>Space Dandy is better dubbed
Why do Americans say this?
>Space Dandy is better dubbed
Why do Americans say this?
I would say that it depends.
Vast majority of it is better in Jap, but there's a few times that it isn't.
The highschool musical and Dropkix are better in English.
>>Space Dandy is better dubbed
But is it, and me not being american has nothing to do with it, it's a fact well, actually only when it comes to Space Dandy, the other characters are debatable
Because the American Dandy voice actor is Dandy
Not even Americans, just Sup Forums toonami shitters say that.
The fmale characters sound poor.
I prefer autotune vacuum cleaner over the japanese VA
>The highschool musical and Dropkix are better in English.
That's objectively wrong
Dandy is the only dub that's debatably ok
Ian Sinclair, he was perfect as Dandy.
The Dropkix song sounds so awful nipified.
And the beginning All is All is superior as well.
>What's cowboy bebop?
It's not a 10/10 dub but it ranks pretty damn high by modern standards. Some gags definitely work better in English, Sinclair's comic timing is masterful. If you like the show I'd watch it twice both ways.
I went back and forth between Suwabe and Sinclair, both do other areas better than the other, if we could combine them it would be the best Dandy.
Space Dandy is trash
The dubbed version of Lonely Nights is far inferior to the original one. It sounds like a parody.
As opposed to the original which is just awful screeching engrish?
Only season 1 is trash
Yet it sounds better.
The highschool musical is objectively bad in either language.
and this
But the English was the original because it aired first.
Nice try.
Also, Sinclair and Bosch >>>> Jap.
It's good both ways.
Though I admit that miss Ian Sinclair as Dandy when I watch it subbed.
JYB is a meme VA and you should feel bad.
It's about as good as a dub could ever strive to be without going the extra mile of having voice actors record together. It's a suitable substitute for the original audio but not something I'd call better.
Honey is the only example of an English voice for a female anime character of her archetype not sounding canned. Apparently she started getting a bunch of roles afterwards too so it's clear I'm not the only one who felt that way.
You dont even know what meme means.
Not all Americans do though. Just the TV shitters.
I'm American and I haven't listened to a single second of Space Dandy in English.
And yet far better in Japanese.
Nah, not really.
Because japanese voice acting is excruciating and any anime with a competent english dub trumps it automatically.
I bet you can't even read kana, faggot.
>Why do Americans say this?
because americans dont know what a good dub is
30+ years dubbing stuff, yet the only good dubs(by general consensus) are 3-5 and one of them is a meme dub on just as retarded the samurai pizzacat rewrite they did
There are times where people can't admit they're wrong because they're contrarion faggots and this thread is one of them.
However some episodes were very good in Japanese dub like plant planet and limbo.