Gooks the worst race after niggers. Idiotic sloppy eyes, closed mind, robot consciousness, flat monkey face, slavish flirting with white people, hive mind and
lack of personality, intelligence without real creativity (they still steal western and european patents).
My country full of half mongoloid hybrids, it's like living on cemetery. 40% of east slavs are mongrels with admixture of paleoasiatic subhumans, pathetic and passive inbreds with low androgens. Gooks already takes your place in Africa
Betas which mating with gook garbage girls BTFO. We know that white dumb roasties and coal burners must be poisoned, but euro losers must be ashamed and killed by their hapa sons.
Kikes want you to spoil your heritage with GOOK AND NOG DNA
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But muh Asian women are based
Based flatface bitches and cucks
Just chill with the shit posting.
Praise the white race. There is absolutely no need to rag on other races.
I mean, Whites have done everything that created the good in modern society.
Reminder that Caucasians are the most powerful race in the world, and achieved more than Mongoloids, Negroids, and Abos
Why can't the plague hit chinks and poos countries. We need depopulation
What about alfred nobel?
Why is her mom sleeping there?
MI gook actually means american. Why not call them zippers or dogeater.
how the fuck
Chinese have a superior IQ.
i will burn the rice and you cannot stop me
i wont breed with them though, so calm your tits
Too bad they have a hivemind, are fucking weaklings unless they take roids and they have no fucking mercy or empathy whatsoever
Meet your son
They are expert cheats
thats literally it
China and India students have such pressure from their families to succeed they cheat in exams. Theres whole industries dedicated to cheating in exams. Theres literally no one who takes exams who doesn't cheat.
This is what you will make.
there’s only one country on earth that could go toe to toe with Japan and China and that’s America. Not one other country comes even close except maybe Russia but they’d get their asses handed to them to. Japan could get thousands of nukes within 2 months if they wanted them
Oh god, they really are. I went to school with a bunch of FOBs and all they did was find new exciting ways to cheat.
As much as I hate to say it cause I have a dislike of them, the future is Chinese. That much is obvious
Me no rike \\\who/// behind post
Ya the truth is rough on people with a head full of delusion
They got billions of people, tons of money and they’re on the way up. American influence is starting to wane and they’re filling the void. Why do you think Trumps family knows mandarin? Cause they’re smart
Its a 20 word post and you didn't manage to get through all 20 words.
Nope. China has far too many problems with pollution, clean water, huge rural poverty, corruption, to be able to sustain its growth indefinitely.
However, if the western countries were to somehow rid themselves of marxists and the parasitic immigrants which are allowed by such a cancerous ideology, they will once again begin to thrive.
china rules the world for a few decades once every couple of years or so. it's literally nothing new. read a history book you dumb niggers.
the cancerous ideology and immigrant hordes are symptoms of the irreversible internal rot. the only things left to do is let it all collapse and be rebuilt.
The reason they're represented as having a high IQ is because they present themselves through their best and brightest
This method is also shared by kikes, incidentally
Jesus the amount of butt hurt. Hows it feel knowing my cousins are ricing russian girls.
Clearly something must be done to limit the raw persuasive power of these Russians.
>multiple butthurt responses for statement of fact
Chinese have a higher IQ. Doesn't mean they dont have other horrific racial characteristics which makes their higher IQ irrelevant.
What a stupid picture. The picture cites Charles Murray's book, yet his sources of course were entirely western encyclopedias (which naturally have a western emphasis on bias), not to mention that he is a pop political science hack and not a historian. The idea that most important achievements since the 14th century were European is absurd and laughable
>posts chink
WEW. Also, you are going to regret these words of yours if you ever get your DNA tested. I guarantee it.
>sloppy eyes
Yet once again China is the world's greatest economic power as it has been for most of history, while Britain slides into irrelevance and internal decay
>the idea that the most important inventions since the 14th century were European is absurd and laughable
>actual t.achmed
The fact that we're even talking about their women taking our men means that we need to adapt. We must look at what they are doing right with their women and apply it to our own white women. No options are off the table to have our men choose our women again.
>tfw to smart to have a face
Hahaha take your projections elsewhere slavnigger
>Gooks the worst race after niggers
Asian men /women make more money than white men/women on average.
fuck off
when did mei-li turn you down for prom, OP
isn't it great how asians suceed? white loser cant compete.
accept asian superiority
There's honestly nothing more embarrassing than a white guy who has to resort to dating a gook. Most of the time the fetish is born from either loving anime and kpop, but they end up dating these flat faced, middle aged looking chinks that can barely speak a coherent sentence. Imagine dating someone from a culture as primitive as China's, with the personality and looks of a fucking dry wall.
i can't get anything else
asian women are so perfect
I bet their conversations are as riviting as their sex life
Okay, you've stated a problem. Now propose some solutions, try for 4-6 solutions.
Vancouver, never change
Post /our girls/
>Imagine dating someone from a culture as primitive as China's
This coming from an Australian, which has as much culture as a Mcdonald's toilet. Kill yourself.
Russian-Turkish-Mongolian rape babies are the true master race though.
Stop dating Asian women
Stop dating Asian women
Stop dating Asian women
Stop dating Asian women
Stop dating Asian women
go live in china, chinklover
Having fun with your acid attacks?
she is tatar
Asian mentality is fucked in general
>gf is qt Filipino born in Israel so she don't have the asian mentality
>both her parents are idiots with asian mentality
Whats the difference?
they are not rapebabies, you nigger
It was literally Soviet and Imperial russian policy to meme into existence these separations between Turks.
does she look like a turk to you?
Guess what Rus user
Your cucked government is bringing out a program to bring more Chinese students to Russia to study at Russians universities , guess they'll be buying everything up there as well and drive the high rent prices of Moscow up even more
She looks like Anzu only saner.
pic related tartar
I'll help you out
>proposal that would increase the desirability of current white women to be greater than current Asian women
>proposal to make less white men go after Asian women
>proposal to make more white men go after white women
>proposal to make fewer Asian women accept relationships with white men
>proposal to make more white women accept relationships with white men
Shaming tactics might work on women if we can reverse the current culture of criminalizing shaming, but shaming will work even less on men.
dude wut
Meh, at least they work.
Russians are the biggest cucks to gooks
>be Russian
>treat your men like shit
>encourage women to get riced
Nah I'd rather plug an Asian woman than some subhuman Latino or brown middle east shitskin
>The ad also gives CRI’s (Russia) Vkontakte (Russian Facebook) page info and pointed out that the publication was made with the support of the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China. I wonder if that’s true…
top kek
get it together russia
What's with her? Stroke?
>dey be taykin all our wominz
how about you put the bottle down for a sec Ivan
>and achieved more than Mongoloids, Negroids, and Abos
Why don't you do something about it lmao
They just want to be like white people
>keeping the bloodline pure, eh?
Russians are mongols anyways so it doesn't really matter.
Says meme flag fag
> posts ukrainian wife image
I wonder if she snores or just wheezes like a faggot farting.
Didnt your country just get cucked by islam very recently? GOOKS are a fucking ascended whites and are superior to whites in many ways but they still treat whites as just people. Even breeding with gooks produce even hotter generations. Go wipe the sweat off your wifes new muslim boyfriends cock.
What is that giraffe neck?
that's spooky
This isnt gooks. Gooks are korean. this os fucking CHINESE CHINK MOTHERFUCKERS. We gooks SPIT on chinks.
There is no Asian problem. For the most part they are respectful of other cultures, keep to themselves, and are generally fairly intelligent.
>runover by a VW Voyage
Haha, get fucked, chinker!
This would be true if we assumed they stayed in their countries and didn't immigrate significantly. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand can confirm that this is not the case.
This triggers Sup Forums
Russia still has a serious gook issue and it doesn't help that your government is cucking you
I don't know how you put up with them they are everywhere in Moscow, not just tourists heaps of students I always saw heaps at the linguist university in Moscow