Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
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Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.
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Reminder that manga isn't reading and you're deluding yourself if you think so.
reminder that 私はゲイ
Why not?
The rest is fairly easy to read, but can anyone explain to me what the ミカ女 part means? Dictionaries don't come up with anything.
Stop がんばるぞい or I will 射精 on you
きょうというひ いまというじかん
Isn't that the name of an all-girl school by any chance?
What's a good book to start with then?
where is that from
i have google but im asking you
Nice work.
does this say my favorite? or is there a better way to say what im trying to say
nevermind this guy spoonfed it to you i was going to insult your reading comprehension and suggest you read childrens picture books instead
If you are talking about food, 大好物 is well suited
I have a small question that I can't figure out on my own; in the pic what だいた actually mean and basically how would you translate the 3rd sentence altogether?
It's from はなひらっ!
Search for いただく
Here is daily Buki Heiki Thread.
talking about a game in this case
教えて いただいた
I think it is not well perceived anymore to say これつまらないものですけど, etc. since its not a sincere expression. At least that's what I learned in a keigo course published by some Japanese official institution.
My favorite X
>tfw couldnt learn vokab and kanji at the same time because brain is too retarded to remeber both
>learned kanji
>finally start recognizing the chicken scratches when reading
>now it all reads like chicken horse tree deskua? and I realize I should start learning vokab
thx I was being retarded -I was reading it as 教えて いった だいた
tl: rub a dub dub thanks for the いろいろ
should've done KKLC and learned kanji through vocab
that's its trick, it's not actually a kanji resource at all! it's a way to trick kanji students into learning vocabulary
btw did anybody mirror the updated PDF to mega yet
Ok thanks for the blog
Here's your (you)
The medium you're looking for is a VN.
敬語 isn't 本音 it's more of a 建前 thing.
"I shouldn't be so gullible." is a good book to start with.
Is it difficult?
Do you have a link? I can't find it in the CoR
no memes please!!!!!!!!
>Proprietary software
I think otherwise my ill informed friend.
>an entire half of the picture of moeshit
Why even bother to learn Japanese if that's what you are gonna do? Just like listen to their forced "cute" girl noises or something and masturbate.
How can I improve my writing in Japanese?
DO NOT follow this picture, it was designed to trick beginners into reading incredibly difficult VNs. Subahibi, for example, is widely considered as one of the most impenetrable work for beginners out there.
Games and VNs aren't software, they're books.
More like why even learn Japanese if you're not going to do that
Moe culture is like 70% of what makes Japan great and unique
Go learn some other language if you're just looking for boring generic shit
Is anyone else having trouble with rikaisama? It won't auto import to anki anymore for me for some reason.
Seconding this. Somebody must have this shit.
it's still up on the cuntflaps link isn't it
holy shit help. i can't tell if this is nonsense, some racist imitation of a regional dialect, or ainu or some shit. help pls
are you retarded
It's Latin.
What does this mean?
Write regularly and carefully.
How difficult is ファタモルガーナの館?
I think that writing regularly would help, my problem is that I'm not really learning new info to be able to write from reading. So I'm practicing writing now. So it's hard to think of a sentence to write for.
What's the point? Even azns don't write anything by hand anymore.
I meant typing, of course I don't write by hand. Writing sentences and ideas regularly in Japanese might help.
Just go shitpost on 2ch.
I just saw this being used in a context of "just accept/admit it" or something along those lines. It is definitely not being used a negative of any sorts so I'm not entirely sure what is happening.
There isn't any conjugation of 認める that would even end up like that as far as I'm aware. Does anyone have any clue what the fuck is 認めな?
I restarted my computer and now it's working again
Daily Remainder that she is slut.
It applies to a few countries only but really, the views of the ユダヤ are shared by all departments of the international government organization alike.
It's probably about a 4
How did you clean it anyway?
Did you think you were pathetic when you were putting your nendo under running water?
People need to know, this is important.
The plot side is pretty inaccurate, sure, but the moege side is perfectly fine and a good starting point.
な= command (with masu-form)
認め= masu-form of 認める
Is this talking about the UN?
Let it dry and use a pencil to gently rub it off.
>let it dry
Literally the last thing you should think of doing, only loses to cumming on your fucking figure.
Motherfucking contractions I swear to god if I see one more damn contraction I'm going to nuke that fucking country holy shit just fucking say stuff properly you fucking manlets stop butchering your own language it's such a fucking pain to read this shit mother of god
Check your fucking anglo privilege
haha you sure showed him bro
Ellipses and contractions in Japanese are really really easy once you have a base understanding of the language.
It's always the same, even for weird dialects.
It's easier though when spoken than when written. It helps to say the words fast in your head and find out that it sounds similar to the uncontracted form.
I did this a lot with dialects in Manga and Drama.
>it's (it is)
>it's (it has)
wtf why is english so hard
what the nani?
i kirei english now
Not OP but, how much self-study would it take to know enough to understand/reply in 2ch posts? Haven't started Japanese, I have been studying Korean for a few months but thinking of starting Japanese
What did you mean by this? You want to make English tidier?
>i kirei english now
It's a very pretty language indeed.
no but something like that (fiction)
>I have been studying Korean for a few months
Are you self-studying? Which resources are you using?
Nani the fuck did omae just fucking iimasu about watashi, you chiisai bitch desuka? Watashi’ll have anata know that watashi graduated top of watashino class in Nihongo 3, and watashi’ve been involved in iroirona Nihongo tutoring sessions, and watashi have over sanbyaku perfect test scores. Watashi am trained in kanji, and watashi is the ichiban letter writer in all of southern California. Anata are nanimonai to watashi but just another weeaboo. Watashi will korosu anata the fuck out with vocabulary the likes of which has itsumonai been mimasu’d before on kono continent, mark watashino fucking words. Anata thinks anata can get away with hanashimasing that kuso to watashi over the intaaneto? Omou again, fucker. As bokutachi hanashimasu, watashi am contacting watashino secret netto of otakus across the USA, and anatano IP is being traced right now so anata better junbishimasu for the ame, ujimushi. The ame that korosu’s the pathetic chiisai thing anata calls anatano jinsei. You’re fucking shinimashita’d, akachan.
I was suspicious when I saw Baldr Sky
You don't have to know Japanese to post on 2ch, just type in Korean.