Why aren't there more Black anime characters? It seems like the only foreigners are Caucasian, and that is it

Why aren't there more Black anime characters? It seems like the only foreigners are Caucasian, and that is it.

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Think I still have that game installed it was pretty good.

But yeah blacks get a hard time in anime.


They tend to be muggers or very minor characters.


considering japan's seemingly nationwide fetish for ntr im suprise they havent jumped aboard the BLACKED train already

Sounds logical.

I hate how isekai anime glorifies white western culture and not anywhere else

The majority of japanese people have never seen a real black person

Please tell me this isn't the most recent black lives matter in japan. So very disgusting.

Why would you want more blacks in anime?

>muh BLM

And I love it.
Asians are quite realistic about what cultures are good enough to be glorified.

Only socialists and hippies think mud eating nigs have something of value to show to humanity.

And before you say it - no, I've not been to Sup Forums in years.

There is a fair number in Shinjuku, Ginza, and a few other spots in tokyo. You also see them at US military bases in Okinawa.

Go back to Sup Forums, Sup Forums supports BLM.

look at those fucking english teacher monkeys

The only good blacks are brown lolis.

Kill yourself.

No we fucking don't.

>she convinces him that rape is legal in japan

you'd be able to hear the stampede of blacks lining up for japanese citizenship

>Personality: Honorable
>Engages in: Molesting, Rape

Seems legit

I am no drumpffag redditor, but jesus fucking christ I would rather be a redditor than in BLM.

Nobody fucking speaks for Sup Forums except lolis, now flat chest or fuck off

Fuck off reddit

>not redditor

choose one, you have to go back faggot

Never understood this-
Out of all the boards Sup Forums and Sup Forums seem to have a crippling fear of Sup Forums. Everything is the boogeymans fault

When in Rome.

BLM is a racist movement that prioritizes black people over every other people in America, I mean shit we white people get killed the most by cops yet you dont see us going apeshit crazy destroying towns now do you? You blacks are racist piece of shit thats what.

All of the replies are shitting on that retard.

>You blacks are racist piece of shit thats what.
Plenty of whites support BLM m8

>He doesn't know about honorable rape

Best Black anime character

Cuck lives matter

Why are there only like 5 Asians?

You are a racist your movement is all about hating of white people not police brutality.

Because black lives matter.

because everyone hates black people

This. Also Mods should had delete this shit.


Fucking english teacher scum, kill em

Bobby is the best black anime man of all time.

Does Sup Forums hate black people?

I think it sucks when ANYONE gets shot and killed, supporting BLM does not make me a racist. I think they should change the name to WE ALL MATTER, putting a focus on Black lives creates division >i.e this thread
and makes it harder to come together as a group.

Im more concerned about Climate change anyway

no, Sup Forums hates non-japanese things invading japanese mediums

blacks can be based

Criminals deserve to get shot, you should fuck off to reddit if you think any functional black people ever gets wrongfully killed.
Come back to me when someone like Ben Carson is randomly shot

of course. non-whites don't belong here


>literally all gaijin
lol japon dont care

>non-whites don't belong here
>on a japanese culture board
Hope you're baiting, user.

>Im more concerned about Climate change anyway
Hahahahahahahahaha, jesus christ.

Didn't think morons like you browsed Sup Forums.

Take it to Sup Forums, lads.

Because there aren't a lot of black people in Japan. No need to create characters for a demographic that essentially doesn't exist in Nippon.

Japan is aryan

Take this shit to Sup Forums retards. There's no reason to post about it here.

Not American, but I hate my country's black people. They are far worse than African Americans.

>you should fuck off to reddit if you think any functional black people ever gets wrongfully killed
black people suffer as many accidents as white ones do

Making some stupid movement wont end police brutaliity, and acting like anarchist shitholes also wont end it either.

Do things the civilized way file a complaint and wait you racist black piece of shit.

japanese are honorary white along with south koreans

Let me guess, you also think that jews are evil?

Where do you live, user? I don't know how a country can have worse blacks than america.

Nice try gook


Only before WW2. The word "white" is no longer a social status.

80s anime had far more negro characters than current anime. Is there a reason for this?

>african americans can be racist
oh Sup Forums u so randumb ecksdee

Found the white cuck

Let me guess: racism is power + privilege. Right? >>>/tumblr/

You may not have two brain cells to rub together but i think you can manage to read.

Sound the words out, use your finger if necessary

What about Brazilians?

Writers growing up during the post-war occupation.


why is Sup Forums so racist? wtf


Racism is any discrimination based on race fucktard, you blacks are racist pieces of shit that discriminate against white people all the time, you even refer to us as white bois or white girl not human or hey dude thats how racist you african shitheads are. Cracker fuck them crackers i hate crackers man pasty ass white bois little inbred redneck, this is pure racism blacks get away with this shit because liberals are complete nutjobs.

Ausfag here. Abos are bad; they bludge off government benefits and still whinge non-stop, but at least they don't go around killing people on the streets or shooting police officers. The only people they kill are their own kind, and it's only in the shithole regions populated by fullblacks.

Sup Forums as a whole isnt very fond of black people

Nobody really cares about Brazilians. They are never mentioned in anime.

>not wanting to inject niggers into a place they don't belong
That's not racism. That's just not being a white guilt ridden female American college student.

Not everything needs a nigger in it.
Not everything needs a white person in it either.
I don't bitch and moan when there's no whites in Olympic running.

i dont

Why are you posting about this on Sup Forums and not on Sup Forums?

>is Sup Forums racist

Sup Forums just hates normies. We've always been fine with weebs, whether they're white, black or spic.


Thanks for the (You)s!

I haven't seen this image in ages. Do you have the original with him and his crew?

I do.

I can read alright, you called it "climate change" like all the idiots do. Guess what? Climate change happens all the time, it's happening right now: the temperature changing 1 degree is climate change.

Maybe you should start calling it what it really is: man-made global warming. Not fashionable anymore?

I'm not clicking on your idiotic propaganda links, I've seen them more than enough. Until you provide clear, irrefutable evidence that the slight rise in temperature is directly linked to C02, your theory is bullshit, and you're a complete idiot just like Obama and Leonardo diCan'tact

Just continuing the conversation that was started. Thread's gone to shit anyway, so nothing to lose.

>Sup Forums - Anime & Manga


That's the thing.
It's not about skin color. It's about culture and aesthetics.
Samurai Champloo made me cringe not once or twice when I was watching it. Some things simply don't click well with anime.

On the other hand Pirotess from Loddoss Saga is by far the best character in that anime.

supporting one thing doesn't mean you're opposing something else

I used to make black jokes here non-seriously but abhorred blacks. As I got older I seen it was because I was intimidated.


The same reason there aren't more of anything that isn't white and/or European.

Sup Forums is only one that uses Propaganda sites

Who do you think Nasa is run by, retard?

Climate is usually based upon 30-year averages.

Sure, global avg temps have gone up in the last 40 years, but by a small amount -- about 0.2 to 0.4F -- not much, but having stabilized for almost the last half of that period (post-1998).

It should be noted that 1880 to 1910 the temp increase was about the same increase/rate as near recent, and that was without any significant increase in CO2.

The only black people I hate are the retarded racists ones. I don't mind the others. That being said, living in an Asian country, the first black person I ever saw in real life was when I was 8 in London on a family trip.

Because we value quality and niggers tend to be apes. Leave now.

See that's the bad thing with Sup Forums hating absolutely everything that comes out of other boards: it makes you weak against their attacks
All the replies to the "Sup Forums loves BLM" bait just proves this
You need to submerse yourself in a swamp filled with shit and vomit from time to time to build an immunity to all the germs
On Sup Forums this bait would get a handful of (You)s at most, all of which would just be insults or memes


Unfortunately I don't. They looked like a pretty cool group though.