I have read a lot that the animators live under very bad conditions with terrible salaries.
But there are so many great animators there. And young animators like Miso, Norifumi Kugai and Bahi JD keep joining the industry.
I'm considering to move to Japan and start as an inbetweener. I'm half japanese so moving to Japan is the easy part. I'm just worried that it will not be a good future for me. My parents are also totally against it.
Parker Brown
>animator >in Japan >he literally wants to be beggar abroad just go beg for money on the street, in your home country or get a degree that will help your own country you fuck
Jason Gutierrez
If you get to work on Flip Flappers I would say it's worth it. Just make sure they flip their flaps in the second season. Try to whisper it into the director's ears.
Angel Bennett
>help your own country you fuck Fuck that. Your own happiness comes first.
Noah Adams
good riddance, another burden off America's back
Ryder Evans
Go for it user. Don't listen to these assholes. It's going to be very hard but you can do it. May the Yoshinari force be with you.
Kayden Jones
>help your own country you fuck what kind of autism was that?!
Grayson Jones
You need three things:
Mastery of the language (reading, speaking, and of course typing) - communication is key Connections, because you don't just waltz into a studio and announce you want to work on their anime Energy
Have you seen the BD extras on how anime is made? Trigger is very transparent with their production process and I suggest you take a good hard look at the work environment they have. The work will be unrelenting and meticulous and very likely deprive you of sleep. Even the veterans like Sushio become miserable sometimes. You will have to really love your work to keep at it and matching patience when the director tells you cuts 14-19 simply won't do, the anatomy is wrong HERE and HERE, the wrist does not curve that way in real life, and overall it simply doesn't flow; go back to your desk and fix.
If you are prepared for all of this, however, go for it. It's really up to you and your level of motivation. And your skill. Post some of your drawings if you're confident.
t. user who has a cousin working for JC Staff
Brody Sullivan
If you're actually good enough to get a job in it and have a back-up plan just in case then go for it
Jack Thompson
>I'm half japanese so moving to Japan is the easy part.
>Half japanese
they will treat you like a bastard just like the koreans. Anime is just shit that I consume just to escape from my horrible life. Nothing of value lost or gained with you or without you in that dead industry.