Why is everyone so mean to asuka

why is everyone so mean to asuka

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She brings it on herself. May she stop being a completely rotten person one day.

They are jealous of her beauty.

dumb lil bitch

Act like a bitch, get smacked like a bitch.

Okay, she´s severely fucked up, but that´s no excuse for being a bitchcunt all the time.

asuka did nothing wrong tho

Rei is best


wrr ong

ugly tranny

Some "people" that browse Sup Forums are completely tasteless faggots that I would have no qualms putting in a shallow grave personally.


I do remember one girl getting smacked.

Because she's a cunt who exhibits psychopathy that borders on solipsism.

Am I pretty yet user-kun?

Because she's a bitch and fucked in the head.

Asuka is like all those fat feminist ugly fucks on tumblr that put men down just because they're too unattractive to get dick

Crazy angry bitch.
Creepy robot.
Drunk manipulative hag.
I honestly wouldn't stick my dick in anything from Evangelion.


17 posts and 12 replies. It's just filenames kun samefagging. Just do a bombing run on the Rei /c/ thread so it'll shut up. Only a matter of time before the retard kills itself.

What the fuck is wrong with its neck
Germans are always fugly

Take it, bitch!

Make a single step closer to /rei/ and i'll make you regret it, I swear to fucking god

>post in my thread more than once

of course I'm a samefag, but usually it's just called posting.

I'll fucking torch it to the ground if I so wish, shitsniffer. I effectively brought down a website, what makes you think I can't I can't turn that shitty general into a wasteland if I wanted to?

Make like that one Kaworufag and off yourself already, please. The fandom has ill need of your presence.

Sure bud.

>I effectively brought down a website
Wow so badass

Damn right I'm a badass, queerbag. Badass enough to even use punctuation, unlike your mouthbreathing Reifag ass.

Now stop posting forever because Mr. Badass has some badass things to be badass about like calling people faggots elsewhere and edging to ecchi.

every time


Why are asucucks so cringeworthy? Oh right, they have a transvestite for a waifu.
A waifu who is constantly triggered by Rei's superiority, by the way.

Nice Redditspeak you abysmal newshit. How about you fuck off over there. I hear they adore faggots such as yourself and is packed to the gills with other homosexuals who like Rei.

You would know what Redditspeak sounds like, wouldn't you asucuck?
I'm not the one with the man for a waifu, faggot.

She's a fuckin bitch

WOW project much asuka?



daily reminder that asuka sees shinjis tiny hard penis in the dub

>"is it supposed to be that small?"
>"eww its got a vein"

>dub indicative of anything
>posting a non anime image on Sup Forums

Because she is a dick to everyone else.

>being this autistic
Leave. oh wait nvm, this is the perfect place for you.

At least you recognize you don't belong here. Now fuck off.

boo hoo little autistic boy is upset

Best girl tbqh senpaitachi
Episode 22 DC was a miracle, still shitting myself and praising Anno's genius over those mindfuck montages


>all these people being meanies to asuka

It's mostly just one samefag. They're all just jealous of Asuka.

She was dumb enough to think an autistic Japanese teenager would interpret a bible reference as a sex invitation


>ywn be baka shinji

Moot was nice to her

I like to think that one day I'll be in Shinji's position but it's impossible to tell what happens after death. I'd like to think my commitment to Asuka will be acknowledged and rewarded, but I have no idea honestly. Things just seem so dismal sometimes, you know?

If I retain memory of this life but am not with Asuka I'd just rather wipe the slate clean, I feel like.

As an addendum I don't even know if I'll have the choice in the matter, whatever happens. I guess it's pretty pointless to just postulate like this when any number of things could happen and we, as a species, can't speak to the validity of any of it.

Maybe nothingness awaits. Maybe I'll get an awesome harem for putting up with life's bullshit. Ultimately no one knows and whoever may certainly hasn't made said information accessible in the least.

Nothingness awaits, just like the billions of years before your birth. I welcome it with open arms.

Well there are worse alternatives, since you literally cannot experience nothingness since "you" don't exist at that point, I'd still feel very "Really? That's it?" granted I could feel anything at that point, which given the hypothetical I couldn't.

That's the great cosmic joke. You worry all your life about this shit. But when the time comes it becomes irrelevant. To think your ego is somehow still consicous on some plane is ridiculous. It's just a bunch of nerve connections. you die. you dead. Welcome to nothingness.

Well I understand the sentiment of this position and the comic (not cosmic) nature of it all, I find it impossible to speak on the affirmative on any of it. Assuming we catch a break in a return to nothingness is as arrogant as assuming there's no way we can return to nothingness, in my opinion.