So Conservashits are just going to vote for this kidfucker still?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is a whole lot of shilling for such an 'obvious' allegation.
He admitted it
What's the deal with this story? I thought he implied he did it but then the story turned out to be fake? Give me the rundown
Where's the proofs?
you're shocked a bunch of jesus freaks are pedos? where have you been for the last few centuries bro?
Probably. Better than a liberal kidfucker.
An accusation isn't a guilty verdict retards
Republicans are pedophiles and Sup Forums is a pedophile defender board
no smoke without fire
Not fake. He just said he won't step down. Republican establishment is getting weirded out and doesn't want him to keep running.
Alabama is such a safe republican state they could just run a write in campaign and still win. He doesn't want to give up though.
I think he probably did it. There are other women in his life who have come out attesting that he likes them young. Also his son is a delinquent
>3 accusers come forward
>RINOs in the senate abandon him and call for resignation
>Moore goes on Hannity and uses the "I don't recall" defense but denies ever having sexual contact with underaged girls
>new one comes forward, alleging sex at 16, this time with a signed copy of a yearbook, so the "i don't recall" defense won't work this time
that's the rundown. I feel bad for him because he's obviously not a pedo, and probably lots of alabamians got high school pussy back in the 70's and 80's, it was a different time. Are we going to start calling out the rock stars in that era who had 12,13,14 year old girlfriends publcily?
Since when are libshits against pedophilia?
>10 year old
i dont care what roy moore did(he's innocent but even if not, 14 is old enough to know)
What i really care about is the podesta brothers and this sick spirit cooking shit
>are we going to call out people who had 12,13,14 year old girlfriends
>12 year old girlfriends
Yah, we should. Don't fuck 12 year olds.
Yep. Conservi-kikes and Sup Forums in general are the single most hypocritical people on the planet. They act as if they weren’t leading a mass movement to clear Hollywood and Washington of “pedophiles” (based on obscure, out of context and incomplete emails about pizza) and then turn around and say the allegations against this hick need further investigation and that we shouldn’t be rushing to conclusions that could ruin this mans career.
you know what they say, old enough for a recreational nuke , old enough to receive roy moore's cuke
Hmmm I could vote for Doug Jones who will actively work to destroy America or I could vote for Roy Moore who will actively work to make America great. Not really a hard choice.
>This Thread
>Picture Related
Pick one.
1 post by this butthurt leftist faggot
Why are you feeding this cocksucker?
Jewish neogaf mod arrested for CP
An accusation isn't a verdict
I won't if you show me proof.
Yes. Even if it was true (which it isn't) he's still /ourguy/
So your gonna ignore harvery Weinstein and podenski who are both from Hollywood, but a conservative is accused and that means its true?
Pro-Trump pedo > Democrat
Some jewess "journalist" is offering $1000 per story. Young women are coming out of the woodwork to collect their shekels from Zog.
Kikes do this every single election, and there's never any proof. Despite the lack of proof, the media and shills run with the stories like they're facts. Realistically the only thing the conservative politicians can do is a civil suit each and every one because women aren't punished for false allegations in the US.
Honestly they've been doing this kike shit for so long that nobody pays attention to it anymore.
>saged for the 1-postbythisID shill thread
>what moore likes
There's absolutely nothing wrong with owning pictures or videos as long as you weren't involved in their creation.
Its ironic really. They say we perpetuate rape culture but they encourage fake accusations so much people just started to not care.
Absolutely. Just to cause a lot of butthurt to the Democrat and Republican swamp gators in DC.
Or, in other words, just for the lulz!
Of course, that's why we voted for Trump as well.
Do you understand now?
damn thats the one thing Moore and I have in common
Wrong. A write in campaign would fail, sending the Democrat to the Senate.
The Alabama GOP is trying to decide if they want to cancel out Moore. If they CANCEL him, then there will be NO election, and Strange keeps the seat until the state of Alabama can arrange another special election for that Senate seat.
So it is up to the GOP leadership in the state of Alabama--- let it go and risk losing the seat over all the outrage from the no-information voters among their number not showing up, or remove Moore and give the Dems another shot at winning the seat. The Dems already outspent the GOP by 10x in this election, and they are worried that will go to 50x if they have to "redo" the election.
>absolutely nothing wrong with owning pictures or videos
When it is convenient. Same as any other crime.
Hey, im not the one gives massive coverage to a consevative 'allegation' and little to no coverage to Harvery Weinstein & Co. allegations.
Also podenski raped a child annaly several times, when it was uncovered he fled the country.
So if this guy is so guilty show me facts.
>well the girls said he did it
Thats not impericale evidence and is too flimsy to use in any respectable court.
Who cares? Bama is invincible.
This unequivocally
roll tide
You realize Sup Forums looked into the Roy Moore allegations, and the evidence against Moore is so flimsy or non-existant, that it didn't meet the Pizzagate/(((pedowood))) standards of Sup Forums, right?
That isn't hypocrisy, that is how shitty the claims against Moore is.
If there was any evidence that rose to the level of pizzagate/(((pedowood))), Sup Forums would be screaming to put pressure on the Alabama GOP party to remove Moore, which would cause Luther to stay in office until a new special election could be arranged and a winner selected for the seat.
It isn’t hypocrisy. Under even the most extreme interpretation of events, this guy wasn’t a rapist. Not even coercing people into sex.
no he didn't, he denied it
These accusers hauled out by Gloria Allred. Anyone who believes these accusations after finding that out should not be allowed to reproduce.
I don't give a shit. The tears from libtards will be fucking GLORIOUS when he gets in. Electing pedos into the Senate is EXACTLY why I voted for Trump
LOL they interviewed people on the news, they couldnt find one person who was going to vote aginst him. LMFAO
Of course. The only "proof" is a signed yearbook.
Now did he probably kiss a 16 year old one time when he was way older than her? I'm almost certain of it. But a lot of Southerners did that back then. It's not pedophilia, in fact it was legal back then. A little weird, sure, but nothing that should be career-destroying.
This was an attempt by (((them))) to try and use the right's general disgust of pedophilia against us. Unfortunately we despise kikery much, much more, especially when they are openly fucking kids half that age.
More like pubescent teenager underwear hugger at worst
Also the democrats literally advocate killing babies so your moral authority argument isn't a very good one
Welp i tried the commi pussy woudnt answer me.
>kissing 16 year olds is weird
Fuck off back to Stormfront moralityfaggot. Loli is the national dish of Sup Forums
The whole accusation is based on the words of five women.
Four of them didn't even tell the Post (who broke the news about all this), the Post CONTACTED THEM FIRST.
Pic related is the original article from the Post. It's their OWN words.
>Also the democrats literally advocate killing babies so your moral authority argument isn't a very good one
OP never said any of that. Literally just "Kidfucker." I get that you're mad and scared, it's ok. Sometimes I too am mad at things and people. Instead of writing about it online and being mad, I usually take some deep breaths.
I have to admit that pic is kinda uncomfortable to look at hahaha
What? That's just stupid. I have a signed book by Takei, that doesn't proof he fucked my ass for months while making me act like a dog.
14 years is about the age that girls begin craving dick, and usually from older guys, since the boys their age are immature.
All those women were well above traditional AOC.
>“In Medieval and early modern European societies, the age of marriage remained low, with documented cases of brides as young as seven years, although marriages were typically not consummated until the girl reached puberty (Bullough 2004). Shakespeare’s Juliet was just 13, and there is no hint in the play that this was considered to be exceptional. The situation was similar on the other side of the Atlantic; Bullough reports the case in 1689 of a nine-year-old bride in Virginia. At the start of the nineteenth century in England, it was legal to have sex with a 10 year-old girl.” [2]
>“The law governing the age of consent has changed dramatically in the United States during this century. Most states codified a statutory age of consent during the nineteenth century, and the usual age was ten years.” [4]
It's natural to fuck the young because that is why our species survived. It's perfectly healthy and those against it are simply prudes or unlaid losers or both.
Paid people coming forward to undermine the republic so globalists can replace us with sand niggers
When the two choices are 14 year old underwear hugger and a democrat, then yes we are talking about people who advocate killing children. Try to keep up kid, Jesus Christ
Dunno. That may, in the end, depend on whether there is any evidence.
How much you wanna bet Wilson is a pill popping addict?
I thought Democrats wanted the U.S. to be more like Europe.
>When you unironically believe an offhand aphorism carries the same weight as the central tenet of civilized justice.
Odd, you guys had a different stance on that during the allegations against Mrs. C in the late election.
You raped me.
I understand you are having a hard time, friend. It's ok that embracing a pedophile is very difficult and I am here with you in your time of need.
Have a picture of me paying attention to (you) to make you feel better :^)
tell that to hillary numbnuts
Idk ask Alabama
Moore said, flat out 'I had their mothers' permission to date them.' That's admission of guilt. He's morally reprehensible if not actually criminal, because Alabama still legislates as though women are chattel.
Alabama's here.
Well all democrats are pedos or bow to them, so this guy is still better
But he's gay now so
You would rather a child killer than teenage fondler? To each his own I guess
The Post was able to find them because the stories were already out there in the local community, duh.
>this time with a signed copy of a yearbook
Signed by somebody, yeah.
But her story is so over the top, and not at all in keeping with the others, that I don't buy it.
Her story does not "fit the profile" with the others. But it pretty well fits into the profile of over-the-top fake rape/abuse stories that crop up from time to time.
she dindu nuthin
oh shit. you've got me there - cuff me boys.
How mad does it make you that he hasn't dropped out and likely will win? How mad? Big mad, or little mad?
How do you know that there aren't some Republicans who neither want abortion NOR kidfuckers?
No proof. Bill Clinton's rape anthology made sexual manipulation a wholly Democrat Party tradition.
The Post was able to find them because they wrote the fucking stories before hand and had the accusers just spew it out for them. I bet if you took them on a proper interview, they wouldn't remember jack shit.
I assume you refer to the 17 year old(s)? It's actually completely normal and legal for an older man to court teenage girls at that time and in the south. But keep being ignorant
Sup Forums:
That would be nice, you gonna write in? Lol just vote democrat then
>not mad cuz it's not my country
>shitposting on family vacation to cuckfornia
>enjoying every second of amerimutts sucking Moore's cock
Once Gloria Allred started to parade around bitches, Roy Moore becomes 100% innocent. That and the amount of establishment push back.
Nobody's said that yet. I'm treating this like the Hollywood craze right now, where everybody is saying everybody is fucking everybody, with no evidence.
>'Alleged' peado with no proof, 40 years later and no evidence
>Marxist, open boarder gloabalist that will do everything in their power to turn Alabama into a commie hell hole.
At this point the media is suffering from "Boy Who Cried Wolf" Syndrome. They've lied so frequently and so hilariously badly that an entire chunk of the US population automatically assumes they're lying.
More like "We don't believe these accusations (which were conveniently made right before an election) without proof."
Anyone who defends pedophilia unironically can go gas themselves.
I just am done listening to democrats try to take the moral authority on anything. Literally killing babies is a cornerstone of their platform. I'm calling them on their bullshit from now on
Literally a fucknuts pseudoauthoritative website implying a ton of bullshit to defend a kiddy fiddler.
wew lad, what did you get in your English GCSE again? or have you not taken it yet?
you think that pic is uncomfortable to look at because your mind has been reprogrammed to fetishize everything. The truth is not all affection is sexual. The USA, which is supposed to be on of the most free and liberal countries, has made itself one of the most conservative through oversexualization. If you are attracted to a woman that is cute and innocent, you must be a pedophile. If you want to hold a guys hand, you must be gay. If a father takes a picture with his arm around his daughter, it must be incestual.
These are the games the progressives have played with your head.
The republican party doesn't tolerate that. This whole thing is about putting Moore on the defensive so he's wrapped up in a scandal. It's to make sure he can't go on the attack against Doug Jones. The proper antidote is just to attack pic related, Doug Jones. I don't understand why more peopel can't see through this.
>that flag
>that childish reasoning
Checks out
shilling on Sup Forums for votes #sad