Hows the fall season working out for you so far?

Hows the fall season working out for you so far?

Not watching anything this season.


kabaneri would have been a baller ass show if the plot wasn't shit.

Good visuals
Good girls
Good action
Shit plot

That wasn't what the OP asked

Been doing nothing but playing horror games and rewatching SAO because I have shit taste

>JoJo is always great
>Yaoi on Ice is alright
>FlipFlap is alright
>Eupho S2 is fun
>Keijo is fun
>Izetta is fun

Huh, better than most seasons actually

also if this dumb whore had kept this kimono instead of that shitty "battle gear"

Yuri in my butt is unironically pretty good

It's got that weird, gross animation issue though. Not sure how to describe it other than it reminds me of hentai? Like the sfx are nauseating and all the blood looks like syrup.

Watching Working and Stella no Mahou, they're not that bad, but next to last season where I was watching only Mob, this one is shit.

Continuations and spin offs aside, pretty decent.

Really enjoying PING PONG TANOSHII particularly.


Fuck me, seeing anything from Kabaneri makes me sad as hell. That show looked so sexy, but damn did it fall flat on its stupid face and break its nose.

"March Comes In" is good. Only decent thing I've watched this season.

I'd like to know too. I finally have some free time so I'd like to pick a few up. Started and caught up with Natsume and Drifters the other day, want a few more.

Flip Flappers is ok
Keijo is fun
Long Riders is ok
Occultic;Nine is alright but the plot twist that's coming is painfully obvious
Yuri On Ice is great

Considering picking up Izetta.
Also considering picking up Haikyu, but I have to watch the first 2 seasons first so not sure it's worth it.

Overall I'd give the season a 7/10.

Dropped everything but TQ.

Gundam IBO
San Gatsu no Lion
Natsume 5

That's it. The good thing is I've cleared more than half of my backlog.

Surprised and disappointed at the same time. Surprised that I'm actually watching more than 10 shows this season taking in count I was going to watch just 1, disappointed that the best ones are a 6 or 7 at best. Keijo and maybe Flip Flappers will stay on my mind after this year is over.


Girlish Number
Also many shorts

Meh, it's okay.

Drifters is good
Euphonium 2 is good
Izetta is good
Keijo is good
Flip Flappers is interesting
Occultic;Nine is getting better
Madoka Lite is meh
Shorts are good

So far, I'm pleasantly surprised by this season, 7/10

Probably the best season this year, even though it lacks any really great shows.

The threads are even shittier than usual, though. Half the threads are full of horrible shitposters and the other half are dead as fuck.