What's your Anime of the Year?
What's your Anime of the Year?
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Hibike was my favorite in two seasons, but it's been a good year all around.
Anime of the decade and waifu of the century
I can't recall a single one that was notably good. Everything was like a 6 at best.
Pic related, it's self explanatory
Do i need to say more?
With complete seriousness and sincerity It's Keijo!!!!!!!! I have gotten more enjoyment out of the 4 episodes that have aired so far than any other anime I've watched this year.
What anime is this?
La feliz Ana.
It had no competition at all.
I guess Rakugo, I haven't watched anything this season but I don't think anything looks like a 9/10 or higher.
I would say Hibike but Rakugo was better.
Right now? Flying Witch.
I have no doubt it will be Koe no Katachi when the bluray comes out though.
Without a doubt, the AOTY was Mayoiga.
Kabaneri of the iron fucking fortress
Probably Flip Flappers and Rakugo
(the anime doesn't get there, though)
neither do the scanlations ;_;
new game or erased
Unironically ReZero but Sup Forums is too autistically elitist to accept it
I would say Rakugo Shinjuu, but i already know this thread will be filled with shitposts anyway.
>people still posting the rakugo is good meme
it's Keijo!!!!!!!!
I agree.
Too early to say, ask me in a year or two. So far, Flip Flappers. Largely unimpressed by TV anime this year.
The big titles I'm still looking forward to are Kono Sekai no Katasumi ni and Koe no Katachi, if I had to guess I'd say one of those will be my AOTY.
Rakugo Shinjuu unless Flip Flappers manages to do a flawless ending.
Vocal minority blah blah blah.
>people still posting the >people still posting the rakugo is good meme meme
I got nothing, user. Not even in these past years.
That seagull is doing a massive fart
We got Love live sunshine, Jojo part 4, Re Zero to start.
Better stop there.
Concrete Revolutio S2
And before anyone says "hurr durr not an abime" fuck off back to /r/anime
Rakugo. Concrete Revolutio S2 and Kuma Miko are contenders, though
Isn't it just a music video? Do you really like the song or something?
Hibike or Kiznaiver
Big fan of melodrama, eh?
Active Raid
More like lovable characters + beautiful aesthetic
I don't buy it, but I won't hassle you.
That's a cute edit. We need more cute edits like that.
That's right, run away little bitch
Sup Forums's official AOTY chart, for reference.
It's a shame how poor our official chart is.
Why are Peruvians so damn unfunny?
Rakugo has impressed me the most and I absolutely loved it, but I'm getting really thoroughly sucked in by YOI. It wont beat Rakugo in quality but it's so addictice, if the writing holds up I'll probably have to concede it is my favorite series this year.
>my AOTY doesn't have a primarily cute female cast
1. Flip Flappers
2. 91 Days
3. New Game
>anime of the decade
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu.
AOTY rightfully belongs to Hanako
Also OP of the year
I didn't watch jack shit this year.
>meme meme meme meme
Flying witch followed closely by shokugeki s2, although it would've been kuma miko but the ending kind of killed it
Mob Psycho
Rakugo, runner-ups: Luluco and Hibike S2
Rakugo easily
Rakugo (Hibike may (probably) replace, if not runner up.) I think Gundam Thunderbolt was pretty excellent as well. If Gundam is supposed to be the chaos of war I dont think a single Gundam has done it better. While also just being a fun time with a killer OST.
Holy shit this is great.
Why is Nico so perfect?
Who was in the wrong here?
I just want the Nico Nico Knee to my balls
Still need to see how Flip Flappers and Tiger Mask W turn out, but my current leader in the clubhouse is definitely Amanchu!
>[san__________][_\/_|_/\_] Highlight All Match case Phrase not found
Sansha Sanyou
Why is Futaba so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Underrated post.
As far as a bond experience in gaining social capital that was aoty. Of course it's still garbage
Koukaku no Pandora
Or Keijo.
>re:zero better than sao
Tonkatsu DJ Agetarou
Keijo? Mob Psycho 100? 91 Days? Occultic;Nine?
>not Nyanbo
>Sup Forums starts with good taste
>goes to shit by 2012
Tenkyou no Alderamin
This is how you're supposed to do it. Naming a shit show like re:zero or Mayoiga that everyone knows is shit, but is still popular enough that it's conceivable that you're serious, isn't funny. The joke only works if it's something that no one in their right mind would ever even consider a candidate.