>Sup Forums is discussing happenings
>indian tries to say something
>get's destroyed by mountains of poo in loo comments
>creates anti american meme
>Americans are a little angry
>that one turk who says "wh*te" sees new meme and spammed it as proof that he is whiter than most americans
>leafs shills and Sup Forumsfags start spamming it to slide important happening threads
>Americans aren't bothered by it anymore and it stops being funny
>now only turks post it after being called roaches
now that the dust has settled how accurate is this description of the "shart in mart meme"
pic unrelated
Sup Forums is discussing happenings
Other urls found in this thread:
Show your third world flag
please rate
>communist misses entire point of greentext
Fucking top tier anons!
Sounds to me like the autistic meme forcers decided to focus on the USA this time around. It's not like this meme is any different from Shitting in Loo, Leaf, etc. Turnabout is fair play.
i ripped a giant fart in walmart once and i a little turd popped out. i let it wriggle down my pant leg and left it in the womens shoe section
This board is garbage
>bigger, pointy nose for the docter
yeah. too many shills
braise nek!
Yes it is
Did you only notice that when these dumb memes started being pointed at you? Because this board has been unbearable for well years now.
Nah, it's usually the Trump voters who shill shit; the problem is the board is full of underage
I love these memes, I've never seen so many flipped burgers
Anti-Indian posting was cringy and done by all countries.
and as we all know trump voters are all any white communists who force the mongrel meme
It's better around midnight.
The Day of the Flip is rapidly approaching.
>That feeling when you see 2 of your OC being used.
This is literally my favorite new meme.
Shit will always be funny, Mer'shart.
And your thin skin makes it even funnier.
I love comfy 2am Sup Forums threads
some original content finally, lol god bless you u fuckers
oh hey china
Hur Dur Murica. My ancestors came here a century ago and blacks did the labor but this land is hwhite.
The thin skin is the only thing that makes it funny.
be careful while dropping the redpill we don't want accidental "FARTS"
It's forced. It's shilling.
>amerimutt meet up
u mad, faggot?
t. mart sharter
it wouldn't of caught on if the responses weren't so good
glad some of you burgers have a sense of humor
These threads were fucking hilarious at first, but with the frequency they are posted, I'm certain its shilling.
America leading the way in anti-globalist pro-nationalist pro-white cultural movements.
Mass anti-american meme warfare out of nowhere.
Meme spreading faster than any other meme before with loads of OC
Sounds like a divide and conquer strategy to me.
The meme is so dank tho.
We should ask kek for guidance
It works better if a non-american posts the memes, so I'm gonna stop after this one, my favorite one.
Europoors can't meme for shit. Seriously you have to have a sub 100 IQ to think these memes are funny
> When you have overdosed on mutt memes and they are no longer funny
Need a tissue?
Obviously sweden hate threads are also shill attempts
t. Airwrecka LaMarcus Gomez
this, I actually generally like Americans, but this meme is too funny to pass
Keep up the meme so the Open Society Foundation burns even more cash on it.
The only true way to fight is to reduce their financial advantage through any means necessary. OSF needs to fund wild goose changes and misdirections to their strategy into chaos, where we hold the advantage
The doctor should be a jew and thus more white
i wonder who is behind all this shitposting.
>john jamal and juan
Is this just dank bantz or manufactured memewarfare kek?! WHAT IS THE ANSWER?
To see Americans so triggered by these is the funniest fucking thing ever.
Little edgy Trumpsters thought they had a safe space and are now so fucking angry at getting the other side of the mocking. 10/10 best meme in a while.
Wait I got a reply ready
The sheer amount of damage control toward the amerimutt meme from americans and americans wearing memeflags to hide the fact that they're american does nothing more than highlight how funny the whole situation is.
If you just shut the fuck up and took the bullying like every other country does when it comes to their designated joke or jokes then it'd have blown over.
The fact that people are applything this much thought to the idea of
>a funny thing making fun of someone
>someone getting so angry that their reaction itself is as funny if not funnier
>making more of thing to intensify the reaction
then americans truly are retards.
Suck it up faggots, you haven't even reached rock bottom here
t. betrayed children
good one
hes scottish tho
The amount of salt generated it absolutely worth the low effort
I think it's more embarrassing for the amerimutts to get so butthurt over low effort shit like this
I don't think you know what either of those words mean
This too. Trump generals are a tiny hugbox and faggots who thought this was their nice corner of the internet are being reminded of the people on this site who exist to poke fun at people.
Back to Reem Memes for Right Wing Teens you fucking niggers
Did 23 and me and I'm 99.9% Anglo/Aryan (already new it but now it's confirmed) and I'm American, My guess is the only people who use it are nonwhites and the only people who get upset by it are nonwhite counterparts in whatever country they're targeted at, leave it to minorities to ruin everything
don't be a bore, faggot
kek just let it go, the only reason it gets reposted is because of obvious butthurt like this
you have to accept its a problem of america
people walking around with soiled pants like its nothing
And now the 56% meme that has triggered the fuck out of you newfag snowflake cunts
Get over it
Get over yourselves
Or continue to be made fun of
You're not special just because you're american, cunt
It doesnt mean you're untouchable, christ
Jesus Christ americans are getting so blasted it isn't even fucking funny anymore.
please don't be so cross with us, dad
The only possible people triggered by this are non-whites. Who voted for trump?
you're a pussy desu
I thought American doctors are poos?
guess again mutt, I'm a second generation Canadian descendant from UK boat riggers and oar makers for the royal navy.
Actually the people who are triggered by this are Americans who thought they were untouchable because of muh trump
This is between me and dad. I don't remember asking you goddamn thing!
Someone post that 52% and me Mutt
What is it about Americans that makes them incapable of handling banter? Even Germans handle it better.
thin skin confirmed, fatty
Stop being a faggot, son.
t. Alberto Barbossa