Let's lighten the mood a little and have a ylyl/humour thread.
Sup Forums humour thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Right wing humour only in my thread thank you.
its clearly shopped
I have a feeling the person that made this wasn't even using "le" ironically just to piss people off, but is literally plebbit
You are clearly a Russian rape baby or a muhammaddo
Looks a little photoshopped around his ear. All over, actually.
Made this a few years ago during the infinite-chan/Sup Forums wars during the gamergate debacle.
not sure if ylyl or cringe
this is one of the first images i saw on Sup Forums back in 07
This is now an Amerimutt thread
needs his revolver as a sidearm
I know you thought it as a joke but is actually true
>The Left is literally incapable of meming
Cringey. Way to bash your own teeth out on the table corner though.
Haha, you all fucking sound like this redneck. Muh games, Murica, I can say the N word because muh rights.
So fucking bamboozled.
I saved it for truth
It's humor, not massive fucking cringe.
nowadays it would include the 30 minutes for him to watch a tutorial video on youtube
[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
[Shill Operations being done against the KB Threads]:
1) archive.4plebs.org
2) archive.4plebs.org
>at this point what difference does it make
They are good at being memes though.
Cringe. Not the video, you.
this graph should probably specify that it's the skin color of people killed, not the color of the killer.
I could leave my keys in the ignition and it still wouldn't get stolen.
Doesn't work because there's already an R in the word so it would have popped up before she even guessed.
Same. And I still laugh every time I see it.
Am I white?
>americans can't even drive real cars
sajak detected
I know that only 18% of the population knows how to drive stick, but I have a hard time believing people who steal cars don;t know how to drive.
9 get!
Why does Sup Forums humor always suck so much? Is it because Sup Forums is driven by butthurt whining and retardation?
Lighten the mood. We need to be gore posting
Gay and unfunny
how can I call you without my phone
I guess it was rigged
forgot tibet
The niglet 56%'er showing more common sense than his coalburning single mom is pure pottery.
oy boss da git be sain' that higher number doesn't mean harder dakka
I hope this happens more often.
Shit like this is why i hate the catholic church now. Bunch of cucks and crazy leftists now. no real practitioners anymore