Bozgors absolutely BTFO
Bozgors absolutely BTFO
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You know nothing of nuclear power and the enrichment of uranium.
>get on my security clearence
How can Mongolian horsefuckers even compete?
You were saying bitch nigger?
top uranium producer reporting in. We use wepaons grade uranium for healthcare though
thank the good lawd for Parksee's huh Israel?
B-61 sharing program... nufff said
Does supplying almost all the uranium to make weapons count?
We need to declare war on R*mania right now, this is going to be the start of world war 3. They will kill and genocide and rape the human inhabitants of their land (Hung-Aryans) and will make every attempt to destroy our glorious civilization. We need to wipe this species off the face of the earth right now!
Even with nukes your country still isn't threatening at all. Kind of a stretch to call yourself a "power" , don't you think?
This is such a fucking baller photograph, the Cold War was so aesthetic
Imagine the cool shit Germany could be building today if they still had the same military commitment from the Cold War with that modern industry
This doesnt make you a nuclear power, kid.
But enjoy the sheckles the extra traffic will bring.
trident reporting in
All glory to based nukes !!!
>Nuk'em Liviu !!!
Sup guise
It always boggles my mind just how fucking huge nuclear subs are.
Reporting in
stop it israel
give up your nukes
your not allowed to have them
only the big 5 can
American is the center of the world
>Saying your country is a nuclear power because one uses you as a silo... please, learn your place you silly geese
>only the big 5 can
Romania, Russia, USA, Britbongs and? The frogs?
finaly.. an exclusive thread for likely superpowers
But Trump is an idiot!!
USA makes the best nukes I have seen footage of British nukes going off they are like second tier trash
You dont even have nukes of your own you have to borrow lel
Edit Russia does them best the Tsar bomb was the best
brits are cucked
their gdp sucks now and londanistan is 3rd world tier now.. can we denuclearize these fucks
Are they actually moving all the nukes from Turkey?
>own a parking space
>some guy parks his Lambo in it
Yes we can't let Muslims have nukes only Pakistan can
I'm just glad they marked where the forks of the fork lift are supposed to go. Imagine the poor airman's embarrassment if he speared the nuclear warhead with them.
Turkey is becoming the islamic caliphate; we're not going to leave jack shit in there when we kick them out of NATO.
Romania confirmed nuclear superpower before 2020.
Gypsies confirmed nuclear superpower. X-ray vision pickpockets soon to come.
>Be nigger
>Get nuked
Shit, you could almost stand upright in that one.
uk , china . us , russia and france
romanians are our newfriends.
Shit, the military has claymore mines labeled "This Side Towards Enemy".
We have nukes on Greenland, even though it's not ours. Does it still counts?
>inb4 they steal the missiles and scrap the uranium for 10 euros
actually those nukes would only be launched at russia if they were ever used and is why they're there, well part of why, the other part was getting the nukes out of turkey in preparation for the coming turkish syrian-style "civil war"
pepper your angus, roaches, the kurds are coming
Eu știi o bună limbă
we should denuclearize england
and nuke pakistan
wtf I love Romania now
>that flag
>comic sans
These are the only actual nuclear powers in this thread
Delivering nukes by air mail, that's for normies. Watch us.
nice proxy
True. Even though there's almost no chance of a nuclear detonation, having to clean the Pu off your forklift is not a fun job.
We have no hidden nuclear bombs guys, I swear
robots, how do we meme romania into nuking turkey?
But how is this a good thing for you?
You see, most important part of nuclear strategy is to neutralize enemy nuclear arsenal.
So, now, in case of some kind of tensions between US and Russia, you will get nuked instead of Turkey.
We are going to build our own of course. How else ?
>you could almost stand upright in that one.
Our tridents. Ours.
Ey up nukebros
Romania is european, THAAD and Irondome projects are automatically shielding it.
Your shitty russki s-600 is literal dogshit against lasers and THAAD. Maybe vladdy boi putin needs to sink another 1/3 of your country's 15$ GDP into the nuke program again like in the 80s.
>tfw even one of the smallest eurofag countries can glass your russki brothers into commie marbles.
>wtf Canada doesn't have nukes!
Heheh, that's where you're wrong friend. We have AA nukes ;]
The joys of having Nukes and letters of last resort
Even though I lay down doing nothing, I believe my time spent, including writing this post, while you made that picture, was better spent.
Ramstein AB reporting
THAAD doesn't have a 100% coverage. That new laser technology, on the other hand, holy shit.
The ultimate meme already BTFO by simple countermeasures like smoke shields.
We had a nuclear weapons program, but you shut it down instead of Israel's. We were building a supersonic nuclear bomber to wipe out soviet ports with.
idk my ribs hurt from laughing so hard making these retards pics all day
I pretty sure Vanguards never carry 16 Tridents. I don't remember correctly, but peactime payload is either 6 or 8 missiles.
God damnit i never thought i would say it but the Turks are more European and Human than Romanians.
Met a lot of you this year, and not all of them where Gypsies, but all of them where thieves and legaly retarded.
The Turks rape and rob less then you "people" you are the Africa of Europe.
Stay away from Austria you scheiß Tschuschn!
I wish a Russian would
THAAD is portable - are you handicapped? lol. ABMDS is sea based and AegisA is land based. THAAD is renewed yearly with protocols and comprehensive weapons systems.
It's literally the best technology on the planet for attack/defense.
THAAD-ER is the laser/railgun/hypersonic component of THAAD, and it's portable to anywhere in the world.
The hookah smoke got to your brain, Ahmed. But we shield you anyway ;)
Wow op really triggered some irrelevant shitholes
One of the main Refugee centers in Austria is only 10km away from where i live, it's filled with Muds and Niggs, but 80% of rapes and robbings are done by Romanians.
And the are actually Romanians not Gypsies, small round head shape and dumb as fuck.
tamako market sucked
>drinking the Kool-Aid this hard
Stop watching so many movies
I work in the industry. perhaps you need to drink more koolaid, commie.
How does one test fire a joke nuclear weapon like Israel and India?
it's rumored israel only has smaller, tactical us made nukes, not full blown city-fuckers.
it's also rumored that India's 100 nukes are actually only around 10 from refurbished russki supply. Apparently their range is a bit short, and they lack resources for proper management.
Pakistan is rumored to only have developed extremely crude, dirty-bomb type nukes, which are based more on radiation poisoning rather than actual blast effect, due to almost nonexistent refinement processes.
"joke" as in, in an actual war, they'd be fucked.
One of them nukes will go through anyway, we have like 7K+ of them
More like Pozzgors
>trust me goy the weapons industry isn’t just a shell of corruption and laundering
Fucking kek, why the fuck are you even on Sup Forums?
You call those coned cylinders with flaps planes? Sad!
We need a russian and a chink to complete it
don't be dumb yuri, that's not how this works.
You may have 7k+ nukes, but you can't shoot them all at the same time. You guys only have like 20 actual usable NLFs for long range. If you factor mobilization times, time to retrofit older soviet material and technology, and the overall state of your shitty maintenance and resources, you're looking at maybe 1000 useable nukes.
And out of 1000 nukes, you can only shoot 10-15 at a time. fucking LOL.
We, in the US realized this downfall of having 35k+ nukes but no way to launch them, so everything was retrofitted for automatic sequential launch in the 80s and 90s.
We can literally send 500+ nukes in less than 5 minutes. Problem is, russia has 0 nonpenetrable defenses, while america has the best built systems in the world.
Shit don't fly 'round here, vladdyboi.
Thanks for keeping our nukes safe Romania :)
I guess this would be as good a thread as any to start talking about territorial demands.
>tfw when the U.S. military stores their nukes in a 3rd world shithole because they're safer there than in Trump's hands
lmao the absolute state of americucks
Pretty sure the US stores them in your country too kraut
>Pretty sure the US stores them in your country too kraut
No, we just took them. They are ours now.