Sup Forums you just got CALLED THE FUCK OUT
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Am I supposed to be called out by a tool used to cuk the Brits that is too cowardly to even give the actual reason for "Soy Boi"?
Gen Z containment thread
Who the fuck ever used soy boy on pol? Goy, certainly, buy soy?
Is the bottom left link to another article real?
>that fucking read more
I used to think that the media was just dumb and didn't get stuff. I'm beginning to think they are trying to misrepresent.
This sort of 'post irony' humor that has been cultivated is really powerful. Thats why the left can't meme. Their memes fucking suck. Like it will literally say "when you collectivize the doritos" or some shit.
Calling people soy boi is funny on a variety of levels because its based in truth.
They constantly make article after article about how much they dont care about what we think, or the insults we use.
How sad do you have to be as a journalist to literally write a whole article about a new slang word which will fade out of use in a few months?
Weak weak people they are.
cant make this shit up folks
Did I miss the memo on this one, Sup Forums?
Okay what's with all these meme words? Numale, cuck, soy boy, bugmen. Is there any difference between them or just more buzzwords?
Waiting for bugman to catch on.
No, these idiots are just literally out of fucking touch
I can't find it. Can somebody post the YT video where that guy reads the HuffPo cuck article?
>The groups commonly targetted, not the meaning of the word itself, decides if something is offensive
Why does anyone like being cuckolded??? I just don't understand. I'm not even attached to anyone but why would someone like it???
Christ they're oblivious, do they not get that memes are not serious, they're basically jokes
Old news, slide on.
well, it might have been made up... not saying it's a shoop, just saying it could very well be a shoop.
Author wanted to give happy ending to his clickbait story. Inspiration came probably from one of those twatter arguments where men would say things like "they called me cuck, but i actually am one. Checkmate"
I've seen it around. Its a brand spanking new insult.
I'm still amused by the fact that literal bullshit we make up is fucking NEWS WORTHY these days. We truly are the engine of culture in this bizarre erra.
Looks like they have the moral high ground again.
I was on Sup Forums long enough to know that small percent of ppl are just into wierdest kind of shit. The question is, why is it becoming mainstream?
>check out this new pathetic insult for us the far-right is using haha
>while you're here, why not read about the perks of being a cuck or watch some anti-Trump cartoons?
>fucking nazis LOL
>Who the fuck ever used soy boy on pol?
everybody.. it's the new "cuck", soon to be replaced by "bugman".
screencap this, I'm right you know.
Jesus, I'm not even halfway through and I'm already mouthpuking.
I stand corrected.
.. holy shit wtf kæk
King Soy.
>But cuck was ultimately commandeered by the general public and used as an insult against the far right, removing its offensiveness.
memes gonna meme, it's the nature of the beast.
>what's the matter soyim?
Sup Forums has liberty to make up new words. It's our right
Last week the soy boy insult was explained in "De Volkskrant", the Netherlands biggest left wing newspaper. I had never heard of it.
The columnist admitted it was a effective insult.
kækked & tjækked
its Sup Forums you stupid fucking fagot
Christcucks are literally the definition of bugmen, retard
>insists his marriage is even stronger
>I-its really true guys, s-she loves me even more than the guy fucking her every night! Honest!
d-does that guy in the middle have literal tits?
it amazes me how wrong people can be about this shit
the only consolation I have is that this article probably wasn't paid for but the retard wrote it to "get my name out there" while on food stamps
go to sleep soyim
I've never heard a normie use cuck and not felt sorry for him.
>user doesn't know what words mean
I'm getting too old for this shit...
More like dependent on muzzie goatfucker owner.
YO ,can i get a share BRO
soy boy is actually used if you drink soya milk (the most common replacement for milk) its used because soya (in general) increases the amount female hormones in your body. fucking cuck media fails again
If we keep using the same insult over and over again it starts to lose its effect so new insults have to be created. Also it has a sort of psychological effect when you call someone something they aren't sure of what it means making it difficult to retaliate with other language so all they can do is nod and walk away staring at the ground.
>I always saw myself as a feminist by I only really understood it in the abstract
>cuckolded husban insist his marriage has never been stronger
You literally cannot make this shit up
2% milk doesn’t have soy in it though
>cuckholded husband insists his marriage has never been stronger
>it's real
At least this bait is funny
>their cock
who's cock?
>the indy
daily fail tier rag
it probably is filled with fucking hormones and the cow was likely grain fed
most dairy is a huge gamble, that's why I drink unsweetened coconut milk
this article is the great Gatsby of our times
not all bugmen are soyboys but all soyboys are bugmen
Turn in your guns, now.
>hasn't been scientifically proven
Oh how I hate journalists these days.
>No u
Fuck off "independent" "journalist"
They're perfectly cromulant words
how can drink soy doesnt increase your estrogens if soy has tons of strogens, this mental gimnastics some people does
The term "small souled bugmen" was coined by anti-christian nietzschean bronze age pervert. It literally refers to cuckolded nihilistic christfags who want to follow space morality and then die and go to Jewish heaven.
>not chuggin huge glasses of chocolate milk after a work out
>my wife is a cuck quean.
Please feel sorry for me. :(
While we're on topic, post soyboys
Let's go down the list here
>open mouth
>beard to hide weak chin/jaw
>children's book
The new male ideal in the pozzed 21st century. Weak, unthreatening, passive, and compliant
Someone who acts against his own self-interest and the self-interest of his identity group.
>soy boy
Can be used as a synonym for nu-male but more of an individual insult while nu-male is more descriptive of the abstract ideal.
The nu-male functionaries of the globalist hive state. Journalists, bloggers, twitter figures, e-celebs, activists, NGO bureaucrats, etc. Soulless emasculated ant-men who toil in their anonymous hordes to support the system.
All bug-men are soy-boys.
All soy-boys are nu-males.
All nu-males are cucks.
But not all soy-boys are bug-men and not all cucks are nu-males.
>mfw cuckold husband article in the left corner and this is actually real and legit. what a time to be alive
Fuck it is in everything.
>cuckolded husband insists his marriage has never been stronger
Feels good to be 28 and not be going bald and have my hair line receding.
Didn't we agreed to archive this shitty clickbait articles in order to not give them views as we are the only ones that sustain this shitty sites.
Hi Soy Goy
>d-does that guy in the middle have literal tits?
moobs? yes but it looks like its doing wonders for his hair
I like how the one woman in the picture stands far behind them, trying to escape but forced to be in the photo.
>hfw she's been dropping her son off to hang out with his friends for 27 years now
>One post by OP
>thought OP was just fucking with us
>go to the link
>see it right fucking there
Too fucking golden
Does one of /our guys/ work at
The term bugman refers to people divorced from their cultural roots and, instead of coming to identify themselves through spirituality and authenticity, expresses their identity by their consumption habits. They are fully consumerist.
You'll have to site the original use of it to me but none of that relates to Christianity. As the western spiritual traditions are almost entirely Christian, Christianity would oppose it in concept. Pagans today would be in a middle ground. They have connection to cultural roots to SOME degree but fail to have a spiritual life that derives from it. It's treated as an accessory.
The author looks like your typical dumbass millennial feminist.
Sup Forums - Where were you and what exactly were you doing when the realization dawned upon you that all of your problems and all of society's problems can be traced back to the Jew?
non archived link kys journo scum
>Cuckolded husband insists his marriage has never been stronger
>Read More: Cuckolded husband insists his marriage has never been stronger
Holy shit you can't make this up lmao. Yes Sunbright, Tyrone fucking your wife can't possibly hurt your marriage years later or be shown as the first steps towards your inevitable divorce
Oy vey the soyim know
Cuck - Someone who willingly practices or supports self-destructive ideology
Soyboy - Effeminate fuckers, eunuchs, nancies, take your pick. The correlation to soy is irrelevant even if true, it's just a catchy name
Bugman - Humans with the soul stripped out of them. Mostly just recite propaganda and stare at everything with dead eyes and a big smile
Numale - Someone who can be described by all of the above
I'll be expecting a citation when you publish this next week, faggots
>Monogamy, in being a form of sexual socialism as you say, is the cause of the biological degeneration of mankind which has led to the modern man, a bug man worthy of extermination.
>Universal religions like Islam and Christianity are expressions of Arab and European supremacy, respectively (see Ephraim Karsh's book among others for very clear evidence that Islam is nothing but Arab imperialism). The problem is that in the long run the inner teaching gradually takes hold, and so, at least in the case of Christianity, its original and corrosive morality eventually overtakes and cancels out the 1000-year-long process of "taming" undertaken by the Romans and their heirs in Europe. Thus a Semitic slave creed is gradually tamed and used by aristocratic Europe as a means of universal rule--the age of exploration and colonization is inseparable from Christian faith--but, in the long run, the pure or inner teaching begins for various reasons to overcome this taming, and Christianity leads to the breeding of the modern man, the small bug-man
>Acting Assistant Lifestyle Editor
there is no reason to believe this is a real job that pays money
It's just calling leftist men "effeminate pussies". The types who freak out at white dudes holding tiki-torches, but tell people to remain calm when Islamic terrorism occurs.