Overall is this a good read?
Oyasumi Punpun
yeah its alright, author kinda fucks it up in the middle for a while.
It's pretty good, I read it every winter since I already feel shitty during that time. Seasonal affective disorder sucks
its fucking great but Sup Forums will call you a pleb for liking it
Normie killer.
I understand why people would call the story normie, but the main draw is visuals. They really make it worth it.
Depressing but no regrets reading it.
The art is amazing, the characters are great (in a completely terrible, loathing kind of way) and the premise is interesting.
Definitely read it if you haven't, but don't go in expecting a good time.
stop asking this again and no it was a terrible story that got dragged out too long and had a terrible ending.
Best manga I've read, it really speaks to the innocence and despair you feel as a kid, over what would in reality be nothing. Later we see punpun grow up, and see him cope with young adult life. The end is great and hurts my life.The issue like says, theres a drag in the center, and theres alot of SoL that's unrelated to our MC and the people around him. That's not only weak, but confusing, and it never pans out as anything big. Also, it takes childhood wishes, gives them to you, and makes you wish that the MC was as sad and lonely as you instead, because plot.
Uncle best character.
SAD makes me sad too, is it the cold or the white sky? If I don't get my daily blue sky, life isn't worth living /blog
I like in seattle, suck it up pussy
There's some unnecessary shit in it that's not really related to the main story but besides from that it's great.
It's shitty, awful and overrated and I never got into le draw le MC and his family as scribbles. Plus all the characters are pieces of detestable shit.
just read up to ch.41 based off this thread and shits dragging, will likely finish it just because, but i'm getting serious ciguatera vibes and that thing fucked itself over with some completely unnecessary shit and possibly the worst ending i've come across in all of fiction, is this ending as bad as that, worse, how many chapters of pointless shit are we talking about
you're pretty correct, but I wont spoil it. You could skip to the last 10 chapters and not miss anything
>all the characters are pieces of detestable shit.
It hits way too close to home, doesn't it?
Is Punpun our guy?
Most people here are virgins, of course not
punpun is a fucking penguin ghost not a "guy"
Kinda nice to read it if you're a depressed fuck like me.
It is a good bleed.
imma guess penpen slices his stick wrists open now
Most depressing thing I've read.
The more you empathize with the protagonist, the worse it'll make you feel.
Pretty much, yeah. But it's cathartic in a way, isn't it? I think reading it helped me cope with those feelings a bit better.
I read manga to get emotionally invested.
Shit like Houkago Play and Tasogare Otome were some good shit but this reads like Onani Master Kurosawa: the heartbreak and resentment never stops edition.
I guess, though right after finishing it I felt like killing myself.
I really like Asano Inio's style of art and I think Oyasumi Punpun is a pretty interesting story. I also like that it follows Punpun from a child to a young adult. There are some parts to it though that aren't super interesting and the story could probably do without, but I would definitely recommend it if you're considering reading it.
Onani Master Kurosawa was junk
I agree.
No effort was made to make broccoli man an actual likeable character or even show any sort of development leading to that stupid shit.
Kurosawa had a shitload of buildup and tension with her and then one day she's going out with that faggot because she 'respects kindness' or some shit.
It would have been a shittier story if we'd seen broccoli's relationship with love interest development though. Half the point of it was that it was that it was a sucker punch, to both the audience and the MC.
I can barely even remember the plot of Onani Master, and now that I check, that was nine years ago, Jesus.
At least I wouldn't have gotten the wrong idea then.
I got really into it because it was a childish comedy about jerking off. Suddenly drama happens and I now have to read a harsh coming of age story with barely a resolution to satisfy it.
That just means that you were the target audience.
Fun fact: I saw 'that' page before even picking up OMK, thinking if it was spoiled it wouldn't be a big deal and I could move past it. The fact that the first part of the manga was just silly shit made me think it would only have been a subplot, but then literally the entire manga afterwards hinged on that moment and all the entertainment left it.
It's pretty shit. Laughed my ass off when that girl he had crush on hangs herself
kill yourself
Prepare to cry.
Is he "our" penguin ghost?
it was relatable/10
No which is why it is one of the most read drama manga and has its reaction pictures posted constantly
I like Asano Inio and Punpun but as he himself puts it he drew a lot a stuff in Punpun just for the heck of it. eg the change in Punpun's heads shape has no meaning at all
I feel Sup Forums sucks his dick a bit much sometimes. Almost everyday there's a thread made by someone who read it for the first time and how overcome by feels they are.
Read Yamamoto Naoki guys, his stuff really rankles and leaves you asspained for weeks after. Even his most positive/light hearted work
like Asatte dance fucks with you.
Frankly I'm sick of manga with no upshot. If the MC goes through trial after tribulation after shitshow there's no sense of catharsis. You literally need *some* resolution in the story to give all the bullshit meaning.
Not really, his works only makes my dick hard, I fapped multiple times to Anjuu no Chii
Punpun is good, but I like Umibe no Onnanoko more because of reasons
But, it sadden me that Asano went full jew and fell for moeshit, he started caring more about the readers instead of caring about his works like he always done before
More like a good fap, story is pretentious garbage. Also Asano is a hack as an artist, confirmed ugly-ass tracer that can't into "his" famous backgrounds without stroking photographs for shit.
SAD doesn't exist.
It's OK. I dropped it around the time the uncle got a gf. I just got bored.
You're obviously over exaggerating it here but to some extent dailymotion.com
>Not really, his works only makes my dick hard,
Naoki drew porn under another name. I don't know how you can fap in the face of hardhitting stuff like Arigatou
If you have sleep problems it's perfect. You will sleep like dead after a couple of chapters.
especially during the cult thing
dear god, that part was atrocious
Why is Punpun still such a talking point whilst Asano's new/ongoing series rarely gets brought up on Sup Forums?
I'm also loving how much more cartoony his art is getting with each series.
It sucks
I feel nothing great really happened yet on Dededededede demons.
Yes there is some tension between the two sides and the whole situation is somewhat reminiscent of District 9 except in Japan.
In my opinion it would have done well to focus more on the character in your picture. A lot of people can empathise with that guy and he seems more entertaining to me, atleast. The FeMC is pretty bland right now.
I thought that chapter about the SDF guy who shot the alien coming home to visit his parents was pretty interesting. Doubt we'll see him again though.