What does Sup Forums think of my wife Aoba?

What does Sup Forums think of my wife Aoba?

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She´s all-right.

She's cute.

OP's pic is literally my fetish fuel

>draw hifumi
>call it Aoba

She's okay.
My waifu is the best grill, though.

After seeing this, I'm not sure if Miyata has the best ass anymore.

How good is Aoba at Keijo?

is aoba a real japanese name?



She appears to have something stuck in between her gluteus maximus. And she needs to remove it so I can put my dick in there.

Did she start wearing a bdsm suit like Nozomi?

It's an omake where she tries on Nozomi's suit after she mentions that it makes her boobs look bigger



What does Aoba's butt smell like?



>Unlimited Butt Works
>1 woman harem

my sympathies for what you have to go through each summer then!

I think she's incredibly boring and that Miyata is best girl.

I wish my dick and that bat switched places. Aoba and Miyata have the best asses in Keijo.

Why does she play for the Reds


Already out since Monday.


Did anyone like the dub

she's a molester

i don't recommend it


>wanting to do anal with a keijo player?

Are you trying to have your dick crushed?


This shit got dubbed?

Her tits are not as big. Her ass isn't as big. But she's still alright. All the girls are great.

Pretty surprising isn't it? Still have no idea why, but they must just dart board to pick.


Keijo make me jealous of their pretty butts. Is it a plot made by /fit/ to force us to squat?

Here (You) go.


It's a warners cartoon silly it was only a matter of time.

Will they survive the wrath of people that hate women's professional sports?

I unironically want the Warner's logo to play before each episode.


Why did the anime replace all the male Land engineering students with girls?

Took me a while to realise it was a breast.

Maybe they'll show up in Fujosaki's fight since it's her character introduction.

>nozomi didn't have a wacky southern accent

At least the cow is a texan.

I want Miyata to bounce on my dick with w-acceleration.

I want Aoba to use all butt techniques on me.



Sounds a lot better than K-Acceleration.

Next episode when?

26 hours.