Why do people watch shitty adaptions?
Why do people watch shitty adaptions?
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Lack of intelligence is the reason.
Both the adaptation and source were shit, though.
Don't watch open this at work
Why not both?
The anime was fine though.
Even better because it's complicated to get to the true end in the game and in the anime you get it in a better package.
There is nothing wrong with the S;G anime
Does it tip to the left?
to the right
Reminder that Noah is fully translated and ready to go, but they can't release it because Chiyomaru would rape Winkel and Steiner legally in court.
tips to the left. steel ball is not a part of the system, just looks like it.
Why spend like 30 hours reading when you could spend 3 hours watching?
Not like the original was very good anyway. Plus fuck needing like a fucking walkthrough to know to know which flags to hit to get which ending
>a walkthrough
>for a book
I want to put a baby in Kurisu
>3 hours
More like 8-10
You are right about the steel ball but it still goes to the right.
Could you explain how? I was wondering if it changed the mass because it floated in the water to some degree but I have no idea.
A family will always be able to have a son under this system, but not necessarily have a daughter. You'd actually expect this to result in an uptick in males.
I don't think it would work.
In China there is a one child per household policy and boys are favored for cultural reasons. There are more boys over there now because women aborted/got rid of their girls. Nowhere in the question says they get rid of boys that are born. They stay and that family can no longer have any more kids.
in the past i've seen people get weirdly confused when this image is posted. I have no idea why.
When you hold a ping pong ball, or anything with air it in underwater, it tries to raise to the surface with some serious force. The ping pong ball is connected to the scale by string. Obviously it raises the left side.
The metal ball could be made of anything, it doesn't fucking matter what it's made of, it won't have any effect on anything because the string isn't connected to the scale. It certainly doesn't give it extra weight.
>tips to the left. steel ball is not a part of the system, just looks like it.
I hope that's a typo. TIPS to the right, BECAUSE the steel ball isn't part of the system, the ping pong ball raises the scale upwards on the left.
You kind of solved it yourself now. It tips to the right because the ping pong ball floats.
It's not about mass, tho. It's about the net force.
The force the ball exerts on the system is certainly not enough to counteract the force of gravity it adds to it.
Never played it
Anime should have ended at ep. 22, before credits. That way it would've been a decent time travel story.
Is there a real life example of this problem? I want to see it in action.
the ping pong ball? are you kidding me? They weigh nothing. And because it's filled with air and underwater, it raises with serious force.
>When you hold a ping pong ball, or anything with air it in underwater, it tries to raise to the surface with some serious force. The ping pong ball is connected to the scale by string. Obviously it raises the left side.
Just like how pushing on the dashboard of a car moves it forward, right? That's not how physics work.
Because I'm not willing to buy an Xbox just to play the VN
Do you even into physics?
The force that makes the ping pong ball float comes from a difference in pressure at the top and bottom. The ball doesn't generate any force of its own
you are supposed to play VNs on handhelds anyway
S;G is available on pc, and has been since before the anime.
apparently I don't know anything about physics.
so the ping pong ball doesn't try to raise and float? even though it's underwater?
Stick with. I know the show.
If we operate under an assumption of a 50/50 birth, You already have a 50% chance of a family just having a son, and a 25 percent chance of having a son and a daughter.
in 75% of outcomes, the male to female population rises or stagnates, with a rapidly vanishing multi-birth subset that cannot make up the difference.
Trick question, either scenario is possible.
Depending on the rigidity of the string, the size of the two balls, how far the ball drops into the water, whether the string support force holding the steel ball is so many times greater than the force due to the weight of the water on top of the ball it can either tip to the left or right.
What we need here is a force balance equation to prove that the crane is still in equilibrium when the steel ball is submerged.
However, due to the way these questions are usually tested, with the obvious answer always being wrong, tilts to the left.
God I hate solids and structures.
Reminder that Chris is a perfect example of tsundere done right.
Stick with A. I remember reading something about this in a book.
When something is floating, there are basically 3 relevant forces
Liquid pressure from above, liquid presdure from below and the weight of the object
Because pressure increases w/ depth, pressure from below is always greater than pressure from above
The math gets surprisingly complex, but it amounts to archimedes' law: the force on an object immersed in water is equal to the weight that the same volume of the liquid would have (eg you submerge a 2l bottle into a liquid, the liquid pushes the bottle up with a force equal to the weight of 2l of the liquid)
The object always pushes downwards with its weight, it's just that for something like a ping pong ball the weight is lower than the floatation force, so it rises up
The string is clever because it's very misleading. The weight on the left will be the same whether its tied down or floating
What if the king uses xenoestrogens to turn every guy into a trap
What if it identifies as non-binary?
Am I being baited
Reminder that Chris is the perfect example of a female character
This has to be the most stupid person on Sup Forums right now
>the ping pong ball pulls the left side up
Following your logic if you pull your own hair strong enough you should be able to fly
It equally reduces representation of male and females in the population.
It also is likely not going to reproduce, exacerbating the initial problem.
Would you?
Probably or they are just really stupid
No, but I would do a few loops of where I have passionate evenings with kurisu
Watch youtube.
I just want to smell her spats
try this; There are 10 doors and one prize. You pick a door. Now I open eight doors with no prizes behind them to leave you with your chosen door and another door.
You had a 1/10 chance of selecting the prize; You now have a 1/2 chance of selecting the prize.
In any assembly of the Monty Haul problem, you improve your odds by switching.
The odds of you picking the correct door at the beginning are 25%
The odds of it being behind either of the other two doors are 37.5%
Therefore, you switch to either C or D
It's not exactly the Monty Hall problem, but the principle is the same
2009 called
They want you back
Yes, all three, as long as she keeps the spats on the whole time.
Fuck I got it mixed up
Her boyish hips can't safely bare children user. You'll split her in half!
Nice try smartass. Go learn some physics fuccboi
Saying that it tips down to the right because the ping pong ball floats is equivalent to thinking that you can reach down, grab your boots, and lift yourself off the ground by those boots.
Don't worry about it; the whole point of the MH problem is to break people of statistical fallacies.
The original is 3 doors explicitly to make the difference so slight you can't find it without thinking about the math.
It raises to the left because the steel ball is heavy.
That puzzle was made to make fun of smartass like you who can't into simple physics.
>EOP thinks he's special
You're still a secondary.
What is a c Section?
Nigger, i explained that the ball doesn't generate any upwards force. You can see that i'm right because, before he puts the steel ball in, it tips to the left. Learn to read.
What is a surrogate mother?
>wanting anyone else but kurisu
Bad tastes
No it would be Kurisu's baby it's just in another oven. It's cool because it's science.
In fact, he mentions the same thing i do about the string on the ping pong ball being irrelevant. If you're such a prodigy, explain how the steel ball tilts the system without touching the beaker.
Nope, I want that roasting in her oven
Because getting the source material is hard.
tips to the left. the force of gravity on the steel ball is exerted on the string, not the water (and therefore the scale). meanwhile, since the ping pong ball is attached to the beaker which is sitting on the scale, the force of gravity on the ball is transferred via the string to the beaker and therefore the scale, making it slightly heavier than the the right side.
Seriously? Is this seriously the fucking problem? It's actually done? That's what [REDACTED] was?
Yes, Steiner/Winkel confirmed it some threads ago, they have a running version of C;H Noah which they presented to Chiyomaru and co, but they were rejected. And of course they can't just release it to the public because of lawsuits.
This is real suffering.
Sum of
Pls be bait
You're right about the ping pong ball, but it tips to the right.
assuming that there is a perfect 50/50 chance of either gender being born....
for the first set of children, half the families will have boys and stop breeding and half of the families will have girls and get another shot. right now, the ratio is 50/50 so neither side is favored.
the remaining families have a second child and half have boys and stop breeding and half have girls and continue breeding. the ratio is still 50/50.
this continues every time the families breed. the ratio will never be affected if we assume there is a 50/50 chance of either gender being born.
If there's a simple solution to this could somebody post it?
I'll go make a fool of myself and crunch the numbers
statistically speaking you should switch. when you made your first choice, you had a 25% chance of picking the right door. if one is removed, then for your second choice you have a 33.33% chance of picking the right door since there are three options, but if you don't change your answer then your decision will have been based on the original 25% chance.
This wouldn't affect the ratio. It would only decrease the overall birthrate.
The only way to manipulate the ratio would be to either change the chance of birthing a girl or killing off men.
Tips to the right,
ping pong ball is able to hold air and absorb water into it, successfully lowering water mass and increasing buoyancy.
Steel ball can not hold air and is completely solid, increasing entire mass of the water.
Also all the fucking autistic faggots who think the steel ball adds no weight due to the fact the string is attached outside the cup. The second the ball touched the water the string and water balance out the distribution in some percentage with the string being more and the water being less.
It still adds weight though via gravity.
It all depends on how much air is contained in the ping pong ball.
Doesn't work that way. Imagine if both B and C got opened, the chances wouldn't be 50/50
Trying to work it out on your own and making a fool of yourself is part of the fun of these threads.
I'll tell you there is no trick in the question though.
google "monty hall problem" my man
The last person can either sit in their own seat or in your seat.
There's your hint.
Oddly enough, you're right about why the steel ball tips it to the right, but you dun goof'd about everything else
but if you sat in someone else's seat, then they have to sit in someone else's seat and so on. one of them may have taken the last person's seat, not just you
Yup you've almost got it.
Think about what the options and chances are every time a person sits down and you should now have the answer.
S;G 0 when?
I know what monty hall is and how it works
The idea is that, when you first picked a door, there's a probability you were right and a probabilith you were wrong
The probability you were wrong gets redistributed among the doors that didn't get opened, which is why if only one door remains unopened in this case, the odds are 25/75
If two doors are unopened, the odds are 25/37.5/37.5
It's not 33/33/33 like he said, in that case it'd be irrelevant what you did
In 24 days
Truly she is the best girl.
Late November for PS4/Vita.
Probably next year for PC.
thanks user... I only got as far as your second point before seeing your answer
> then for your second choice you have a 33.33% chance of picking the right door since there are three options
>You had a 1/10 chance of selecting the prize; You now have a 1/2 chance of selecting the prize.
These are incorrect. The chance for the switch to be correct is 1-(chance of your initial choice being correct), so 90% in the first case and 75% in the second. If it were 1/(remaining options), then they'd all be equal and there'd be no reason to switch.
The problems i have with it are
1. You don't know what passenger's seat you took. The problem isn't the same if you took the seat of the one right after you or the second to last one to come it, the number of rolls changes. Idk if the overall probability stays the same.
2. If there are no 'displaced' seats remaining, the probability of every next passenger sitting in the last one's seat are 0%. Eg. if you are person A, and persons B and C enter after you. You sit in B's seat, B sits in C's seat and C sits in your seat. Every next passenger sits in their own seat.
The thing that irks me is, does the displacement chain end if someone sits in your s
Ok i'm a baka. It has to.
That leaves problem no. 1