Why is a drug that is proven to cause brain damage to people under the age of 25, and is speculated to cause permanent brain damage to people of all ages, so widely accepted in western society?

How do we stop this?

Other urls found in this thread:


I smoked tonnes of weed when I was a teenager and smoked a bunch of spice recently since its cheaper and I turned out ok people just try to make things seem worse than they are

All drugs are stupid. But people like them.

You need to balance the cost of enforcement with the benefits of prohibition. That's a losing game with weed, so far as I'm concerned.

nobody thinks pot gives you brain damage, moron

Nah.. It's opposite. People who smoke weed are already brain damaged

Alcohol is worse.... but Jews control that industry.

There's increasing evidence to suggest it permanently damages your long and short term memory, retard.

Hey are u a scientist?

>caring about what other people do

Yah weeds what’s giving people like yourself brain damage. Give yourself a pat on the back OP you perfectly demonstrated how stupid you could be without even doing any drugs.

so true no one ever died off weed

lets break it down

first why do you care?

If you care for the well being of people, then then the topic moves away from the drug itself. The conversation proceeds into government, it's role in citizens lives, society, how it treats people, and the economy.

If you really wanted to stop drug use, or specifically weed use, you would need to be willing to change large parts of our governance.

Do you really want someone telling you what you can and can't do during your private time?

nice sources fartknocker

I was convinced it was weed making me lazy and stupid - turns out I was just low on iodine

74% of Americans are iodine deficient and dont even know it.

Symptoms are: lethargy, anxiety, lack of motivation, mood swings. Turns out the bromide in flour fucks up your ability to absorb iodine. So no matter how much you take in your body keeps missing it.

Start taking iodine, take it along with zinc, selenium, and magnesium. Or buy a Thyroid suppliment containing all 3.

Eat more mushrooms too. Not magic mushrooms, regular ones. They contain tons of good shit you need.

You don't. It's illegal and yet I buy it every week. You think it causes brain damage and yet every single successful programmer or engineer I know smokes like a chimney. You think it's addictive and yet I quit cold turkey for over a month now.

Nothing you can do about it.

>complaining about a mostly still illegal smoke while ignoring legal tobacco


>who cares about everyone else man wtf
>we live in shitty times because of what people did back then REEEEEEEEEEEEE

assuming you're not a newfag or a shill of course

alcohol does more damage than weed.

Because it makes us feel great. And with much less nasty side effects of booze.

Stay sober though, I don’t give a shit what you do.

Leave it to the psychotic and bloodthirtsy Americunts to not understand the issue here.

In Europe we have universal healthcare, I hate poor people as much as the next guy, but if they start smoking brain damaging plants my tax money is going straight into their healthcare. That's no good at all, it should be there for people who have genuine unpreventable issues, not for some retard living on the dole smoking themselves to death.

I presume at least some portion of the US health industry is subsidised by taxes, it effects you in the same way, it's the reason it's illegal to drive without a seat belt, dipshits.

>speculated to cause permanent brain damage to people of all ages
>There's increasing evidence to suggest it permanently damages your long and short term memory
Let's see your sources.

>Universal health care
Stopped reading there, filthy communist.

Nice post. You’re awesome.

Alcohol weed and opiates are all fine.

Ssri's and benzos are the real cancer and handed out like candy. Long term use of either is extremely harmful. Short term benzo use is alright. I would never touch an ssri even once tho

What's your problem with alcohol buddy?

>Let's see your sources.

The facts are right here.


Opiates are pretty bad man

you type like a retard

muh increasing evidence, fucking neck yourself bong

Yeah OP, it doesn't give you brain damage, so stop hoping that it's going to bring everyone who smokes it down to your level. Fact is, if you believe this patent held by the US Gov't, it does just the opposite. " The cannabinoids are found to have particular application as neuroprotectants, for example in limiting neurological damage following ischemic insults, such as stroke and trauma, or in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease..."

Patent #: US 6630507 B1


Hahaha hahaha hah ha hahaha
Wow, violent? I would say violently hungry maybe.


Are you larping again, or is this pasta, or are you for real? Because I've read a post written by a britcuck before that discussed smoking spice
You think it is good for you, that spice?

Hell yeah

they're all trash

There's no need for a criminal penalty.

Smoking weed is its own punishment.

cannabinoids doesn't mean 420 OG kush, stoner.

They actually are one of the least toxic class of drugs there are. Opiates are like alcohol except a much better physically pleasurable high and you still think perfectly clear. Some would argue even more clear. Not talking shooting street heroin btw, which is retarded

Longitudinal studies have shown no damage on youth. It was crossectional studies with improper controls that suggested damage. IQ studies were refuted. Shill harder.

Shut up faggot. Free drugs for everybody. I don't want my access impeded because some of you retards dont know your limits. As far as I'm concerned we should hand out more opiates to weed out the degenerates and losers in our society.

Sup Forums should be age 21 and older and not 18. fuck off, you piece of shit

Not all cannabinoids are the same, mister 56%. CBD is a whole lot different than THC.

>so you care from an economic stand point.

That's valid, and sure the argument can be made that smoking, anything, will lead to health problems and require medical attention.

As you stated, " my tax money is going straight into their healthcare" but if that was your only concern you would be just as passionately upset by other factors that contribute to individuals needing medical assistance.

We can list air quality, standard of living, education level and access to regular doctor visits as contributing to healthcare needs that your tax money is going towards.

The issue, it seems, is not one of your money being wasted. If it was you wouldn't focus on weed itself.

I believe you are not a smoker, of anything, and look down upon people who are. You have a heightened sense of superiority that hinges on something so trivial that expressing your "anger" is the only way to calm the anxiety that lingers.

What anxiety you may be asking?

The anxiety that you aren't better than those who smoke pot.

Where are you getting your THC then?

He can't even form an argument for this.

uh yeah fuckface it means the whole spectrum, OK KUSH 420 purple included.

>reddit spacing
I'm not going to read your shitty blog

There's your problem.


What business is it of yours what people smoke? My question is how do we stop people like you from meddling in other people's personal affairs?

might not be good for someone but it sure isnt bad its just the same as grown weed out of soil but like synthasised

It actually has neuroprotective effects. Derp.

Yes but it's still chemically addictive, unlike weed. Idk man I've seen too many friends go from pills to shooting up.

Because I'm a god damn adult in an allegedly free country and I should be able to smoke what I want, not what the government tells me is ok.

Also: google.com/patents/US6630507

>US Department of Health and Human Services

For the same reason people smoke, eat shitty food, drink alcohol, engage in unprotected sex.

This is the best you can do? It mentions nothing about brain damage or permanent memory impairment. It only mentions increased violence, which is great for dealing with faggots like you.

being this guillible and scientifically illiterate

>smoking nigger spinach
yeah okay why would I want to associate with such a low class activity such as that?
Straight edge lifestyle is the only respectable lifestyle, whether you like it or not

Amphetamines are good for you. Eating meat and smoking pot is a gateway drug straight to hell

So your addicted, good to know.

Enjoy it while you can, Trump is gonna cut off your supply soon.

thank god this turned out to be pasta.



The West Coast would secede if that happened, not even kidding

>he thinks Trump will end CIA's biggest source of revenue

>but it sure isnt bad its just the same as grown weed out of soil but like synthasised
You know people actually overdosed on spice and died? While most stoner memes are utter bullshit, the one about weed not causing overdoses seems to be right. But spice is not weed. You will one day overdose on spice and die, or worse turn into a drooling potted plant, vegetating in a mental hospital

>It actually has neuroprotective effects. Derp.
>Implying dosage plays no role
I don't doubt that smoking a small-medium amount every two weeks or so may be healthy, but if you go full 420 and smoke a couple of grams, you're going to ruin your brains

Let em, degenerets wouldn't last a day.

I can go out and get blind drunk on a Friday night and by Sunday morning I’ll be fine.

Weed smokers never recover and will spend the weekend buying deep fried pizzas and reggae albums, like they do Monday to Friday

Nice appeal to emotion, kill yourself, shit eater. Hopefully you'll run out of money for weed soon and have to inject dirty krokodil needles you find in the gutter you piece of shit.

I want stoners to get the fuck off my Sup Forums and never come back, it's like they don't fucking understand that this is a Christian board.

Smoked two grams a day for over a year, and I work in a high security environment that requires thinking on your feet. No loss of mental capacities whatsoever

That is simply not true. You recover much quicker from smoking weed than you do from getting drunk. Even if you smoke a lot you'll be fine by the next day. The ones you're talking about probably smoke more often than just once per week.

I guess you were a lucky guy then. Because there's plenty of proof that smoking 2 grams a day for years will fuck up the average Joe's memory

Says "based off American Psychiatric patients" so they researched fucking loons and found out they are violent... groundbreaking stuff here guys.


Post those proofs then faggot.

I don't smoke weed but I can empathize. I tried to understand you, and what you're feeling in a way that isn't offensive. Your reaction speakers louder than the content of your comment.

It's not like you're trying to garner anything here. Look up how religion causes enrichment in the prefrontal cortex and come back here. Don't even fucking reply to me. You'll know why (and for multiple reasons [KEK])


Just like drinking every day will kill your liver. Take the occasional tolerance break and you will be fine. Hell I can install and program security systems high off my ass and be fine.

i can get stoned friday night and a few hours later ill be fine...no hangover...
where can I find these deep fried pizzas you speak of?

It is a self-resolving issue

>What is Dunning-Kruger effect

>Just like drinking every day will kill your liver.
Yes, I don't disagree with you at all. I would just caution young people to not drink or use drugs too often because their brains are still developing, and if you're 25+ you should just be moderate in your consumption of weed, alcohol and other drugs.
>But thats just like my opinion, dude


I can have a smoke at a party and be good to drive in about two hours, can't do that with booze.

This article is talking about people that are high. No one is disputing that your memory is terrible while high.

Not quite. It takes approx 4 weeks for CB1 receptors in your brain to come back to about the same number

t. brainlet

I meant that druggies usually do not go very far in life.

Are you talking about Alcohol or Weed? I genuinely can't tell.

Why does every stoner have some amazing job?

I have literally never met a professional person who has admitted smoking weed, or that I know to smoke weed. Yet on the internet everyone who smokes weed has a better job than I do, apparently. Why do none of you ever work in retail or fast food? Why are you full of anecdotes about all the standard professions being thick with stoners?

Because a real professional keeps their personal life to themselves when they're at work. Why would I go around the office going "DUDE WEED LMAO"?

i don't handle hangovers well.. always had stomach issues since young age.. weed is perfect recreational drug for me AND YES alcohol is a drug

That's not a source. That's a newspaper website.
A source would be a scientific paper.

Only because of priming (psychology) of the masses.

What's your guilty pleasure?

user you need to pick a more important battle

>Yet on the internet everyone who smokes weed has a better job than I do
What is your job, dude?

nice digits

my dad's a vp of sales for a very large company and always had been in that sort of position for last 15 years, and blazes every weekend, i got no cool job but if i did I would not tell anyone I smoke in the evenings

thanks doc

>dose sources
Kill yourself my dude, you're trying way too hard for somebody with no personal power whatsoever. Your thread will go nowhere, as will your life.


It was weed for a while. I am still in college and was smoking everyday until ~April. My GPA in a non STEM major was ~3.0 and now that I have stopped, I have only received A's. Habitual use is negative. I have friends in Accounting/Finance majors who are not idiots yet are straight B/C students because all they do is smoke.