Quite fun, but holy fuck isn't it inconsistent. What does /a think?

Quite fun, but holy fuck isn't it inconsistent. What does /a\ think?

Squealer did NOTHING wrong.

He hurt an innocent lesbian
Fuck Saki for betraying Maria like that

First ~10 epsidoes are a mess.


Except for literally everything

Do you consider monkeys as humans?

I absolutely loved this series, it was great seeing Ash Ketchum grow up in this anime.

"Fun" is not the word I would use to describe it. Not even a little bit.

Race traitor go and stay go

It's one of those shows that seems amazing, but when you actually think about why it's amazing you can't come up with a reason. It's mainly due to the soundtrack.

You are the race traitor for supporting a literal rat who wanted to kill humans

I liked it a lot, the world was really interesting, talking about this show with my friends never ceases to be a fun event

Sry, fellow \a/colyte.
Except for being born as an inferior creature

It was really good, but the most of the "twists" were easy to predict. Not sure if the revelation in the final episode was supposed to be shocking, but it just felt more like a confirmation for something that most people had probably already figured out ages ago. The characters were alright, but the mood is what made the show. That appelbaumwhatever syndrom shit was actually really disturbing.

It's amazing due to semi-postapo dystopian future, social issues and good characters, but unfortunately it wanst thought out well enough and turns out dumb for the most of it

Hearing the main melody from the 2nd movement of the New World symphony still gets to me after watching it. That work was in no way foreign to me before hand (as I'm a cellist), but man, it really messes with me now.

Very haunting.

Manga was better

I only read a single Chapter after the Anime. And we all know which one that was.

Boring as shit

Yeah I thought it was great. It will probably join the ranks of Kaiba, Ping-Pong, and possibly now Flip Flappers as shows that will be fondly remembered by several but never massively known.

I enjoyed how the society was depicted as a sort of shitty place but also pretty much the best thing the people could come up with.

I liked it. I wanted to fuck Saki.

>It's one of those shows that seems amazing, but when you actually think about why it's amazing you can't come up with a reason.
It's really hard to put into words and whenever I try it sounds really dumb.

The only thing that made no sense was the random as fuck change to everyone being homo. How did they explain that, again? I know it had something to do with monkeys, but it was an entirely random thing that was just thrown in there out of nowhere.

>literal monkeys with esp
Do you really categorize yourself as such?

Stress relief and general boost to happiness

He's not the one identifying as a disgusting inhuman morally-bankrupt homosexual esper.

This, combined with the loss of the technology needed for condoms.

According to the original book kids in this society are expected to have homosexual relationships when they are young. The book mentions gay blowjobs and Saki says that she has experience pleasing other girls. Only when they become old enough, as marked by that ritual they had to pair up in, they are then expected to have hetrosexual relationship, and homosexual is seen to be childish.

It was less "everyone is gay" to "Children get to enjoy free love"

I guess the best visual metaphor they had for that was homolust. But I'm sure some kids were banging people of the opposite gender two.

I think it was mentioned that heterosexual sex was forbidden until a certain age. And it's very unlikely that offenders would be able to keep it hidden.

Only instance of proper scifi outside of a high tech setting i've conme across. It has its flaws in production and pacing but i love it for what it is.

I'm with you on this one, Squealer did that one thing wrong. And he deserved to die for it.

Probably my favourite show, absolutely loved it all the way through. Recommended it to my normie brother and even he thought it was amazing, I honestly don't understand why it's not considered a classic or anything.

Okay, I'll try anyway.

What makes SSY great is it being an unconventional dystopia. It uses supernatural elements, but only ever to exaggerate problems that also exist in real life. It is very grounded and very weird at the same time. Also the book goes into crazy amounts of detail to depict every facet of life in their society.

Most misleading poster ever or most misleading poster in the universe? I feel so bad for people who went into it expecting a moe lighthearted SoL.

I really liked being mislead that way. But it kind of falls apart at the first scene.

>a fucking pig looking like some miserable creep on the back
To be fair I didn't think it would be THAT dark at first

I loved every second of it. It is by no means perfect, but it has a great story and is very well done.

The uniform design and most of the clothing design in general is top tier

Dem yoga pants.

It is pretty well known.