>hahaha Fuck off UK, of course our dear leaders in the EU (of whom I don't know any of their names or ideologies) won't want to create a United States of Europe
>You're CRAZY!
The UK was right again, apologise faggots
>hahaha Fuck off UK, of course our dear leaders in the EU (of whom I don't know any of their names or ideologies) won't want to create a United States of Europe
>You're CRAZY!
The UK was right again, apologise faggots
Help us leave the EU you mottherfucker!
There's nothing inherently wrong with a unified EU
Does this mean your going to start paying for your own defense?
We also signed it. It is a great thing. It is only the start. We need to streamline, get more efficient, build up troops, speak the same language, wage practice wars and celebrate sweet victory together.
It’s gonna be soooo awesome!
Send in Article 50, Greek faggot. Do it yesterday!
Wew, this is perfect. Now we can shift to Eastern Europe and SEA.
>integrate armies
good luck
Does it mean you will finally pack up and fuck off and take all your black mixed race soldier babies with you?
>Asking for gibs
Do it yourselves, vote the right people in and take your country back
wait until the eu fags hear about the fiscal and union plans. they want to be able to set government budgets and tax levels pan-Europe
Germany gets an army again?
Poland is fucked.
>Send in Article 50, Greek faggot. Do it yesterday!
Sure german cuck, but first you have to take your puppets from here human garbage!
So finally have nukes now?
Thank you, France!
Probably not, the US likes it because it gives you political influence over other countries and other countries like it because it means they can spend less on defence and more on other areas.
The real funny thing will come when Germany and France realise that none of the European countries will be willing to increase their military spending which will leave them with a unified pile of shit of an army still reliant on the US and NATO (Basically the US still)
Cool, guess we can stop paying for their defense then.
Can't wait for them to lose their first war and come crying to the US to save them.
>Now we can shift to Eastern Europe and SEA.
Says the shitskinner with the American flag who trolling Americans on Sup Forums.
Kys fucking nigger
BS, send in Article 50 now, leach!
Yes using soldiers from one country to oppress the people of another. Certainly not a castle made of sand.
That would be the one good thing, god I fucking hate the Polish
No, you were conquered and the CIA still has control of your media til 2099. Deal with it.
We have 65 cool US nukes that are dropped by our Luftwaffe. Sharing is caring.
Germany never changes. Its always about empire with you fucking people
Cool, so we're off the hook for a few hundred billion in NATO bucks now, right?
>EU is forming an army to protect its Jihadist terrorists from Europeans.
You cant make this shit up. The world is fucking wacky.
When you take your puppets we will send it!
People already vote to leave fucking subhuman!
You may get a real one before that. Anglo-American war machine will have to save Europe from German domination......again.
Says the swarthy turk rape baby .
Germany's finally done it. Unfortunately they've switched their political outlook since '39.
>le 56%
Those faggots solve their own problems from here on out.
A few practice war and it will all work out. How many times has your military oppressed your people? I mean there was 1861 to 1865 plus, the ww1 and ww2 and then Nam and the Gitmo etc.
You can see why the Americans and Kikes had plans to flood their nation as far back as the early 50's.
To save Europe from the Germanic war gene. They are the niggers of Europe.
>Says the swarthy turk rape baby .
Says the turkish roach who paying the Sup Forums to change the flag. Kys insect. You still exist because France Russian and Italy save your ass back in 22.
Integrate 23 armies with 23 different languages and cultures. That will end well if they ever go to war. What country would call the shots? What if certain countries didn't want to get involved in said war? Political madness.
Not our problem now, gyronigger.
Get us out of that picture this very instant.
>Political madness.
Well it is the EU
This isn't an army, but occupying forces who will moving from country to country.
They’ll get their act together in the next 50 years and federalize and finally become relevant on the world scene since the world wars
A group of unelected bureaucrats just decided to make Europe into one nation.
This is literally the Beast of Revelation 13
Brexit was head wound of one of the 12 headed beast. But the mortal wound was healed.
And right after the wound healed the world wondered...
"Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?"
no you are just going to get btfo again by americans
Truth is eventually it had to happen; the EU is the only hope to be truly competitive on the world stage in terms of power.
Idk man, I don't think a Turk would have a US drivers license. You seem upset.
>1861 to 1865
Lincoln did nothing wrong.
Empire of USA and its militaristic meddling around the world... that many nations apparently depend on.
USA should pull back 100% and let all those trade routes close, and watch half the counties on Earth get annexed by their neighbors.
I wonder how these rags would characterize the EU doing the same thing.
Few misconceptions to clear up before Sup Forums loses its mind
>Integration purely for supply chains and equipment
>Reduce overhead
>Have 1-2 main battle tanks instead of 57
>Streamline processes
EU can't compete with Americans in force projection or logistics.
Americans have taken 50 years to refine operating a carrier to an art form. EU will act in union with American partners not be an adversary
how do member nations not have a problem with the EU centralizing power? do their governments not have a problem with their sovereignty being shaved away?
>23 different languages and cultures
BS, pretty much everyone speaks either French or German in Europe
>Not our problem now, gyronigger.
Don't be so sure about this. History proves the exact opposite.
We have a guarantee from the Lisbon treaty. Ireland cucks the EU yet again.
Pay debts.
They will end up on the streets policing Europeans like during Soviet times within 15 years.
Lisbon was a great thing in fairness. Saved us a hape of hassle
this has nothing to do with fighting America it has to do with Russia
>>Integration purely for supply chains and equipment
>Reduce overhead
>Have 1-2 main battle tanks instead of 57
>Streamline processes
What are battlegroups? This is all a start. They want to add on integration every year.
Its pretty good. We have a mutual defense pact with a continent and we dont have to contribute.
Nah, what'll happen is a German faction and a French faction. Countries like Poland will side with France and Austria and Czechs with Germany. Eventually Germany will deal with the Polish problem by making a deal with Russia and cutting the country in half. The smaller countries like Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands will fall in line and surrender to the German faction. Then follow up with an invasion of France. Itll be historic, and completely original.
Well we may help with that if you wish.
We can pay/guarentee your debt to Babushka Merkel if you... you know.
You would collapse in a day without EU gibs
Nah, Poles have a good history of defeating Muslims.
>do their governments not have a problem with their sovereignty being shaved away?
Sup Forums does not accept it, but except for the UK, every country wants more European integration and an integrated European defense force.
Look if Europe has to be flattened again so Russia and the US are best friends again and don't nuke the entire planet then so be it.
In the long run it was great that we lost WW2 and so will be whatever war comes out of this.
The veil is so thin it's as clear as glass
we bought you already.
welcome to europe
Half the DOD money goes to these foreign fucks one way or another. good for us.
USA v EU World War III when?
(Spoiler alert, we win again.)
I remember Yurocommunists on the news telling me that they would never form an EU military.
if can invade europe and then america we could beat china and russia and then 100% complete
I've seen this picture over here multiple times. Gtfo now mongrel.
So what? They coordinate in NATO anyways. They've been doing it for decades. Might as well spend the money efficiently. Europe needs to strengthen in order to counteract China. America won't be able to do it alone.
By then, China and maybe the US will rule the world economically with AI. EU can't compete and has no major tech companies in this field. AI is the future.
Hahaha yaaaa hahah just like austria hungary hahaha
You exist because you promised İstanbul to France, Russia, England if they helped free you and you. You only describe your history.
Since they are obviously the most peaceful, progressive, and morally virtuous people, I propose we give Germany full control of this new European unified military force.
US is the only country waging war to get oil from the weak countries that have it. Fuck that shit.
Will America help us if the EU Army tries to invade us again?
It’ll be an army of evil. Those who don’t follow Merkel the Mad’s directives and eventual Brussels forced miscegenation will be invaded and straightened out.
>They coordinate in NATO anyways
on paper
but NATO doesn’t care about integration or streamlining. NATO only cares about US wars.
>Germany fucks over Europe a third time
Can we please just put Krauts in the gas chambers with the Jews?
only if the EU armys ally in {insert asian country} attack us first
Who actually signed this shit?
What countries?
the german empire has shown its face,men of europe! we cannot allow the ARIAN MENACE to control the free men of europe!
you either stand with liberty and freedom or merkel and white genocide
anglosphere! BLANDA UP!
French are doing in Mali and across Africa right now. We don't hear about it because you don't hear shit outside anglophone media. Europe needs to get its act together or face another crisis on its doorstep. What if Algeria, Morocco or Tunisia fall to salafists?
Yay the Eurofags are going to do practically fuck all if war breaks out (again)
Enjoy your new overlords while you get even more cucked, And if you get rebellious well they have guns n shieet!
i huger for the empire
no we need too make sure germany doesnt start ww3!
So that's the path you're going to go down.
Won't end well.
>BS, pretty much everyone speaks either French or German in Europe
German is spoke by 16% of Europeans
French is spoke by 12% of Europeans
Good try nigger
you all have separate industrial centers, apart from sharing intelligence, tactically the EU military will always be fundamentally separated unless you start to centralize production
Only to let Germany start another world war against every superpower there is. Yeah, it will be fun to fight in world war 3.
Hah yes there certainly won't be a problem where you have:
>EU countries that are in NATO and don't have conscription
>EU countries that are in NATO and do conscript
>EU countries that aren't in NATO and don't conscript
>EU countries that aren't in NATO and do conscript
>NATO countries that aren't in the EU
>EU nations that don't have a military
>EU nations that are permanently neutral
>EU nations with arms ban exports
>EU nations that use British, Russian, American and other non EU equipment
Good luck sorting that one out. Maybe one of your new Europeans will use his immense brain to do it.
i approve
why havnt you left that german pupput yet?
anyways this is a good thing, we are tired of stationing 50,000 troops in germany.
One Word
>Integration purely for supply chains and equipmen
>integration purely for consumer product standards and trade laws
>integration purely for common asylum policy and common bank regulation
>integration purely for fishering policy and agriculture.
>integration purelyy for governments and border control, the courts, and lawmaking.
>Have 1-2 main battle tanks instead of 57
>Integration purely for supply chains and equipment
>Streamline processes
These are all actions to increase dependence of the EU countries to each other, and bringing the USE one step closer. Only one country makes ships, only one aircraft...Suddenly no one can manufacture their defense alone.
>EU can't compete with Americans in force projection or logistics.
Two problems here
>implying EU(as an institution) should even be able to compete militarily with anyone.
>implying the European countries have any reason to compete with the USA on force projection.
>EU will act in union with American partners not be an adversary
This Defense Union project exist solely to replace NATO.
Fuck off, empire builder.
kek. Now I'm getting worries where this is going.
Can someone please NOT give the nuke keys to Germany.