>tfw no anime about greatest empire ever to exist
What history period would you like to see in anime Sup Forums?
Tfw no anime about greatest empire ever to exist
William Lee
Josiah Bailey
1933-1945 europe like everybody else
Adrian Powell
It would just be filled with a bunch of squishy lolis, though.
Could you handle watching a little moe Caesar getting stabbed with a wooden knife?
Gabriel Powell
Nathan Howard
Mein Kampf
Austin Campbell
I'd prefer a little moe Caesar getting stabbed to death with a real knife by a little moe Brutus and his little moe co-assassins.
Jack Gomez
Just like real life
Christian Morgan
>greatest empire ever
They were ravaged by a bunch of autistic barbarians on loincloth. At least say the Spanish empire, that went down only when the entirety of Europe went after it.
Mason Moore
i'd like to see the Hundred Years' War
Evan Torres
Actually, the greatest ever was the Mongol Empire.
Anime about Genghis Khan's life when?