The lady asked you a question

The lady asked you a question.

Of course.


Im fifty fifty on it


"Lol dude, tits!" : The character, that's her entire gig outside of being a nofunallowed spoilsport.

Her sister, Chisato and Mifuyu are much more interest characters.

Also StucoPrez/Kana route when? That's some motherfucking 120% LOYALTY to your vegetative highschool ninja spy waifu.

She isn't nofunallowed, though.

She's pretty much nofunallowed towards everyone but the MC

good girl but sensei is better
michiru isn't bad either
no shitsato shills please

What's this from?

Why is everyone in this VN undergoing permanent hand cramps?

Why do you keep trying to make Love Erection and Chocolate threads?
You did the same exact thing yesterday with different character.

I must spread the Gospel of Chisato,


What's with all the Koichoco threads popping up the last few days?

Chisato a shit. A SHIT.

2+ anons are currently playing it so expect more.
I just finished it a few days ago.

Chisato > Satsuki > Hazuki > Nozomi > Mifuyu > Hidaka > other shit.

>Her first sex scene
I'm a Chisatofag but I have cum untold amounts for that.

Wait, this is translated?

Chisato > Hazuki > MIfuyu > Satsuki > Michiru > Non-chan > Monkeys > Isara > everyone in Isara's route

It has been for awhile.

>Chisato > Hazuki > MIfuyu > Satsuki > Michiru > Non-chan
Ok I can agree to this if you change Michiru and Non-chan.

Is it good, or will I be disappointed if I already know the anime?


The anime is a mess.
It's not really all that good but you'll get a kick out of it.

It's pretty average.

If I'm not mistaken, since december last year.

I am wondering about this too

Average-tier VN with some nice designs and good voice work, you'll either end up loving or hating Chisato.

Good luck.

I ended up feeling pretty lukewarm about her.

Did you like any girl except Chisato or the teacher? If yes, then you have a reason to play it at least. You need to play Chisato route first to unlock the others though.

Your parents must be proud of how special you are.

Koichoco > Aokana

How can someone hate chocolate?

I only really like Misaki and Asuka from AoKana so maybe you're right.

Will her onee-san join in?

Misaki is the hottest girl of them all though.

No, you told her you prefer worst girl over her.

You misspelled best girl.

Yeah, Onee-san is best girl, imouto a shit

Does Coachi! scream retarded stuff when you fuck her?

yes, she says coachi

Oh, so she's into teacher&student stuff, huh? Kinky little slut

What game is this?


My lovely Wife Chisato is the cutest girl to exist, I love her very, very much.

Well, I'm downloading it now, and will try it out.

Why does she try to banter so hard when Yuuki's banter skills are practically zero?

Lovestruck people have a habit of teasing the one they like.