Even you dotards can't be bluepilled enough to think that Bernie wasn't the best candidate for President the US has seen in 40 years of betrayal by both parties. Fucking discuss. End global oligarchy yes or no?
End Global Oligarchy
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Yes, end the paradise papers
“These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina, where incomes are actually more equal today than they are in the land of Horatio Alger.”
-Bernie Sander, 2011
Honeymoon? USSR during goolag.
>best candidate
>supported Hillary Clinton.
by addressing groups that act like one?
>Memeflagger faggot who uses dotard and tries calling anyone "bluepilled"
Sage all around boys. Shills are out in force
communist jew. he only deserves death.
>American dream
That seems like a fake statement. I know Bernie Sanders is a lying snake, but he's not that retarded.
End the Fed, Bernie. That's how you end global oligarchy.
If he does this it would prove Trump was but a fraud
why would i believe him?, he hasn't done a fucking thing in his whole life. he let niggers run him off stage.
Well, as someone who voted for both Sanders and Trump, that's my main issue - ending the Fed.
Trump's been a disappointment in that regard.
Hahahahahaha. This kike is one of them. Controlled opposition. He wants to turn the U.S. into another shitty europoor country.
>meme flag
>literal kike tier opinion about an actual jewish communist
you guys are the fucking shills. Are these bankers the jews you were worried about? Guess what you fags, you fell for the oldest trick in the book. The ruling class has been blaming the jews for 2000 fucking years and it's not based on reality.
Trump is a fraud. He's a fucking billionaire brat who inherited everything he owned from his grandfather's pimping in the yukon gold rush.
Bernie's father was an immigrant who sold paint in brooklyn. He was a product of the American Dream. Fuck yourselves newfags. Sup Forums is not a right-wing board. You don't own the memes.
I'm not a nazi and neither are any of you.
He means end the white middle class and redistribute their wealth to niggers.
Commies never go after the 1% because they fund them.
Bernie was an inside man that would help take them down. He couldn't possibly win because he would actually hurt the globalists in the long run. Clinton is a "progressive" globalist, Trump is a "nationalistic" globalist, Sanders however had a tax plan that would turn around decades of the 1% dominating the American economy.
>Lying snake
>Not that retarded
You can have both
Also we know what we got ourselves into. We all know Trump is a 100% cuck for the 1%. His tax plan saves him and his boyz billions. The whole point was to toss him in there for nationalism to return, then next election cycle actually vote someone to fix the economy.
Sanders was the one the big boys were really scared of, at least in the 2016 election - Ron Paul in 2012.
Most people voted for Trump to end Globalism fucktard.
I love Jews. I want to support Israel!
/leftypol/ you have to understand that Bernie was a plant to draw college voters and minorities to Hillary. Which utterly backfired but hey they're too caught up in corruption to realise it.
>Literally spelt out in leaked emails
I don't even hate his tax cuckery that much, him sucking off the Chinks is just sad. THEY are playing him by getting top deals in exchange for minor sanctions on North Korea.
How do you feel about Trump now? When it comes to serving the elite he is even more successful than Clinton would have been. The new tax plan is absolutely insane, even for the US. I still can't quite wrap my head around how any American with access to the internet and under the age of 60 haven't woken up to the fact that their country is being run by the 0,01% who's only agenda is greed and fucking over regular people.
It's almost like manufacturing consent is super effective.
He's a communist ya poofter
Most people who argue at your level typically just do it out of necessity rather than actually having something to argue.
Right now, I'd vote for Trump over Clinton again. Clinton is pure evil, and far more dangerous than Trump considering the shit she would get away with just because she's a woman.
We dodged a bullet, but I'm nowhere near satisfied. I hoped Trump would actually be more "America First", no threats of foreign intervention, no foreign aid to Israel, and possibly universal healthcare, but I accept that none of those are coming.
Sanders would've won, but the fix was in from the beginning. They were scared to death of President Sanders, and that's clear now. At worst, Trump is an appeasement of the Fed, just like the women's movement and civil rights movement were appeasements to keep the people docile. He's emotionally manipulated by his advisors, strategists, and generals.
He should have run alone.
Mother fucking bastard
i like Bernie, but his economic policies are pants on head retarded
>Bernie wasn't the best candidate for President
literally all his policies required upping taxes on everyone for socialist services which would never be as good as free market services, then whe his bullshit gets called out, he goes "but muh 1%" which is his emotional appeals.
ted cruise rightly calls him out saying he's retarded not knowing those 1% have teams of lawyers to avoid taxes, and even if they did pay them, you could take 100% of their money and it still won't be enough o pay for his socialist dreamland.
Hee also like to use scandanavia and nordic countries as examples, completely skirting over the long waiting periods, rationing, population size, and the fact they are all homogenous coutries.
Which I find hilarious that the only example of a better country than the US this jew can find is all white utopias.
Naw he knew , still told his supporters to vote hillary , fuck him
Bernie like to spout grand ideas, has no plan to actually get there.
He's an idiot.
>you fell for the oldest trick in the book.
>The ruling class has been blaming the jews for 2000 fucking years and it's not based on reality.
You mean jews supporting commies, stealing nationl secrets, practicing usury, and being subversive for 2000 years is not base in reality?
do you know where you are?
>He's emotionally manipulated by his advisors, strategists, and generals.
...and foreign heads of state. Note how Erdogan visited him the weekend of the Kurdish referendum. How the Chinks rolled out the red carpet for him. Everyone can tells he's emotionally immature.
So far his best action is stacking the courts with conservative judges. That's still too "passive" a legacy.
Few do. The bill has support in the teens. The real question is why so many Americans sit on their ass on election day. We actually have early voting for like two weeks before hand, so it's pathetic we only get 50% turnout. If 60-65% were a regular thing, it'd be a much different country.
He's worse than a fool, he's an old fool, whose ideas are based in fantasy and lofty ideals.
then he sold out to vote hillary after she rigged the primaries
>you dotards can't be bluepilled enough to think that Bernie wasn't the best candidate for President the US
Jim Webb + Ron Paul
I didn't argue, I stated facts.
I think she wouldn't get away with it because she is a woman as much as because she is a Democrat, to be honest. Though her gender wouldn't hurt either.
I agree that Sanders would be won, and most people on the left (not Democrats, they aren't left) as well as quite a few on the right saw this way before the primaries ended.
I halfway agree with you that Hillary would be worse than Trump, because she would actually be able to get shit done, as opposed to Trump who is so inept he hasn't been able to pass any significant legislation a year in, with control of all three branches of government. On the other hand, he is now neck deep in Paul Ryan and Koch economic shit policies that we can only hope they won't be able to pass anything of substance.
The only good thing about Trump winning to me was that Hillary lost.
Yeah. I'm actually not that surprised that only 50 or so % come out to vote though. When you can either vote for a Republican or a Republican with a rainbow flag, why bother.
Okay. Then name the Jew, Glassberg.
The only form of government is oligarchy. Communism is just revolutionary rhetoric, every single time after the revolution rips down the old oligarchy it inevitably installs a new one.
Bernie is a completely weak nothing of a man. In the face of just 2 black women he completely stood down. He also got down on his knees ready to suck cock after Hillary literally rigged the primaries against him. He is the essence of weakness and has no place as a leader who is in charge of any kind of real power.
He would welcome wholesale slaughter of whites with zero fight whatsoever and inflict hate speech laws on the populace that are only enforcable against whites. He would have been the worst candidate.
>How do you feel about Trump now?
No Regrets, Never Coming down, still not tired of winning.
>When it comes to serving the elite
>he is even more successful than Clinton would have been.
you don't know shit Lars, worry about your own country faggot. Hillary was a career politician that did nothing but suck rich jew cocks.
She even tried to play like she was an "outsider" knowing she's corrupt as shit which we knew during obamas election 2008. Her constituency was an impossible to please mesh of identity politics, greater israel lobbying, and above criticism from the media.
Trump at least gave it to us straight.
>gommunist pretending to be natsoc
god we really have broken them boys
>bernie is amazing
he didn't hold down a job until his 30's. he's been in congress for ages yet he hasn't really had any success, and typically votes like a typical democrat. bernie sanders is a fucking meme, and anyone who puts hope in him after seeing how failed to use his power in the primaries is a wanker
>He is the essence of weakness and has no place as a leader who is in charge of any kind of real power.
this guy gets it.
end the global oligarchy but replace with his own brand of global socialism
Bernies right. Only issue is hes a politician that didn't say this when it mattered.
which will just move the leaders of the communists into the palaces of the oligarchs
Bernie's right, the only problem with ending the oligarchy is the fact you'll be called a nazi by ((the Oligarchy)) if you try to prosecute/jail/overthrow them.
Hillary would have gotten more shit done, so I will admit "successful" was the wrong choice of word. He has more Wall Street execs in his cabinet than even Obama though.
As for Trump "giving it to you straight", that's a lie and you know it. I can't remember who said it, but a great description of Trump is a "truthteller who doesn't tell the truth". Yeah, he came off as a straight shooter, but he's been proven to just as big a liar as the most devious corporate politician. Or perhaps lie is the wrong word for him since he just seems to say random shit depending on who's got his ear at the moment.
>doesn't know how economics work
>run on a platform based entirely around theft
>best candidate for President
ok kiddo
he endorsed hillary
Bernie is just saying what he thinks the cool kids want to hear.
>The ruling class has been blaming the jews for 2000 fucking years and it's not based on reality.
>shows us Goldman Sachs Jews to prove us wrong
pls kys
no refunds
Daily reminder that Bernie was originally anti-immigration, until shitlibs bullied him into supporting open borders.
bernie hasn't worked a day in his life
>Sanders however had a tax plan that would turn around decades of the 1% dominating the American economy.
Not really. "The 1%" doesn't pay taxes.
it was in 2011 apparently. Venezuela was doing well in 2011. Then oil prices went down and it stopped being real socialism.
Wew lad. Maybe he was just too young and naive back then.
>end oligarchy
>im supporting hillary clinton for president of the united states.
fuck you faggot your minimum wage is like 25 dollars an hour, 1 in 2 children in America are at or near poverty. Go fuck a kangaroo.
Yeah, much better to have an authoritarian reality TV buffoon like Trump. I mean fuck Hillary, but jesus christ after the last year can you really think that anything is going to get better under Trump?
Isn't this exactly why we hated Bush and Obama? Pointless wars for Saudi and Israel? He's the same fucking military industrial asshole as every other president. At least Bernie wanted to tax wall street. You fags just don't understand capitalism enough to even defend it, let alone comprehend how it is broken.
End Usury. Christian theocratic confederation of communes/free markets/ etc. But CHRISTIAN above all. Basically America as it was intended.
>Good for anyone
I'd rather suck corporate cock for 40 years than starve to death under this man's Five Year Plans.
fuck you spaghettio, Bernie just didn't want to end up getting necked by a bunch of spook pizza goons
I voted for him, and then voted for Trump, you guys don't have to believe me when I saying this, but I don't need your approval, that is what happened. It made no difference however because my state still went to her in the end. Why did I vote for Trump? Because fast pain is the best pain, 2020 will come and Trump will be out, instead of decades of Hillary Clinton policies, that shit needed to end and I'm glad it did, no more Clintons.
>nazi flag
>defend socialist jew
you cant have both kiddo
If only he knew it was (((them))) he'd be dead already
how about FDR? Got elected 4 times for a fucking reason you ignoramus.
Bernie is a retard and a socialist. Furthermore, he had THE BIGGEST opportunity to dismantle DNC corruption--he didn't capitalise on it. Not only that, he ACTUALLY supported Hillary after we found out the primaries had been rigged.
Czech these digits slovak, I'm only a nazi ironically, unlike all you serious jackboots types with your diabetes and frog shirts. fuck off.
It can't possibly be better with Hillary or Bernie. The increasing "kill whitey" sentiment would expand much faster with the president enabling the message and we would end up looking like fucking Africa where they kill whites for having land.
Literally the only thing I care about is not letting a democrat in office because of this. I am tired of exponentially exploding levels of degeneracy and anti white racism while finger wagging hard working whites as if they have done something bad.
Slovak origin didnt insult me coz i was born in Czechoslovakia.
I am not nazi either, i dont like that socialist part of that. Actualy i am 1 %
Why are there so many ducking shills out tonight. Holy shit.
>removes several powers of the president
Do you always try to prove you are a retard online, or is it just today?
Bernie's problem was never being critical. His solutions are either irrational or non-existent.
What are you even referring to you autistic fucklord
Bernie's Medicare for All bill that never had a chance at passing raised income taxes by 14.5% - for everybody. The few employers we have left would have left the country and we'd see another depression. His bill covered illegals and tranny operations.
Tell me again why you think he would be good at running a country.
Also if you think Bernie has the balls to tax wall street after his "performance" during the primaries, you MUST be a child. He is the weakest of all candidates when faced against actual power and corruption.
>pic related
after he got beat down and was forced to support Hillary
forgot pic kek
Because he created a subservient media monopoly.
FDR was the worst President in US history.
That's not why depressions happen. Depressions happen from speculation and bankers gambling with your money. Watch the Documentary inside job and you'll get a little redpilled.
Guess what, we could afford to provide everyone with healthcare. Yeah, taxes would go up, but EVERY EMPLOYER IN THE COUNTRY WOULD NO LONGER NEED TO PROVIDE HEALTHCARE. Imagine how much this would stimulate small business? The big chains and corporations can provide this feudal-ass system for some, but they want too much profit to help everyone.
You're so paranoid about immigrants. How many generations has your family been here? Are you a native american? If not gtfo you entitled gibs cuck boy
>betrayed by both parties
Republicans would have rather had Bernie to compete with than Hillary. They would have railed his commie ass with everything hes said in the past. Not to mention the dude has no spine at all.
Rich coming from a democrat (you)
If we enacted universal healthcare, there would be literally no incentive for drug/medical companies to lower prices. They could jack them up all they want because there would be no competition. Are you really that retarded? You are basically mandating the citizens to pay drug companies under penalty of law. It is incredible how retarded this idea is yet still has support.
Then he's too weak to be a leader of the most powerful country in the world. If he can't stand up against the establishment during the god damned primaries, what makes you think he'll be able to stand up to them when he's actually in office?
>after the last year can you really think that anything is going to get better under Trump?
yes, we gave obago 8 years.
youre retarded if you think a president can make things great in 1 year, the entire time the media is shitting on him and everything he does.
they at least question him, they would never have done that for hillary
How can NatSoc be socialist if it stands for private property and class collaboration?
Silly slav.
I am amazed at your lack of understanding of the way that the drug companies already have a total monopoly over American consumers. How many health insurance providers are there? I guarantee there will be half as many before 2020.
Do you faggots not even know that monopolism is not capitalism? lemme say it again.
I'm not a nazi you nazi faggot. I'm just using your memeflag to spite you.
the problem is what do we replace it with, because ending the global oligarchy will leave a vaccum that will be replaced with a single leader, can you say anti-christ global dictator? thats the problem with communists, they want to smash the power sructure but need a leader to do it, fucking stupid commies
yea I want to kill the Jews too Bernie