretty much the same.

Too many people already on this world.

Free yourself from women and kids and you will have a happy stressless life.

I helped create a white male who now lives with his mother of three other white kids in another state, with no obligations other than an annual visit. I also save entire paychecks every month.

I'm living the best of both worlds.

Nice man! Keep up the good work.

This. Set up a retirement fund and travel the world.



>have 5 kids
>doctors, engineers, lawyers
>retire at 60, they pay for things

I’m going impregnate a woman, but I’m never going to marry her unless the laws change

Meme flag chameleon over here

>that ID

holy caps

Sup cozybros. Nothing on this earth feels better than working a job that makes me shitpots of money that I can take home and do exactly what the fuck I WANT TO DO WITH IT.
Also my dog is cool, sex is way overrated, and I'm not even 30 yet.

There is no point in traveling the world anymore. You can see most cities using the internet. Just use google maps or blogs , youtube, VR glasses , whatever. They are all the same.

You dont need to spend a fortune discovering the world and travelling anymore.

I´d save that money and live an easy life.

You will feel something as you get older. It's something you can't describe or put your finger on, but it's a void inside yourself. You will use your money and time to try to fill it, but nothing will help. You will become depressed and sad, but you will double down on your childfree life and continue trying to fill that void. Except nothing works, and now you are in your 40s with professional accomplishments only. By all means, you SHOULD be happy, you at least put that face on in public, but now you are suicidal. You are drinking more than ever, maybe even doing drugs (cause why not? you have more than enough money and no responsibilities). Now you are in your 50s and your health is declining, you need a support system but your family has been dead for years and all your friends are married with kids, living their life. You are more alone than ever now, hoping this next glass of single malt scotch will be your last as you pray to a god you never believed in to finally end your meaningless life. You then realize that it was all a ploy by (((them))) as you finish the last sip and your heart finally stops.

PEEINDICKS ID?!?! Lucky!!!!

There's like....100 bucks in that pic

I blow through that every day....

All you have to do is ditch that dog and you’re free

Vr glasses don’t exactly convey the same experience as bar hopping with two escorts in a foreign country

Never getting rid of my buddy, plus he alerts on niggers walking by the house, nobody else. Love that dude.

You forgot
>within a generation, become a minority in your country
>the new "countrymen" vote in to increase your taxes
>lose all your money
>later get killed by commies for being bourgeoisie

lol, nice projection. PS nursing homes are full of people who's families never visit. you'll be sure they'll all turn up like vultures when they die though.

>When the projection hits too hard

You forgot the part about having 14 million in your 401k

Don’t you get tired of posting your larp every day? Wise herb in options

This is what the average normy thinks.

Maybe you should get some sleep and rest well user. what is that? You havent slept for YEARS? wow it must be terrible, not being able to sleep because of your children.

You should take it easy man, go on vacations and relax dude. What is that? You dont have money nor time to go on vacations?

wow. No wonder your health is declining and you´ll be DESTROYED by the time you turn 50.

Unlike me , I work out 4 times a week, eat well, rest well and have no stress in my life due to children or women.

feels good man.

Guess you’re a homebody

I don't actually have any kids and I work from home. Life is comfy.

Nursing homes are really just social clubs and they're great fun for everyone involved.

Sup Forums is just a bunch of autistic memers, don't take anything you see here seriously

Thanks to viagra old people just bang each other all day now.

Who let's their kids keep them up? After you're sure your baby is fed, not dirty, and obviously just tired you let them cry themselves to sleep once or twice at bedtime and then you never have to deal with the crying again, they go right to sleep after the first time or two.

And as they get older you teach them to take care of themselves, my kid makes his own breakfast and lunch for school, only thing I ever make is dinner, and I'm making that for myself anyways so why should I care to make a little extra?

>I don't actually have any kids and I work from home. Life is comfy.

And why do you want to fuck up your comfy life just to bring up more kids into a fucked up world?

Thats great user. But I have some questions:
1. How old are you, and what are you really doing with your life?
2. How much time do you spend being productive and active?
3. Are you using your extra resources and time to truly realize yourself, or are you merely mediocre?

A life spent avoiding failure due to not trying and being content with mediocrity is fine, but how satisfied are you really? Humans, for the most part, have sought to create something that endures past themselves, extending and expanding human continuity, and children were always deemed essential to that.

If you have made the choice to be childfree and its genuienly a rational decision, not bitterness, misanthropy, fear of responsibility and pathological selfishness etc., then by all means, godspeed. But how are you gonna like life when you're alone at 45? 50? How will you face old age with no enduring legacy. assuming you remain mediocre as well as childfree.

>raised by single mother

He's gonna be a faggot, user

Oh wow nothing can keep down the amazing liar man

You ARE a child.

Lol ~$300 at a faggot dog? Haha okay. Yeah, WAAAY better than a loving family.

Sometimes it just happens accidentally and I am old enough to be a dad now. I too hate this world, but maybe my kid will make me not hate it as much. IDK, but he will be here early next year so I will find out.

Stop posting this pasta it is pathetic. You will die alone and sad.

>Who let's their kids keep them up?

OH you know ... parents that actualy care about their children? If it cries in the middle of the night you should go check out on them.

Why are you ignoring your kid when he cries? you are not a good father

Lie****. Lie!***. Big lie!***. Bigger lie*** little lie!**** another big lie!***

I don't follow.

Yeah. So happy and free he gets to post this pasta hourly and reply to himself ten times in the thread. Living the dream!

Cash me outside nicca


>have total freedom about my life , no kids or wife on my way to freedom

You can do everything, AND are on the way to freedom?
What is freedom for you? Death..?

Get a girl and see what happens after that, howmuch you value your time alone.

Oh shit this anymore anons right

20 years old, 30 years old, 60 years old. I do not care for what i leave behind, i will be happy now. All things expire.

Holy shit I’m so retarded. I totally missed the schizo

A faggot or a NEET

Don't listen to them.
Only the strong should breed. You're doing a service.

My kid slept through the night when he was a baby.

I can confirm the crying thing. We made the mistake with the first one of jumping up every time he whimpered and it became a multiple times a night occurrence. With we just let him cry it out and by nine months old he was sleeping through the night. He wouldn't even cry in the morning when he wanted to get up. He'd just stand up in his crib and look out the window.

THIS. op is a fucking retard

I could be cleaning shit off the walls or trying to calm down my crying son while listening to my wife talking shit BUT instead i am relaxing , playing games and shitposting on the internet.

Is this isnt living the dream I dont know what it is.

>I can take a hot bath with the lights turned off , aromatic candles all around me while listening to my favourite relaxing music during hours. I could never do this with a wife or children.
Yes, having a wife and kids is especially challenging for homosexuals

Literally a useless fuck. If you kys it won't even matter. You're like an animal living for the sake of momentary pleasure impulse satiation.

When you are on your deathbed and childless and have no legacy to carry on your name, and you realise how meaningless and hedonistic your life has been, you will bitterly regret choosing the selfish path.

What is more meaningful? Participating in scientific research, which relieves pain or despair caused by disease/illness or having a couple kids?

t.mad parents
go pick your kids up from school you cucks

thanks boomers

listen at the end of the day, this useless fuck gets to enjoy life, have money, free time and do whatever the fuck I want.

How many languages can you even speak "useful fuck" ? I am sure I can do more stuff than you.

Funny and sad at the same time.

I avoided the bullet matrix style.
>Married childhood sweetheart
>Sup Forums wet dream girl: conservative, religious, family girl, barely went out, non degenerate.
>both working
>Makes friends in work with a group of feminists
>Suddenly starts calling me controlling, outdated, she says she "was giving up on living her life for my sake" and "wants the experience she missed in college"
>Nothing I tell her gets to her and calls me abusive
>I see where this is going and sure enough goes there
>Served with divorce papers
>Since I live in a no alimony state, both worked and had no children the 50/50 split was fairly ok.
Now that we separated I suddenly see how much money and time I was wasting on her. I have like $9000 saved doing absolutely nothing, even taking into account that now I pay the full rent and utilities.

Some dutchfag posted this a few days ago. Fuck off with this pasta.

Bro you mind hooking me up I will make up her collage days :)