What would the founding fathers think of Trump?
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A civic nationalist that discusses potential amnesty and tells Republicans to have a heart while he waves a gay pride flag?
I think he'd be shot on sight.
As a traitor
the founders probably woud be way more pissed about other things and wouldn't be able to understand the concept of "reality tv star"
They'd love him. Trump stands for everything American
>Second amendment
>Free enterprise
>Peace through strength
>Social Security
Fair point, but for the sake of argument assume it's just about Trump.
rich incompetent puppet of the banks washington would probably shoot him
a jew loving civic nationalist traitor.
>Bombs syria
They would impeach him because hes racist and wants to kill all mexicans
That was 4d chess. He did that to show he wasn't a Russian shill, it's evidenced by the fact he slashed funding to anti-Assad rebels and pulled out of toppling assad
>if you bomb your enemies they win
Visiting the U.S Trudeau?
There cannot be a syrian refugee crisis if there are no syrians left
I think theyd hate him not as a person but as what he represents
one thing I think the founders could agree on in terms of the leader of the executive branch is that he should not be some outspoken public figure. the power of the executive is best used when used rarely, but that isn't all trumps fault, but he is a symbolic culmination of that phenomenon
>if you bomb your enemies they win
>Visiting the U.S Trudeau?
>There cannot be a syrian refugee crisis if there are no syrians left
>15 year old shart
>kek flag
>believing the 4d chess meme
just how retarded are you exactly
And this? Also 4D chess?
it's bait you dumbass
They’d be too busy shrieking in horror that we not only have a standing army, but now worship it as a society.
They'd think he's an orange bufoon, a sign of the fall of man and the decline of America. They'd accept their experiment failed, if they saw modern day America.
I can't really think of anything about him they'd dislike or be appalled by. Of course a lot of times the founders acted like little bitches and got offended by the stupidest shit that another founder did, so I'm sure there would be a few personality conflicts. But overall Trump, even his character, fits nicely into the founder's overall values.
Some would love him, some would hate him, but none of them would think he's anti-american or anything the left accuses him of being. That much is for sure.
its almost impossible to tell if ptg trump dick suckers are joking or not
Depends on if they were anti or pro federalist.
Trump most closely resembles presidents such as Jackson, Teddy, or John Tyler.
Take from that what you will.
Oh, say! Can you shart? In the local walmart?
You're a shit-tier troll.
Trump is a Federalist.
They would literally hate him. The founders are racial realists, and trump is not nearly racist enough for their standards.
Is right. Trump is far left compared to them. They would see him a cuck
They'd love him my man
>What would the founding fathers think of Trump?
You idiots didn't massacre these riffraff after they sold you out in 1913, even though we explicitly gave you the means to do so?
They would literally not care, they'd take one look at modern America and start building George Washington's fasces
Make America
How did who sell anyone out'?
You're a fucking retard
they would be too focused on the fact that niggers have rights in 2017 and aren't treated like cattle
They would think hes a shit tier degenerate for his pussy grabbing comments
i don't think benjamin franklin would be. he was a lecherous degenerate himself
Clearly you haven't read enough on Franklin
Jews and central banking nigger
I wish
Founding fathers supported central banking
Trumps not a racist. I don't think the founding fathers were either. Jefferson even said he didn't like what he was doing
If they liked Ben Franklin they would love Trump. Learn some history, public education faggot.
Please learn history, you are proof republican education is bad.
Epic rap battles, best historical documents.
Yeah Jefferson wasn't racist, he stuck his dick in a niggress's pussy.
>This is the best the future got?
>Our cultural level came down, not up
I don't get why Sup Forums don't promote those dudes non stop 24/7
Ben Franklin would love him, I'm sure of it.
fugg beat me to it. this guy knows history.
Oh they'd hate him. But they'd hate what the US became more.
Their hatred of Trump would look like a snowflake compared to their hatred of the modern day US, that's still nothing compared to what they might feel about the current state of the West
you know nothing about history. go read about Ben Franklin. He was a philandering, vain, self made autodidact. He was a self promotor and a celebrity. Not that those are bad things, it's what would endear Trump to Franklin.
And what the fuck is Twitter?
Please learn about history. Franklin was short, fat, and near sighted. Trump is tall, yes he's fat, but he has great eye-sight. Also Trump knows quite a bit about high-technology stuff. Ben Franklin didn't even live long enough to see the first computer. You don't even know basic history.
The gov't of the US was not and is not Christian. Governments come and go. The nation itself always was, is, and, hopefully, always will be Christian.
ok you baited me good job faggot
Btw you're most likely going to get banned for your post. Trolling is against the rules and the mods have been alerted since your first one.
They'd hate for his violation of the Emoluments Clause.
They'd support all that, except welfare. They only want welfare to white
Andrew Jackson was not a Founding Father RETARD, but do you know who was? Alexander Hamilton and Washington who created the first Central Bank. DINGUS
Also Thomas Jefferson rapidly expanded the military in hope of invading Carribean Islands which required a standing army. Dumbass
Many of them also opposed and it for good reason. The founding fathers disagreed pretty often.
"Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson and James Madison led the opposition, which claimed that the bank was unconstitutional, and that it benefited merchants and investors at the expense of the majority of the population."
>Also Thomas Jefferson rapidly expanded the military in hope of invading Carribean Islands
Quote from Madison: "The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home. Among the Romans it was a standing maxim to excite a war, whenever a revolt was apprehended. Throughout all Europe, the armies kept up under the pretext of defending, have enslaved the people."
But many were in favour of it, and in the end the bank got passed. The funny thing having no central bank would benefit investors more.
Yeah foreign wars are always declared under the premise of defense.
>But many were in favour of it, and in the end the bank got passed.
And was eventually repealed in 1811.
>The funny thing having no central bank would benefit investors more.
Which investors?
Anyone who invested in the stock market and in various other asset markets made out like bandits for the last 10 years.
The only investors who lost as a result of CB activities like Quantitative Easing were people who actively shorted the market. These investors correctly deduced that the post 2008 economy is nothing but smoke and mirrors.
>standing army
This is different from military bases overseas.
>The funny thing having no central bank would benefit investors more.