You know the drill.
You're waifu is posted you get on the floor and do 30 push ups.
You know the drill.
You're waifu is posted you get on the floor and do 30 push ups.
I do 30 push ups every morning, my waifu won't get posted anyway.
Get those fat neet arms pumping for your emperor
What is doing 30 daily good for? Any body benefits?
let me try
yes, some benefits
Better than just exercising one arm, I guess.
you're constantly in shape to be able to do 30 push ups daily and you know it
it's better than not doing anything, it's worse than going to the gym
Such as?
Better get ready for those push ups.
Don't be a weakass pussy, do 100!
Most normies struggle with 10 in one session.
waifu so rare ima do 50 if she gets posted
shes actually from a korean MMO huehuehue
with this I get half of Sup Forums making push ups
Imagine her with a shredded sickcunt. Kinda silly.
Damn it user, why did you have to post Mai? Nah, just kidding, I usually train them one armed
If you guys start posting female characters from various fairly popular, but not often discussed recent animes, I might get some workout tonight
a moment of silence for all the waifus that never get posted
Feeling safe, no one ever seems to post her for anything
Did 40 for Maki~
Here's hoping I take someone out
Her anime was universally well received but I barely see any discussion about it.
These are all my waifus and I won't do a single push up.
Uwot, half of the treads is people shitting on the fanbase and show
Nah I was talking about mine, I guess I worded it wrong
>arms literally too weak to support my skeleton body
Do I just lift dumbells or something, until my arms are stronk enough?
Ah, kk. what show? Klk?
>mio posted first
I've already been biking today though, how about 30 extra minutes of bass practice instead
man, i really hope someone posts mine. but she is long forgotten
Get on the floor.
Fuck, there I go.
Do them on your knees or at an incline. If you can't even with that do them against a wall.
>You're waifu
its your waifu You're waifu means you are waifu dum dum
how fucking new are you? luark more
Do them on an incline, like leaning on the edge of your bed or something
If you can't even do that then do it against the wall
Doing it for Nero.
I'm surprised nobody posted my waifu despite her being well known.
You will never post my waifu user.
I don't know if I love my waifu anymore, or if she would love me.
Feels bad.
Fucking hell you weebs find a real gf you fags disgust me
Do it. Now.
But I hate fat girls.
Cause you have shit taste, mfw its sakura
I hate western girls.
30 push ups is like 1 minute of actual work. You will not see any real results from doing it.
>not contributing to the thread
What if im nothing at all as is and cant do 30?
Definetely not true love
what if it's my only workout in last month
I did it
Then you'll get even less results. Because work outs must be maintained in order to yield anything.
See, if you really wanted some kind of work out with little to no effort, just keep your stomach muscles tightened all day and never let them relax. This will gradually build you very strong and toned abs and back. Plus, you can do it while you are just sitting around watching anime.
>if you really wanted some kind of work out with little to no effort, just keep your stomach muscles tightened all day and never let them relax.
But that makes it incredibly hard to breathe
You should stop breathing too, so it's a win-win.
Not him but breathe up with your chest.
That's how females did it in corsets
That's a pretty shitty "work out". You'll compromise your breathing by establishing the shitty habit of breathing high into the chest all day.
You'll be compromising your health and longevity that way.
And that's why they were fainting all the time.
Do it
Holy shit you fags are fucking retarded. If you actually wanna get in shape lift and do sprints. Dont half ass it. 30 push up isnt gonna do shit.
You're an idiot. And there was no reason for you to make these separate posts.
You will not compromise you breathing at all. In fact, it actually builds stronger lungs because it makes you body have a constant need for more oxygen as it's always using it at a faster rate because your muscles are always being used.
You can look up any well known fitness guide and it will tell you that one of the only way yo achieve real results with abs is by doing your work outs with your stomach tightened.
You find it hard to breath with your stomach tightened because you are so out of shape that any muscle exertion at all causes you to need a lot more oxygen in your blood.
No, that's because corsets cut off actual blood flow. Nothing to do with air.
It's just for fun you fucking sperg.
You're = You are
Given I doubt the average Sup Forums user is this dumb explain this meme to me
Here,have a rare waifu.
Damn, lost.
>nobody ever has or ever will post my waifu
god dammit you got me
Tell us user.
It might restrict blood flow in the abdomen and legs, but the loss of consciousness comes from the brain not getting enough oxygen. Guess which one the corset restricts more, breathing or blood circulation in the head?
Sakura Oogami from Danganronpa
10/10 taste.
Shit taste
>muh personality