>OCTOBER 21, 2016
They cut off his internet, then sent catfish emails to Trump Jr the same day, making ridiculous proposals
Other urls found in this thread:
Of course he didn't write it. They're rats on a sinking ship user, and they can't stop it no matter how many people they accuse of being diddlers.
The shills are trying so hard to push bogus narratives on this board. Thankfully only truth comes out of chaos.
How desperate are they
Just to clarify, for everyone, look into the chain of events of October 20, 2016 - October 22, 2016 involving Wikileaks, UK authorities, Heathrow airport, and east coast US internet outage
>Assange's internet connection was severed
>Intelligence agencies compromised WL twitter and servers
>Intelligence agencies posing as WL send catfishing emails to Trump Jr making ridiciulous requests/proposals
>All part of the efforts of Clintons/DNC/deep state to create the appearances of collusion
Unbelievable these people and the Atlantic, as bad as it is, not even raising the fucking issue.
They contracted this hit piece out to Julia Ioffe. Remember her? Sued by FLOTUS for slanderous article
Just like they gave the Trump Jr - Fusion GPS meeting in Trump Tower story to that loser Yates who melted down about it on Twitter (but had been given the article as a reward for being a good loudmouthed goy against Trump throughout the primaries and general campaign).
The choreography and scriptwriting for the MSM/cia has become flimsy and transparent to say the least.
It's a shame people won't know unless it's brought up to them
Yeah, a few people will note it on twitter or their blogs but youll never hear a peep about this stuff on TV
Hopefully thread stays bumped and people at least here understand whats going on. They really were all over Trump Jr last summer werent they
why would they write something that can/will be easily proven false within months? Seems shortsighted and counterproductive
They are stupid remember
itt: sorosbux
same as the other thread
>hey don
lol that should clue in even the dumbest normie that this wasn't actually him
that's how fake news works. a lie gets half way around the world before the truth can put its pants on
I didn't want to believe it, but assange really is dead isn't he?
>Julia Ioffe. Remember her?
You mean the Julia Ioffe who pals around with Richard Spencer?
More possible now than ever, I am very interested how he responds to this story,
Spencer controlled op/CIA nigger confirmed
I knew it
Has she ever tweeted about him? These people are not especially "good" at what they do
This was at an inauguration party or something for Trump iirc. I think she's the one who tweeted the photo. I don't think it necessarily proves Spencer is an agent, because it is possible he's just a doofus as he appears to be.
didn't post more, fearing spam warning. much more digging to be done
Cool yeah, she's a corrupt kike lugenpresse shill for the enemy, thanks for confirming with additional proof user
I dont think this big story of hers is going to accomplish much, its so flawed and hole riddled that it cant even be treated seriously
Same reason they ran the "rape" cases against Assange.
Wastes time and creates doubt in the retarded. They have nothing to lose from doing it, because they never think anyone will be in a position to call them on it.
She tweeted out that she was hanging with the enemy or something. She was doing an interview with him, I think there's video of it. I'll try to find it.
Why is it Every Single Time?
90% of all convicted communist traitors have been racial jews
The entire article is based on illegally leaked Congressional evidence. All of the communications she cites were turned over by TRUMP JR HIMSELF to committee
Sorry he didn't Assange has been dead btw
Dems tell TJr hey we got evidence of Russia Collusion speaks with TJr you want to do a russia adoption lol Total setup job to smear
Here's the thing she did on Spencer for the Atlantic
julia ioffe richard spencer
those two have a history & given that she used to work for huff po, yet hangs out with dick spencer, I'd be suspicious of him & her
>also, for the love of G-d, don't contact these people, it will only serve their "Nazis are in the White House" narrative
it's transparent catfishing attempts, thats apparently all CIA can do now, and not even well, is entrapment
never took this possibility seriously til today DESU. Interested how his accounts respond
I'm with you on your suspicions, op. But i suspect you're overreacting. The worst case scenario for Trump is if they played along but then the taxes got leaked by WaPo as a hit piece.
Short of that, this isn't a story. At least not a bad for Trump story. This sudden shilling of this collusion angle has 0 teeth to it. So either we try to prove your point so well that it becomes undeniably cianiggers. Or we just ignore it.
Seems easier to prove it's cianiggers by going back over t&c. At least that one has a whole cover story to attack. We'd need fucking internal twitter logs or leaked cianigger communications to prove your theory. No offense.
This story is super faggotry. But it's so hamfisted that I just don't see a response.
I'm not sure they "hang out". I think she just did a special on him around the inauguration. Probably banged him too.
Here come the mental gymnastics. Get a job you degen.
Can you explain t&c connection to CIA? I'm reading through the PDF now and don't see it
Agreement all around, But its best to come out as strongly as possible against all BS like this right away to keep it from even taking hold. this one got knocked down by itself without even really needing to drag all this up
its here
They were probably contractors or one of their many front companies, set up and just sitting around waiting for a mission, but the specifically phrased catfishing type emails have the exact same hallmarks of what's shown here (after October 21), and whats been seen in the correspondences to Trump campaign from Rob Goldstone , Felix sater, and others. Its amazing testament to Trump and his team that no one ever really fell for any of this. testament to Assange too for calmly knocking down his own catfishers
>Media Matters in overdrive
I don't mean literally cia necessarily. But that shit was absolutely some kind of operation. The whole site was a sham. The users didn't exist and were just 180d pics of internet sluts. It had shady addresses that were previously owned by politicians. Enough budget to spend a million to create the illusion of collusion and a Russian account to do it with.
We all assumed cianiggers. But after the Weinstein exMossad thugs stories, there's been some rumblings that Assange claimed similar harassment and the only incident i can think of him referring to is t&c.
>5 minutes ago
where is part 2+ jesus Julian get your shit together
280 is the mark of the beas
Where can I ref up on what t&c did? The PDF I have only shows they were an obvious front company but I don't know for what.
this is why they took down wikileaks and assume oct 15 2016 - oct 21 2016
so many interesting things got memory holded HARD from that crazy day (oct21.2016)
>largest (at the time) DDOS in america, whole east coast down. spotify, netflix, everything (during am hours)
>podesta meets with Khan IN london oct 21.2016 (tweets are there as proof w pic of two men)
>wikileaks internet severed by equador after meeting with Kerry oct16.2016 (i think. could be 15)
>wikileaks twitter tweets out that "heavily armed presence is gathering outside embassy" (again, tweets from these dates to corresponding accounts are your proofs)
>mysterious case of reported "falling, screaming woman" in london near embassy between oct15.2016-oct21.2016 -
- can't remember date, and specifics, some user help -
> (reported) chemical attack at london (Heathrow??) airport closed.
crazy thing is i still think i'm forgetting some things
HOLY FUCK this is why they did that. i theorized they killed or room 101ed assange. maybe tried to at least. maybe white hats extradited him to safety before deep state could get their hands on him.
idk but this was a double edged sword of a honeypot play by deep state kikes. they get "proof" of collusion between trump and WL and took a shot at getting their grubby hands on his tax returns.
I have somewhat of an amateur yarn map of oct-nov2016 events and the build up between various seemingly related events such as his wikileaks take down, the anything wiener 650k files being found, comey opening and closing clinton case in a week, pizzagate, election. and beginning of russian bs.
There was nothng to the company at all. the website was a larp, it was like props on a stage, just a total front business
Oh nigger you have quite the hole to go down.
Might be the best place to start. There's no answer to your question though. The answer would be "to frame Julian Assange" or "shady blackmail shit"
I doubt assange was writing those, but maybe. Either way it's irrelevant because the whole thing is innocuous. It was already clear that wikileaks favored trump, that wasn't exactly a secret. What it does show is that the Trump campaign definitely wasn't coordinating with wikileaks. It also doesn't give any evidence to support the ridiculous wikileaks as a Russian mouthpiece theory.
These people just don't understand that a whole hell of a lot of people really hate the Clintons. No collusion needed.
you forgot the simultaneous purge of mods on the wikileaks sub reddit after oct 21 and the inconsistencies in their subsequesntly released files
Things had to be done.
And they pulled the plug on his internet.
Holy shit, the shills responding to Assange are in overdrive. Dems are fucking desperate.
Please document what you can before more info is lost
Reddit is a shit show right now. Anyone who mentions the fact that Julian's internet was cut off during this time is getting downvoted to oblivion even on r/conspiracy
i have been and continue to. it's all backed up offline. i've done a couple series of threads about it. probably 20 in total. worked wth the user that did all the "find assange threads" that coincidentally enough pointed to the same "black cube" org as we now see with weinstein
i'll get another series going when i have a few days off coming up around thanksgiving. if interested, just keep an eye out for them.
look into the archives for a couple of threads called "please Read Quickly" and another few titled "Gap in time" from this year. tons of info and dot connecting on octobter 2016 events
>Political refugee writing the son of a billionaire with such a familiar tone
No one would do this.
Yeah, Aussies never shitpost like that. That's dumb American CIAnigger LARPing.
(No "g'day mate!" jokes? Come on.)
Except the messages came from Wikileaks and not Julian Assange himself. There are many Wikileaks staffers and I’m sure some have access to @Wikileaks twitter account.
Or I could be wrong.
but which/what employee would have the authority or gall to have a dm conversation with don jr
The fact is that up until this point in time Assange himself, for a factual matter, single handedly operated the Twitter account. the tweets were his words. then the wording began to change after Oct 16, 2016 and has never quite returned to what it was before then, either on the @wikileaks or @julianassange accounts
interesting to not the wiener "insurance files" were taken by NYPD days after this alleged WL take down on oct21. was it a possible plan B after assange's releases never panned out like pic in your post?
assange and wiener are more connected than people remember. wiener plead guilty sometime this may (i believe 17th) which coincidentally was the same day assange FINALLY made an appearance on the balcony for gentlemen first time since the october takedown.
pizzagate broke literally 2 weeks after all this.
it is all connected. i submit that assange really was about to take down the pedo networks or at least expose them: and he still might do.
>sometime this may (i believe 17th) which coincidentally was the same day assange FINALLY made an appearance on the balcony for gentlemen first time since the october takedown.
what? assange hasn't made a public appearance since way before the October shenanigans.
IT'S ALL A CONSPIRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!11
wrong. he made an appearance in may of this year. i'll find proof
>it's all an "op"
problem is that theyre now so bad at their ops,. their methods and tactics so horribly exposed, and with every further article of this nature, they are undermining their own future ability to perpetrate similar ops. this is the behavior of a "trapped" character. either it stays open or it wont
ok sorry, my bad. i googled it quick and what the fuck, how did i forget that?
also pic related is a very important part that people might have missed - it is possible that he could have been extracted once the more serious charges were dropped, meaning less diplomatic headaches for ecuador: telegraph.co.uk
may 19th same day as wiener pleads guilty
>plea deal
plea deal
>plea deal
plea deal
>safe for assange to emerge
safe for assange to emerge
>insurance files on weiner/HUMA laptop
insurance files on wiener/HUMA laptop
Reminder that we have had no concrete proof of Assange being alive since the 16th of October 2016
reminder that when prompted for proof of life in oct 2016 after the dissappearence, wikileaks twitter posted an interview with Michael moore from fucking june 2016
i've just realised that most people, including me, have forgotten that he made the public appearance this year, so either posters like are a shill to discredit assange/wikileaks, or the appearance has been memory holed / psyop'd, because we have proof that he was alive as of May this year.
proof of alive sure, proof he wasn't compromised? not so much. we still haven't gotten answers what happened for 6 months. why he wouldn't appear in person. why insurance keys didn't match their releases. etc.
fyi i think it could be a ploy by white hats to secure assange from deep state. but nevertheless, there are plenty of unanswered questions. but i'd say 95% safe to assume he's at least alive
Ever hear of wifi and satellite internet retards?
no what are those words
new assange tweet
Nice spin attempt, but you're a fucking idiot.
explain why he's an idiot you fucking kike dick licking cattle.
Don Jr. dumping WL conversation naow!
>muh trumpfag conspiracies are true
>They cut off his internet, then sent catfish emails to Trump Jr the same day, making ridiculous proposals
was that DAK that they did that?
uh oh
The WhereIsAssange idiots were always shills, user. Anything to make us doubt the drops.
WikiLeaks were telling jr to push stories 3 weeks before "they killed him"
It reads like a google tech support bot, on how to use a search engine...
Oh and btw, yous gots them Taxes gib me sum dat...
If Russia had dirt on Trump, and Wikileaks had connections with Russia ... why is Wikileaks trying to make a deal for Trump's tax returns? If it was really important for them to have impartiality couldn't they release something related to the dossier that is supposedly real? According to the story Russia fed them everything else, so why stop?
Informative. They've run out of ideas.
Seems to me Assange was trying to repair the damage the Dem campaign did to their reputation, and make sure the truth about Clinton got circulated.
prove any one of that user's claims wrong. i double dare you. please. PROVE ONE wrong