Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines.
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found god you can thank me later
that's hitler
Someone's trying to tell you something, OP.
more of the same.
atheism is for teenagers and communists.
Uhm, religion is for dumasses, to control the masses.
Man, I remember being so shallow minded and basically a brainlet that saying god doesn't exist made me feel smart
Feels good to grow up
Prove that God doesn't exist.
Pro tip: you can't
t. agnostic
The more we discover about the universe the more we will understand how it is either a program CREATED by a programmer, or a fishbowl dimension and everything in it was created by a higher dimensional being.
this is literally something that high-schoolers argue about
>Prove that God exist.
>Pro tip: you can't
Ok, keep us updated.
Oh, also sage all fields.
I wonder if at some point our internet networks will get so complex that sentient though will emerge on the net..?
>doesn't know what agnostic means
Underage pls go
We perceive only through the 5 senses and they're all wired to experience a set reality.
Go take some psychedelics (preferably 75mg of DMT) to expand the observational reality and tell me God doesn't exist.
You are going through one of the early stages of teen autism. You can overcome it though. Most do.
>75mg of DMT
OP is a faggot.
As long as unexplained phenomena exist humans will be thinking up esoteric explanations which will grow and form new religions.
The need for God and the afterlife is a coping mechanism to avoid facing the fears of our mortality.
Until a person is ready to have that personal talk with themselves about accepting death, religion is a good safety blanket.
God doesn't exist huh? Well science says our universe shouldn't exist because there was an equal amount of matter and anti matter when it was created. The matter and anti matter should have cancelled each other out, yet here we are.
And how do you know for certain that death is the end of consciousness?
Ok, so you're on the dumb side. Odds aren't as good for you ditching the fedora, but it's not impossible.
honestly, seeing how the christcunts have damned our people - i really couldn't care less if god is real or not.
We experience death every time we sleep. Aside from a couple minutes of dreaming, we essentially time travel during sleep. Our senses turn off. This is what happens when we die. Consciousness requires brain activity.
If God doesn't exist then who delivered Israel out of Egypt?
Check. Mate.
You're assuming that were aren't conscious during sleep and simply don't remember.
We all have several dreams during sleep yet a lot of times we don't remember a single thing about any of them. Does this mean we don't dream?
Religion gives people a sense of time that doesn't end abruptly at death. It gives them "eternal life" - they can live without being aware that they are in fact constantly dying. This is the "eternal life" versus "eternal death" thing. The idea is that small-minded idiots think something is "eternal" if it covers the whole span of a life.
Dreaming occurs during REM. This usually occurs either as we fall asleep, or as we wake up. If you practice deep meditation you can enter the dream world while conscious. This is what is known as Astral Travelling.
Cool story bro do you have a second to speak about my lord and saviour Jesus Christ?
Doesn't matter, we need religion to keep lower iq's in check.
Sure you may be educated, well off and morally empathetic but their are entire cultures of people that will do terrible things unless you convince them that space grandpa will burn them forever.
Now man up, accept that the law cannot account for every single degeneracy without threatening liberty and start preaching.
Yea, it's something that I've always been quite interested in. Paid almost no attention to it except the idea, I think it'll be one of those things that will come around eventually.
But aye anyway, you've more so just backed me up. Would make sense if you were just leafposting
Religion is still important even if there isn't a magic man in the sky. Having a shared set of core beliefs is the foundation for any community to work together and co-exist. The concept of sin is real, having negative emotions eating away at your subconscious leads to a state of living hell.
That is my personal analysis of heaven and hell, they are not physical locations you travel to after death, they are states of being you experience during life.