Well at least this show will have a happy ending
Well at least this show will have a happy ending
This might be the one show that modern degeneracy actually fits in.
Who would have thought someone actually manages to make a show about Weimar in the current year.
>a show about a dying degenerate disgusting democracy
>it resonates and feels relatable for contemporary audiences
really makes you think
holy fuck
the "pre nazi years" were basically a completely hamstrung and depressed germany being infested with jewish influence. jews were about 2% of the population and went right into banking, media, and politics. germans couldnt get loans and if they could they couldnt pay them back and went broke. jews started producing degenerate gay porn and other shit. i think the first gay porn was in post-ww1 germany but even if it wasn't, their media influence pushed disgusting degenerate shit designed to humiliate germans and wreck their culture. jews held something like 20-30% of government positions in germany
the "nazi years" didn't just happen because of the dark hearts of men
>West Officially Confirmed as being Weimar MkII
>We all Know What’s Coming Very Soon
>jews even make tv series about it
Well, at Least they’re Finally Accepting their Fate.
>vibrant democracy
good post thank you
i fucking loathe the new york times
Can you imagine how much this show tempts kikes?
>Oy vey, a new show, huh? Whats in it?
>Oh, it has prostitution? Thats Good thats good? Oh, Gay stuff as well? Marvelous!
>What, rampant drug use among white people? Sign us up! And with rampant cynisism in society along with ever increasing degeneracy and vulgarity? Oy, you have been the best writer so far!
>And whats the theme? Oh, a libertine democracy! The perfect system!
>Oh, and its historic? Much better! When is it? Athens? Ancient Rome? Maybe even the age of Luis?
>Oh, its Weimar.... Um... Goym, you have to cut back a bit...
>No... no, dont include the goose scene...And... yeah, i think we need to cut back a bit on this.... brave behaviour.... Its those damn radical cristians controlling us, you know... They wont let anything true on screen.
Our enemies are going all out and the right is still fighting by the rules of sport
We are fucked
Can't wait to see the child prostitutes fucking dogs alongside their mothers for the sick pleasure of the jewish elite.
The audacity of these fucking kikes.
This time it will be muzzies
>Babylon Berlin
Not realizing this means they are equating hitler with Cyrus the great. It’s sad how bad leftists fuck up biblical allegory
>vibrant democracy
it was a shithole. do these fucks not realize how the nazis, hitler, came to power in the first place? you don't fucking VOTER ELECT IN ON THEIR OWN FREEWILL that level of 180 change in government on a fucking WHIM like they did if your current government is a "vibrant democracy."
holy shit they are whitewashing history.
>vibrant democracy
>vibrant demogracy
>the chaotic vibrant democracy
weimar? is that what theyre talking about? the land where their was literally an entire street just for pregnant prostitutes, many of whom were a mother daughter pair, is that the setting theyre talking about?
vibrant? it was the collapse of civilization. it was hell on earth.
>The Sexual Decadence of Weimar Germany
>vibrant democracy
you don't even have to focus on the degeneracy.the government itself was hugely ineffective and rampant with real corruption that's completely unrelated to the degencercy.
and don't forgot the piss poor economy.
it was a pure shit either way you look at it.
boy, that wank in about that berlin is so obnoxious..
degenerates will be portrayed as victims and sweet characters, nazis will destroy utopia to the dismay of viewers. forget about the goose, it will be about open love, transgenders and opressive religion
I mean they made a show about fucking Kinsey. If they were truthful they would shown an old faggot jerking off a child, but they didn't.
Even all that would have been manageable, if it weren't for constant communist and anarchist marauding, heralding the entire assimilation by soviets who had recently massacred christians in nearby ukraine and central russia.
But i bet they will side-step that entirely, and will have nazies just jumping up out of the blue because of repressed homosexuality or something like that.
>Implying kinky cabaret culture was anywhere near the degeneracy of Oskar Dirlewanger
go fuck yourself , fucking stormkeks.
Reminder that pic related is today's Google Doodle in Germany, made in homage to the 148th birthday of Helene Stöcker. She was the queen of radical feminism during the Weimar Republic and close friend to the king of degeneracy, doctor Magnus Hirschfeld.
>all the degeneracy of an entire weimar culture is negated by one propaganda target
Really makes you think
noone is praising his degeneracy
I think they meant "den of hedonism and degeneracy that other Germans were so disgusted by that they went full Nazi"
>one man who got sent to the concentration camps for his crimes then sent to a penal battalion for things that others don't have the stomach for makes the entire culture of wiemar ok
You Jews have some fucked up prioritys
You shouldn't let one bad apple spoil the bunch!
btw, shouldn't you be more tolerant? he was probably a gud boi, traumatized by all those wars; isn't not giving him a second chance a litterally nazi thing to do? Moron.
Ever ask yourself why fascists idealize war as a means to revitalize ones spirit? They need war, war allows you to break all the "PC" rules and constrains of a civilized society, that you otherwise wouldn't in fear of social backlash. War as a means of letting out steam allows you to kill, denigrate, loot, plunder, feast and set it all on repeat, and while engaging in such destructive behavior you unironically convince yourself that you, the degenerate, are somehow fighting for a "greater good".
Piss off.
>Well at least this show will have a happy ending
Cmon, give war a chance.
>shilling for nazis
. I still can't understand how someone from a country that was invaded by nazis would shill for them. Are you that much of a cuck?
>communists, who the fascists were a direct response to, are peaceful, law abiding citizens.
Trust me faggot, in situation where there is no communist infiltration, i would give classical liberalism a chance. Fascism is responding to imminent invasion and takeover by international powers. It cant even emerge in peace and harmony.
Who wants to call they make Hitler a raving drug addicted lunatic even in the beginning
>that pic
>has more blacks than whites
>has more than everything than whites
>in a fucking european country
their end goal really is the destruction of whites. they don't want different races, different cultures living in peace with each other. they just want the exterminatioin of whites. and more importantly, a one world government.
they honestly want a one world government. you can't be "no walls, more bridges" and not want a one world government. they are the nazis themselves. and people are to much of fuckwits to actually put a stop to it.
once you dangle anal man on man buttsex in front of someone long enough, they will bite. we lost all morality when it comes to social issues. people will keep voting in these fuckers for as long as they can keep getting their high from their anuses being devoured by ahmed and jarmal.
maybe it will for once redpill people that hitler didn't magically appear in germany
Depending on who directs it, i would even bet they would have a scene of Hitler saying he will build a berlin wall.
We suffered 5 years under nazis and 50 years under USSR
>Fascism is responding to imminent invasion and takeover by international powers.
Yet you always end up fucking up things even more. Why did fascist Italy invade Yugoslavia? A anti-communist monarchy? Why did Italian fascists, who were a mere repsonse to a "international communist threat", start a war with Greece, when a Ioannis Metaxas - a literal fascist anti-communist- was in power?
Who needs commies when you have fascists slaughtering each other already in 1939!? And have you seen the current far-right parties? They all have problems with far-right parties from neighboring states - they always succumb to the "Muh rightful clay" quarrels.
Nazis killed the right Poles.
>happy ending
>...........happy ending
>...................................happy ending
>maybe it will for once redpill people that hitler didn't magically appear in germany
>implying they'll make his appearance needed
>implying they wont make weimar look like a roaring 20s paradise
>implying they won't make hitler look like the donald trump of Germany
"vibrant democracy that preceded the nazis" ????!!!!????!!!!??? say what?????
>Hitler saying he will build a berlin wall.
95% of my fellow burgoblins would say "oh wow! I heard about the berlin wall! i knew Hitler/Drumpf was responsible!!"
>t. brainlet
Hitler invaded Polish because the poles were committing niggerish genocide against ethnic German people by commies. My polish friend would have preferred Nazis x100000 over the red menace.
Hitler was too kind, I would have nuked it.
>implying they will accurately portray his motivations
>implying they won't have a young hitler in a few scenes and depict him as a crazy and disturbed young man who hated the world for no reason
Forget the nazi part, the whole liberal culture snob universe annoys the shit out of me.
"This is poised to be a hit because it matches my modern hysterical extreme leftist views".
Then a bunch of sycophantic betas all trip over themselves to say how great some pussy show is. "Omg i cant wait to see Hamilton!"
Fuck these people's whole universe. Im dying for a war to start soon.
Weimar Republic, this heresy...
>shoot down german planes
>ignore hitlers multiple attempts at a peaceful referendum for danzig
>slaughter 58 000 ethnic germans
>cuck out to the Allies when they whisper in your ear not to accept germanys peace offering
>waaah why you invade us we dindu nuffin fucking evil krauts
How was it not a vibrant democracy?
>mfw the time period is actually genuinely interesting, but they'll try to portray the legitimate degeneracy as "progressive" and "ahead of its time", """sadly snuffed out by the evil Nazis"""
Welcome to History lessons in Germany.
Not just one, boyo. You can't just shrug of the evidence, the witnesses, the confessions at Nuremberg trials. Unless...you're a tin-foil hat wearing conspiratard.
Those percentages sound like current year USA except better.
Yes such is how the imperium spreads, for the emperor
what is german history actually like in school? what do they say about the Weimar republic and the reasons for hitlers rise to power?
I wonder if they even teach the (((commies))) tried to start a civil war and put it on a timeline after Holodomor
>You will never wear a suit of Mk. III Iron as you and your battle-brothers storm an enemy voidship in the name of Emperor and primarch
C-can we please hurry up to M31?
>but da nazis were socialist like communist democracy gud
very astute and im not being sarcastic. the demographics at least insofar as they relate to jews would make your skin crawl
"vibrant" has positive connotations
>shoot down german planes
you cant even shoot down invading planes?
>slaughter of 6 gorillion ethnic germans
after the germans invaded brainlet, if it happened at all.
>>ignore hitlers multiple attempts at a peaceful referendum for danzig
Chad Poles allways ignore autistic beta's.
What the actual fuck?
Actually that would make an interesting show.. no homo
Bet it's going to end with Hitler somehow rigging the election to win just like they think Big T did
They're setting it up for "trump is literally hitler"
Well, until like 8th grade it's usually peachy, since it's mostly general European history with a focus on Germany. After that, depends on the school. The full on WW2 package started in 10th grade, and I kid you not, was repeated in 11th and 12th grade.
And no, the huge role the Communists played is not talked about at all. Only mentioned they were enemies of the Nazis and part of the "good guys".
>faggotry, rampant degeneracy, instability, national decline and financial ruin
>Hell on Earth in which unemployment starvation, and prostitution were rampant
>"Vibrant Democracy"
>New York Times
Checks out guys.
Really scrambles your eggs
Well that explains a lot. The brainwashing is fucking hardcore there.
One lacks any kind of artistic discipline and the other lacks any kind of artist freedom. They both suck.
Canadian Intelligence are messing with your internet bro. You have been flagged.
it was the capital of degeneracy in the world, theres nearly unlimited stories of mother daughter prostitution duos roaming the streets for food money. it was a shit hole and that one of the reasons Hitler came to power
ppl from all across the world came there for cheap vacations because the economy was shit, brought all there sex tourism drug use and general degeneracy with them.
he did that because we sided with anglos/french and not doing that would probably be a grave mistake after commiting in the west. Bolshevik war and their defeat was not that far history so he even sided with them just to be sure.. fucking dicky thing to do but you'd do the same if you were him. Is it that hard intelectually to put yourself in another side? I'd fucking annex hell of Crimea if I was Putin but that doesn't mean I'd like to get glassed by russian nukes..
Wait till they add a bunch a black cast members BLACKING all the german wominz
>Hell on Earth
Not really
>that pic
Don’t start
yeah, it was really more like 1914-1933
>nearly unlimited
how many?
>you will NEVER take advantage of a blonde haired, blue-eyed mother/daughter kraut gangbang duo willing to suck on your sausage for bread money
i really wish people stopped focusing on the degenercy part because that part is invalid to these libtards.
the weimar was a weak, corrupted government in of itself.
>The radical left accused the ruling Social Democrats of having betrayed the ideals of the workers' movement by preventing a communist revolution and sought to overthrow the Republic and do so themselves.
> Various right-wing sources opposed any democratic system, preferring an authoritarian, autocratic state like the 1871 Empire.
>The first challenge to the Weimar Republic came when a group of communists and anarchists took over the Bavarian government in Munich and declared the creation of the Bavarian Soviet Republic.
>On 13 March 1920, 12,000 Freikorps soldiers occupied Berlin and installed Wolfgang Kapp as chancellor. The national government fled to Stuttgart and called for a general strike against the putsch. The strike meant that no "official" pronouncements could be published, and with the civil service out on strike, the Kapp government collapsed after only four days on 17 March.
>Inspired by the general strikes, a workers' uprising began in the Ruhr region when 50,000 people formed a "Red Army" and took control of the province. The regular army and the Freikorps ended the uprising on their own authority.
I can never remember her name.
>The rebels were campaigning for an extension of the plans to nationalise major industries and supported the national government, but the SPD leaders did not want to lend support to the growing USPD, who favoured the establishment of a socialist regime. The repression of an uprising of SPD supporters by the reactionary forces in the Freikorps on the instructions of the SPD ministers was to become a major source of conflict within the socialist movement and thus contributed to the weakening of the only group that could have withstood the National Socialist movement. Other rebellions were put down in March 1921 in Saxony and Hamburg.
>In 1922, Germany signed the Treaty of Rapallo with the Soviet Union, which allowed Germany to train military personnel in exchange for giving Russia military technology. This was against the Treaty of Versailles, which limited Germany to 100,000 soldiers and no conscription, naval forces of 15,000 men, twelve destroyers, six battleships, and six cruisers, no submarines or aircraft. However, Russia had pulled out of World War I against the Germans as a result of the 1917 Russian Revolution, and was excluded from the League of Nations. Thus, Germany seized the chance to make an ally. Walther Rathenau, the Jewish Foreign Minister who signed the treaty, was assassinated two months later by two ultra-nationalist army officers.
Best leaf post
Babylon as the whore of Babylon.
>Further pressure from the political right came in 1923 with the Beer Hall Putsch, also called the Munich Putsch, staged by the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler in Munich. In 1920, the German Workers' Party had become the National Socialist German Workers' Party (NSDAP), or Nazi party, and would become a driving force in the collapse of Weimar. Hitler named himself as chairman of the party in July 1921. On 8 November 1923, the Kampfbund, in a pact with Erich Ludendorff, took over a meeting by Bavarian prime minister Gustav von Kahr at a beer hall in Munich.
on a side note i still don't understand how nazi's where considered far right when the only thing the nazis had in common with the far right was the nationalism. that was it. everything else was pure far left or traits shared by both that are neutral traits. like killing people and purging unlikeables.
but anyways just from this one, the government couldn't even keep its citizens under control. they didn't have control of themselves. all this nonstop fighting between two sides.
The DKNV did literally nothing wrong at any point, ever, except for when they let Hitler take the chancellory. They would have made an infinitely better government.
The 1920s saw a remarkable cultural renaissance in Germany. During the worst phase of hyperinflation in 1923, the clubs and bars were full of speculators who spent their daily profits so they would not lose the value the following day. Berlin intellectuals responded by condemning the excesses of capitalism, and demanding revolutionary changes on the cultural scenery. Influenced by the brief cultural explosion in the Soviet Union, German literature, cinema, theatre and musical works entered a phase of great creativity. Innovative street theatre brought plays to the public, and the cabaret scene and jazz band became very popular. According to the cliché, modern young women were Americanised, wearing makeup, short hair, smoking and breaking with traditional mores. The euphoria surrounding Josephine Baker in the metropolis of Berlin for instance, where she was declared an "erotic goddess" and in many ways admired and respected, kindled further "ultramodern" sensations in the minds of the German public.
>Berlin intellectuals responded by condemning the excesses of capitalism, and demanding revolutionary changes on the cultural scenery.
>Berlin intellectuals
fucking damnit. what was the fucking point in defeating communist when they're still here whitewashing history. this fucking article on wikipedia is just full of communist sympathy.
west germany didn't win. it was east fucking germany.
>Josephine Baker in the metropolis of Berlin for instance, where she was declared an "erotic goddess"
bitch was a 7/10 with a dyke haircut
the eternal thirsty beta orbiter must be stopped
>vibrant democracy prior to nazis
>weimar years
Well at least the left are being honest about what they are trying to do to America in the long run. Poverty, mass perversion, rampant degeneracy, commie hit squads etc etc
the governmeny was just way to fucking weak with way to much poltical infighting.
the nazis were 100% to the left. the only reason why conservatives, "right-wingers," flocked to them back then was because they were the only major party that actually favored nationalism, also known as germany.
the rest of the far-left parties HATED germany and wanted to wash germany off the face of the earth. turning it into a pure communist utopia with no connection to germany's past or heritage.
whats funny is that if the other socialist parties actually didn't want to purge germany from being germany, and just had some amount of pride, the nazis would have never came to power. let alone the nazis wouldn't have been able to become extreme nationalist.
i hate how the nazis are considered "right wing" when the only right wing thing about them was the nationalism. i don't know who the fuck made nazis right on the specturm.
you're not right wing and favor complete economy take over. you're not right wing and favor nation healthcare. you're not right wing and favor large, strong centralized government. all you care about is a strong sense of national pride, strong military, and don't go around butt fucking.
things like eurgenics were both side opinions back then. killing unlikeables both side did. communist killed everyone. even their own. both loved propaganda. both loved whitewashing. both burned books. both took over the economy. both wanted a strong centralized government.
Ukrainian diaspora in full swing I see.
Daily reminder to filter LEAF posts....even drunken straya post less shit.