This is your first mammalian ancestor

This is your first mammalian ancestor.

Other urls found in this thread:–Urey_experiment

To think that evolved into this.


is that Adelobasileus?

This is the first Jew

he's a qt

This is your very first ancestor.

According to evolution.

That's not made of cells.
I guess you can argue it's a prerequisite of sorts, but it's not a living organism, so by definition it can't be your ancestor. Our first ancestor is very early bacteria from the sea.

Missing a few elements and some lightning.–Urey_experiment


what is that?
>inb4 a fish

We need to go deeper

actually not a rodent
rodents appear over 100 million years after this creature at the earliest

That's a brave rat

for you

why wont you let me have fun:(

I just happened to read a lot about the origin of rodents a while ago. Pure coincidence

parasite that chills in the fishies mouth

It's crazy to think that thing became niggers.

So just that I understand you correctly. You belief that amino acids formed spontaneously, then they formed DNA miraculously and at the same time the proteins needed to decode and read or copy the DNA and proteins able to manufacture proteins according to the DNAs plans?

Basically we have a logical problem here because proteins are highly complex and folded 3D structures like the DNA, hence to get to DNA you already need the manufacturing proteins to make the proteins needed to built the DNA.


>Our first ancestor is very early bacteria from the sea.
Probably ayys that jizzed in the ocean. Bastards, look at what they caused.

it actually is though lol. That big fish could of pulled him under and ate him

that's not my ancestor, that's not Adam

God made Adam, and then he made Eve

Adam wasnt born of a rodent

Someone make a "my ancestor" meme pls

How do you know? You don't know Adam's lifestyle..

how they dealt with the retarded kids from incest??

If you are a human being on Earth, you have a FUCK TON of incest in your family tree.


best theory ive seen is that a big lightning bolt hit the spot where all the ingredients were and caused a chain reaction to begin

>if you are a human
i'm not.

Pretty accurate metaphor.

Lucky you. Your people hiring?


googling that sentence actually gave me the answer

got flip-flops?

Easy there, Donald.

My ancestors were humanoids. Still, it's pretty cute. Ancestor to the mustelids, perhaps?

Crocks ok?

I have 4 of those in cute

When organic molecules are hit with electricity, they can be made into more complicated compounds through electrolysis.
This is a fact of chemistry my friend.

Holy shit! Mail me one!

Shitposting aside, crocks are never okay

My ancestor :)

Crocks... Not even once :(

>come to Sup Forums for logical accurate history and science

>now a bunch of Christians that don’t believe in evolution

What happened to being moderate instead of reactionary?

They piss everywhere.

>chain reaction to begin

Yeah ok but still the problems remains. How can there be complex proteins already when you need DNA/RNA for the protein assembly and vice versa. This is a hen egg problem.

>believing the evolution jew

It's ok. I have a shitty house. I'm American.

>that's not my ancestor
I know, you're American. Here is yours.
Pic related is yours.

>long tail
yep, definitely an ancestor of mine

God made DNA, problem solved. Happy?

these things are so easily stressed out that their lifespan is all over the place from 5 to 15 years. good luck, user

your local animal shelter probably has a few

people buy them for $200 and after the novelty of having a sugar glider wears off, they surrender them to the animal shelter.

the animal shelter will take your name on a waiting list for the next one to get turned in.

I used to date a woman who bred them. She made good money from those rats. And just like a rat, they piss and shit everywhere

Your statement here makes it seem like you think amino acids and proteins are the same. Amino acids chained together form peptides which can fold into proteins.

With a bunch of amino acids floating around the worlds oceans and a couple hundred million years it's not implausible.

I've been renovating a spare bedroom into a radio room and the though of one of these little guys just jumping around and pissing on the new carpet, paint and custom radio desk makes me nervous.

Wanna meet that rat

You understand that chemical reactions occur 'spontaneously' all the the time in nature? Particles are constantly smashing into each other, given eons of time, so much time the majority of humans cannot even fathom, shit will happen and it did. No need for muh God.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.


*scurries under brush*

lazy faggot.


The last time I have checked even the "scientists" have no clue.


*digs up a grub*

WTF they actually cut off the fishs tongue and replace it

Not the Christian God, he's a cuck. Mars made it. You can't prove me wrong.

They're living in my conservatory and in the summer they've got an outdoor cage right next to it, which doubles their living spave. Since my daughter wanted one, my house has become a jungle.

DNA was created by a high technology based life form. It was designed to be dropped anywhere and use whatever resources it can find to make a life form. Then they come back to see the results.

Yeah but, that doesn't explain how it all ended up in a puddle of water on earth a billion years ago ( or maybe it does) I dunno.

Isnt "asteroid carrying water & DNA crashing into earth" the other theory

you keep them in a tall cage. Like a big round cage that is 6 feet tall and like 3 or 4 feet wide. They climb all around and come to you when you open the door

Fucking jew!

Dumb bitch, science only works if we understand that there are many things we are unsure about.

Dogmas can only progress by random chance when you get a new cult leader. Science has progress built into the core of it's very being.

They formed RNA before DNA


DNA was created by reptilians from the 15th dimension, you dumb sheep. The whale people from the 22nd dimension made reptilians. But they were just the creations of the insect people from the 99th dimension

I just want my kitty back. I had her for 20 years. :'(

This is the last one.

just like they cut off the burgers' foreskins and replace it

There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Ultimately that is true literally and in is metaphysically essence. God be blessed for is beautiful creation and the salvation trough which he offers us everlasting life. Dont play games with your soul user. It is to precious.

If you believe the big bang theory you had to acknowledge that you already was within the big bang and the uni-verse being the size of a proton. This is even more mysterious. The potential for your existence decoded in the size of a proton. It is so sad that people are being distracted by their daily life from this mysterious beauty of creation, life and consciousness which are designed to lead to God.

a kitty is a better pet than a sugar glider.

go to the shelter and adopt a baby kitten



>what is adoption


Adding god into the explanation does nothing useful. It adds ten more questions, that aren't even testable. So you're back to square 1 and no wiser.

>Have all the ingredients for a cake in the same oven at the same time
>be surprised when a cake gets baked eventually

Beat me to it. Just like the Jews beat me to enjoying my own dickskin.
God I hate these evil kikes.

Of course their would still be need for God as origin of matter or energy, otherwise you would saying that muh atoms formed suddenly from nothing or flee to infinite regression or circular reasoning. Of course there is God and he wants to have a personal relationship with you.

Literally this.

Apparently dinosaurs are in the Bible, but we can’t have evolution that’s too much of a stretch.

Fucking idiots. When will we realize that all European cultures are based on Christian values because everybody has a different idea of what god means to them, not if you believe in a god.

Evolution has been recreated by human beings in multiple ways, I’m not sure how people on Sup Forums can be this fucking retarded.

*eats own children

There may very well be a God, but who's to say he didn't invent life as we know it through an evolutionary process, starting with the basics?
And why does "God" always have to be some kinda Yahweh faggot?

Fuck off daft cunt.

I read your whole fucking book and I walk into churches to tell preachers how to do their thing right.

You have the scientific literacy of a 3 year old and you think your opinions matter?


>Of course their would still be need for God as origin of matter or energy, otherwise you would saying that muh atoms formed suddenly from nothing or flee to infinite regression or circular reasoning. Of course there is God and he wants to have a personal relationship with you
A gap in our current knowledge does not necessitate a god. We once had gaps in our knowledge as to the cause of fire and lightning. God was the cause, so it was believed, until we actually learned what the cause was. You're doing the exact same thing people have done throughout history, only to be proven wrong later on.

RNA can act as catalysts in a similar way to enzymes, essentially being being the chicken and the egg

>Fuck off daft cunt.
Daft Cunt would be a good name for a Daft Punk cover band.

>Cymothoa exigua, or the tongue-eating louse, is a parasiticisopod of the family Cymothoidae. This parasite enters fish through the gills, and then attaches itself to the fish's tongue. The female attaches to the tongue and the male attaches on the gill arches beneath and behind the female.

And the thing you're doing is jumping to conclusions.

>the Chad rat vs the virgin turtle.webm


Would it be considered bestiality if I fuck it? I mean, it will eventually be a human