>American troops 'vastly outnumbered' by North Korea if war breaks out, ex-US general warns
So this is like Vietnam all over again, is American might just a meme?
>American troops 'vastly outnumbered' by North Korea if war breaks out, ex-US general warns
So this is like Vietnam all over again, is American might just a meme?
Kim is vastly outnumber in ICBM nuclear missiles
No shit, if there were ever a war it won't be conventional warfare you know?
airstrikes, cornwallace
This shit again... Ugh
>Wars are fought on foot
>Physical strength matters
>1 unmanned drone won't flatten a hill with 55k chinks in coal powered Russian Vaz trucks
Fuck outa here
>the year of our dark lord 2017
>implying we're gonna fight with foot soldiers
Enjoy getting drone'd back to the stone age north cucks.
t. jidf
This. What part of this don't you goyim understand? There will be no need for occupation or ground forces, the entire war will win itself with drones. Just don't think about the inevitable nation-building and civilian casualties and start this war as quick as is humanly possible. Remember, it will be short, cheap, and we will surely win!
>Implying we'd invade NK
Remember when Trump commented on our military preparedness?
The libshits went FUCKING NUTS!!!!
you wouldn't take viagra just to jack off
How in the hell can we outnumbered by a country with less than 1/10th our population and a technology disadvantage?
but would they be outnumbered after the first week?
This time it's scorched earth WW1 style senpai.
At the outset of the Iraq war, the United States deployed 192,000 soldiers and Iraq was defended by 375,000 soldiers
This, tremendous advantage, of course, is why the invasion was repulsed so easily and ultimately why Saddam Hussein went on to overthrow the US and install himself as Dictator of North America.
If you draft the whole country you're going to outnumber any standing army. You'll just have shit troops.
If they scorched earth NK would it still exist in underground tunnels and bases?
Lol I think we'll be fine.
When was the last time the US lost a standing battle? The Chinese advance into Korea of 1951?
We're fucking awful at occupation, counterinsurgency, etc. but I can't recall any point where _____ soldiers flat out beat American soldiers in decades
Not high praise I know, since the Viet Cong managed to win an entire war without ever winning a single battle but the Kim dynasty can't imagine they're gonna survive no matter what shitheap comes after
Or can they? Are they THAT retarded?
NK is defensive orientated. They have underground airbases,tank complexes,factories,dockyards and tunnels in every mountain and city.
They aren't offensive oriented.
You'd have a truly brutal campaign where 25% of the population are in the military and 15% are in concentration camps.
lmao. Truly a meme. China already hacked the US fleet based out of the middle east and has all the inner workings.
Also pic related is a US drone that came down in Turkey. Probably a self destruct mechanism to prevent foreign reverse engineering.
You said that about Iraq and Afghanistan.
Americans are outnumbered by a bunch of lanky 14 year olds? Please?
Also there won't be a nuke war, "ex-US general". Nobody's interested in war any time soon, the news just loves to excite you for nothing as it always has is all.
You mean the nukes you used on Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan?
I dunno the zerg rush might be a bad thing.
>You said that about Iraq and Afghanistan
Yeah and how did that work out for the Taliban and the Ba'ath?
>If they scorched earth NK would it still exist in underground tunnels and bases?
Their tunnels are collapsing without nuclear warfare just imagine what will happen when the bombs start falling
>tfw in 2020 metro NK 2022 comes out.
What is advanced technology for $200 Alex? Numbers mean shit in 21st century warfare.
Do you know the saying "Never fight a land war in Asia" . That is partly why.
Even if you fight and defeat a retarded army like Saddam's, you can not hold that country. Guerilla with AK and RPGs will simply make it impossible to rule it.
No because first we bomb the crud out of them which makes most of them dead,, then we go in and mop up :)
This is why you smash the place to bits, fucking decapitate it, then after a month leave and tell China and South Korea "these are your brothers, help them build better lives"
>1 post by this id
Bunch of fucking redditors in here. Nothing will happen.
My sides Jew,, I almost died :)
I dunno why but the pic always make me laugh. The guy knew exactly what he was doing and pulled of to aplomb.
US army is going to steamroll the nork forces and South Korea will do the occupation and rebuilding.
>implying Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan were nuclear armed states with ICBM's
really makes me think
Remember Desert Storm?
Kim is totally afraid of America
Vastly outnumbered by dangerously malnourished chinks who would surrender for a sandwich.
I just imagine that guy with hand gun has no bullets and is just kneeling there going "pew pew pew".
I remember when Japan did something similar.
We sent in Douglas MacArthur to have a talk with them after the bombs.
you cant /thread your own post you retard
>Lost to starving illiterate rice farmers
>So this is like Vietnam all over again, is American might just a meme?
You don't need an army when you can just drop a nuke on the little fat bastard.
Top kek, wtf are those norks doing?
Nice photoshop
It's not the number of troops that matters it's the skill
Pic related
KJU also has pea shooters for weapons
>The 54% thinks that's gonna work
China won't stick up for NK anymore after that whole tunnel incident. That mountain collapsed and released fallout in the air and it affects parts of China too. Kim declaring war and ESPECIALLY doing a preemptive strike on anyone anywhere would be 100% suicidal for him.
Name one engagement in Vietnam US forces actually lost
Is Korea going to deploy the same vaunted "get butchered into America gets bored" tactic?
You didn't know this?
Lurk moar, faggot.
The Norks would still get their arses handed to them if the US truly throws their might. Technologically, the US is the strongest military in the world- yet they still do things half arsed. But, if the war was fought with just men and small arms- the yanks are outnumbered (Vietnam 2: Korean Boogalo)
The army is not malnourished.
US can best them but military cost will be severe and Seoul will be a wasteland with countless dead. It would be a really bad idea to solve it this way.
we don't station many troops in korea
south korea does the heavy lifting there
Ba'ath party we're btfo in like 2 weeks by like 1/7th of the US armed forces
>mfw the US does another draft
>mfw 33% of people are clinically obese, 74% of all men considered overweight or obese
>mfw 12% are negros many of whom are from Chicago and can't function in a job let alone the military
>mfw 50%+ are leftist Hillary supporters that don't even support the government and dislike the president
>mfw 30% are Mexicans, 20% jumped the border to abandon mexico for greener pastures and wouldn't give their lives for their country
>mfw 60%+ live in big cities and many haven't even been out camping
>mfw 15% are on antidepressants, 70% on some form of medication
>mfw they would probably include women in front line positions
Vietnam was also only half the fight this is as the country was divided. They also were less organized and had virtually no gear and weapons unlike North Koreans that have stockpiled the past few decades.
The most powerful military on earth right now is China. Not because of overall spending but because of the disposable soldier.
The american """army"" is a meme
Why do you think they couldn't even defeat nice niggers living in underground?
Quick answer...
EMP FOLLOWED BY Selective Nuclear strike... problem solved
Yes, I'm sure the United States is going to do a ground invasion of North Korea. That would make perfect sense.
If war does break out, we will use bunker bombs to destroy their underground tunnels, and then carpet bomb the country for a week or two before we send in U.S. Special Forces to gather intel. At that point a decision will be made as to how many troops we need to send in for a full ground invasion.
And I base all this off absolutely nothing.
What NK doesn't realize is that the difference between its shitty missiles and the US's bombs.
We don't need high yield because of high accuracy. We can send a 1KT bomb down an airshaft. They might at best hit a city.
Considering the Taliban still holds a large amount of land in Afghanistan still to this day what the US is doing obviously isn't working.
Sure thing, Xiaojong.
TIP: We turned Vietnam into a modern day resort. They're a vacation spot now.
We turned the Iraq's army into burnt bones and that was with tech from 30 years ago.
>tfw you're the minority of normal weight / not on medication
Feels good.
We'd have to send ground troops in to make sure all nukes have been destroyed. Otherwise they're open to potential retaliation on the off chance somebody high up survived.
Can't just level the place with drones and bombs and assume the best, because then someones head will roll if they aren't and theystrike back.
The fuckin goofs in here.
Yea, North Korea would sit there and let the USA bomb it for a year before the war started LOL
i'd be surprised if NK waited more than a week after the war started to launch nukes.
As to the NK army, they could easily over run all of South Korea. Easily.
>74% of all men considered overweight or obese
>60%+ live in big cities and many haven't even been out camping
I assume this is the sort of thing basic training is supposed to correct. Drafting people doesn't mean you sweep people off the streets, shove a gun in their hands and send them straight out into combat. To be honest, a short, sharp war with a wide draft might be a valuable chance to drill some discipline into the current generation. A good chance to get a load of nogs and illegals killed as well, but sadly I'm sure that won't happen.
So drone strikes then
>we would let NK roll over SK.. OK
Seoul is only 35 miles from North Korea. They would get blown off the map before the US would have a chance to retaliate. I mean what dumbfucks would put their capital that close to the border.
You're going to start the war?
And then start crying because NK is beating your ass as they steam roll over half of SK.
"OH, well, We'll launch nukes at them!"
good luck kiddo. China is sitting right there, and NK has nukes too.
Or better yet it could civilize the nogs reducing there negative influence
>civilize nogs
Impossible or it would have happened already.
Why the fuck do you think south korea dosent want to go to war so badly?
The south and the north get decimated and the US has to rebuild two countrys from nothing
Meanwhile china has about a decade or more before the US can turn there attention to them
The best part about fighting an entire nation of conscripts is that you don't have to worry about the collateral. Bug war now.
Fish in barrel vastly outnumber man with gun.
Litraly all you have do is take them out of a shit enviroment after a generation or two they will basicly be like whites
The only reason the US hasent done this allready is because muh blackculture
We beat the germans with a combination of numerous shermans and numerous russians, the norks only have numerous gooks and numerous gooks can't fight if they're all soldiers.
The idea of Kimmy mobilizing his entire starving nation with promises of food and glory and glorious food while his elites see the american headsman's axe looming ever closer is kind of funny.
From a country whose "army" runs on maple syrup and moose cum
And Iraq had the largest army and a large air force in 1992 and that worked out well for them didnt it.
And also, the Canadian "military" are a bunch of pussies
Stop being so ignorant.
You actually believe we would send our guys in
there? There are a few other countries that
assist in overthrowing Un.
By this time next year, NK will be part of SK
You can screen cap that.
looks like a shoop
North Korea would Zerg rush initially. They'd get too close for efficient Ally air support to be effective. I the long run though NK would be annihilated. Numbers will only favor NK initially.
>ants outnumber lions
Its pretty embarrassing that these MSM faggots are trying to scare people with north korea just because trump is the president who will be in office during the war. North Korea is a pushover, a few airstrikes and their war machine is crippled.
I can see the deployment parades already and it's glorious
>Litraly all you have do is take them out of a shit enviroment after a generation or two they will basicly be like whites
Yes, they can join the ranks of successful and functional negro diaspora in places such as...
Parts of amarica and canada have allready done this
Its only when you let niggers rule themselfs that you get degeneracy
the norks have firewood/steam powered trucks.
fucking firewood powered trucks. that should tell you where their tech and ability to supply their army lies.
also not to mention the entire nation is literally fucking starving most of the time.
even in a vietnam style landwar, we'd destroy their entire infrastructure and completely cripple them within days. hell, maybe hours.
I think you have those mixed up :/
>Parts of amarica
Like where?
in modern warfare American might is kind of a meme see while we have the most advanced and accurate weapons we lack the resolve we once had. back in the day we flattened entire cities until the enemies government gave up.
today we don't go far enough to ensure our victory.
you all seem to be forgetting Russia has a boarder with NK also. One of its most important ports and naval bases are in the area and Russia is pouring billions into the region in an effort to become a major power in the pacific. If you think Russia will do nothing, you are severely mistaken.
Considering the tech the Russians have, I wouldn't be surprised if they equip NK with some epic defence weapons as a way to test them. Russia has been working on ways to defend against the numerous NATO systems stationed all around it, and I'm sure they are ITCHING to see how they perform.
If the situation escalates to war it will most likely expand beyond the region and become a world conflict.
There are niggers scatered across middle class neighbourhoods that are as civilised as there white and asian counterparts
Its the ones in the ghetto that are cultraly fucked and intelecualy stunted by lack of education and poor social development