Why is the mainstream media trying so hard to dispute the flat earth lately? You know why
Flat Earth
What are you?
no, why?
Are there more retards all of the sudden.
I'm American therefore fat and ugly.
Probably because more people are talking about it lately and the fact it’s a fucking stupid thing to believe. The only people who would honestly believe the Earth is flat has never left their rundown house that has been home to their family for three generations.
The earth is flat or definitely not a sphere
If the Earth is flat, explain daylight savings time.
Checkmate, idiot.
Do you believe it rests on something? Does it orbit the sun? How do cellphones work under your theory?
Actually this, just answer this.
Don't try to reason with them. It only makes them feel smarter.
mainstream *white* money is up for grabs with the potential of a bloodless coup
radical change in narration
blah... blah...
le 0.001% flag
Everything you think you know about how the world works was told to you by ((((them))))
Nothing is actually restricted by the restrictions you think they are
This is what concerns me the most.
Scientists have a useful, math and physics based model that explains phenomenon like the seasons, stars, observations of the movements of planets very accurately and elegantly allowing us to predict the exact position of the moon, the frequency and duration of eclipses, period, behavior and magnitude of tides decades, centuries or even millenniums in advance. Flat earth retards have done NONE of those things, nothing but a pretty pictures of the sun and moon magically hovering over a flat distorted earth. No math, no physics, no predictions, nothing.
Even if true, the flat earth model, with a lifespan exceeding history itself, has completely failed in providing useful information to the commoner, the navigator, and the astronomer alike. Truly a pathetic existence which better be terminated as soon as possible
And also, sage.
They are hiding land, resources, technologies, and above all the truth that we are the center of the universe which means much more. They teach this in schools, not the schools you went to!
It should
Thats cool Bill Nye the Pseudo Science Guy.
Theres one little flaw with going to the freaking edge, People other then approved guided visits are allowed access to Antarctica. Way to redpill a generation. Jackass...
so this is flat earth science...whoa...
You see that’s you guys’s problem, you think it’s only a few people out there trying to fool u. It’s all of them. You are being lied to about everything. Science ? Physics? It’s all a sham. Doesn’t matter anyways, everything will change soon
Because they us it as an excuse to ignore the fact the earth is hollow
Water reflects specularly, not diffusely.
Do the same experiment on pool of water.
They’re hiding so much more. Can’t say or I’ll get in trouble but all will be revealed soon
Stupid fucking image. It doesn't take into account the distance of the curve. What takes place in the bottom image could very well take place in the top image, you'd just have to be closer on the top image. And this is just me trying to make sense of all sorts things wrong with this "experiment".
Explain daylight savings time?
There's a lot of good questions that debunk flat earth. This isn't one of them.
so woke, trust no one bruh
Ha haha! Oh my sides, good one.
Shill detected! Who do you work for faggot? Thought so.
The pressure is such they are panicking and wont be able to keep it under wraps for the normies.
The looks on their faces!
Dbl digits.
Nobody can argue these points.
You underestimate them
Nothing is real
I am actually curious how your braindead model explains tides.
>not triggering the normies
>plebs not being able to stretch their minds and enjoy arguing for something obviously wrong
Nigger please, Sup Forums has always been pro-flat earth
If they are hiding new lands or whatever how about you make a beeline over there and remove yourself
Flat earthers can't even decide how gravity is made. Some say it's just centrifugal forces (which makes no sense) and some say the plate that is earth is moving upwards fast so we are all pushed the opposite way back down onto to plate, which also doesn't make sense.
Larp. No digits.
The science you base these arguments on was made to fool you m
It’s not real
>People other then approved guided visits are allowed access to Antarctica.
>curve water
so we do the experiment at the micro level, with a single drop of water and the smallest LED
These threads are like one of those joke/comedy X-Files episodes.
"Jose Chung's And Then We Were Flat"
flat earth can't explain anything, everything is just fake, because it's smart to be a skeptic
The science that this is based on is the same maths and science that make it possible for you to shitpost right now on a little handheld device or a computer in your home. How do you explain that all of our technology, works, using the same maths and physics that we use to explain our universe, if that science is wrong? Idiot?
The same maths that make your GPS work in your Google maps app when you wanna get to grandma's house, are the same maths used to put the fucking satellites up there in the first place. The equations are a bit different but the maths and concepts and physics (how particles and energies interact) are the same.
It is colder in direct moonlight than in the shadow.
Which means the moon is its own light, and not reflecting from the sun.
Which collapses the entire heliocentric fairy tale alone.
>implying this isn't a simulation and that we've even seen the real earth.
they're trying to hold on to the last few shreds of credibility they have by stating the blatantly obvious, see that CNN commercial with the apple.
I'm not interested in how ((((((((((((they))))))))))) convinced us, I'm happy to play along. I just want your explanations of the logistics of a flat earth.
Whats on the other side? is there an other side?
Because its the only debate subject that Bill Nye can win.
real flat earther here. all globetards have are insults disregarding the fact no curve has even witnessed or proven. the globe is still just a hypothesis. the only basement dwellers are the retards who still believe in the masonic magic of a globe earth. Flat Earth is theory. Globe is a 500 year old hypothesis still waiting to get proven
if the earth is flat how come isnt not day all over the world at the same time? home come half the world is day and half is night
No the point is that water reflects light differently than a piece of paper. Curved or not the water would reflect the flashlight, or sun, the same way we see it in the "flat plane" picture and the same way we see in the actual photo of a sunset over the ocean. The light makes a long line that shines over water, no matter if curved or flat. Using this as an argument for flat earth is retarded because of how water reflects light differently from solid objects.
>implying the whole point with flat earth isn't to make normies ask themselves how someone could possibly believe in flat-earth, and thus provide keks for the "flat-earther".
Come on nig, never go full nigger while nigging against niggings.
Can’t reply to all of you it’s getting redundant so I’ll just say it one more time
Earth is flat and noones I ever been to space because they don’t want to be seen yet
What the fuck are you talking about?
Can you give me a quick rundown on the ramifications of a flat Earth, like why it would be such a big deal if it were true, why all governments of the world would seek to suppress this information, and whatnot?
globetard believe they can see 93 million miles away. globe tards believe you can see 4.5 light years away. globetards because your brain has been retarded by the globe deception
Cell towers! Duh. Not satellites. Tall building in cities are communication towers. My internet at my house in mi was a small flat panel installed on my house directed toward cell tower 11 miles away. Cables run across ocean(under sea). You know this, right? Connecting usa to europe. Look it up.
Meme science man or not why HAVEN'T I seen any pictures of the edge? I mean even if it's flat, it can't just go on forever.
Because the average person can rip on this as stupid, so they do, which means that there is a market for creating articles about it.
Why does people like doing it? It's the same with vaccines, people themselves have no personal knowledge on either things, but it's easy to rip on others because it's established so it makes them look good.
Not saying anything about the actual state of the earth or vaccines, but that dosn't matter.
Why do people so retarded that they think the Earth is flat care so much about it? I'll give you a hint, picture related.
Oh okay I believe you 100% then thanks for clear all this up with pure speculative assertions
ISS travels at 17,150 mph....no space debris has jeopardized the ISS? LMAO fuck outta here
Part of flat Earth theory as I understand it is that the sun is much, much closer and far smaller than what it's commonly understood to be, and it rotates around the planet in a circular motion. So there's still a day/night cycle.
>niggers believe in a sphere earth.
if you believe in it you're a nigger
Science is a method of proving things WRONG. We perform tests to prove things WRONG, so we can see what's left over. What's left over is what is RIGHT. That's science and it cannot be wront, it can only be used improperly.
You can't reply because you have no arguments or reason.
"Science and math are fake despite the fact that science and math are what allow me to shitpost here"
Fuck off, retard
its a gradually aproximation ,soon will put flat earth and chimate change in the same cathegory
Because they want to continue the rhetoric that republicans are anit-science so they push this flat earth thing like it's a epidemic and then use psycops to convince retards here that there really is a conspiracy because why would the MSM try so hard to dispute it.
Also nice flag.
If Gravity is a real thing, why does smoke not sink to the ground?
Take two thermometers, calibrate them, put one in direct moonlight and other in the shadow of the moonlight.
If moon just reflects sunlight, it should be colder in the shadow. But it isn't, it's way warmer.
Sun light and moon light are opposite.
Award for least educated thread today
hard award to get on Sup Forums
no picture from any pole
when evidently they arent
Holy shit. How about you eat a book sometime
i'm surprised canada has that much GDP
Link this to him.
Explain how in 1974 I could call someone in Russia from America before there were any cellular towers? Did they have cables running across the ocean floor already? Dumb arguments.
globe = hypothesis until curvature is found which none will ever be observed. 120k ft high altitude balloon footage shows no curve. thats 900 miles in view without curvature. globe hypothese. flat earth theory
Hello newfriend
its a shame you're on a vpn and cant get b& for these retarded flat earth threads.
What? How about photons are energy and remain a net positive energy source even when reflected? How would it make sense to be colder??
Cass Sunstein flat shills at it again. When will these fuktards give up?
Flat earth shit poster here. I just love how offended people get when you bring it up. It like you.
It's like you are teabagging their dead grandma while shitting on her face and eating baby jesus that just killed ten kittens when you bring up flat Earth.
I wanna know why NASA denied having underage sex slaves on only Mars
>implying small objects create the same gravitational waves as big objects.
Learn2Relativity son.
Also, think about it this way: Gravity isn't real
The earth is a flat disk and its moving upwards, thus giving impression of "gravity" KEK. It makes much more sense than the jewish sham-theory of "strings" and "gravitational waves".
Did you know, in string theory 1+2+3+4... = -1/12
if the earth isn't flat then lolis don't exist
>that picture
Really, why didn't flatearthers take pictures and video at the edge? Somehow they always use picture made by somebody else "to show that there's no curvature!!!"
Big Bang theory brought to you by the holy roman church
people cant handle the fact that they have been lied to their entire life, its a tough one to swallow
It would prove that we live in a snow-globe essentially, which requires the existence of a creator that intentionally made the world specifically for us and all life.
It flies in the face of the Jew doctrine that says we are random accidents of nature and our ancestors are pond scum that evolved into niggers, there's no god, only settled science, and science says we are animals so lets all fuck each other in the butt while the world burns
Occam's Razor: Earth is flat
Slightly less likely possibility: they're reverse shilling to make people think they're covering up a flat earth
But more likely the earth is flat
Hello to you too
Sun gives warm light, so it's warmer on direct light than in the shadow, the shadow is colder.
Moon gives cold light, so it's warmer in the shadow and colder on direct light.
This flag is so rare that I wanna fuck it.
its not a giant rock reflecting the sun thats how
Because the world governments won’t let you go there.
Correct! It's an oblate spheroid, not a sphere.
wheres the edge? Where did the big bang happen you fucking idiots?
baka u dont even keep up with ur own propaganda. its pear shaped brah