As a casual visitor to Sup Forums, how am I supposed to filter out the useful information from the trash? Or is that inherently part of being on here?
As a casual visitor to Sup Forums, how am I supposed to filter out the useful information from the trash...
It's 99% trash. Either people are trolling or they are legitimately stupid.
So does this board simply operate by thousands of people simply spending 99% of their time sifting through garbage to find something of possible value?
Over time you will see through the bait threads and threads that are identical. Filtering comes with time. Also use the catalog and open new threads in new tabs. The catalog helps from being overwhelmed
It's simple: you block the leaf.
Nope, the trolls get a rise out of the stupid, and the stupid circlejerk around their own "superiority".
Just the answer I was looking for, thanks user.
a noticeable increase in noise usually means there's some legit signal on here that shills are frantically trying to distract you from
Trust your intuition.
no you're just supposed to bait some (You)s
How do you filter the useful information out of news? Out of reddit? You just do it. Sup Forums has pretty much the same information as every other place, but the place has its own culture with its biases. I prefer to spend time on Sup Forums instead of reddit or facebook, since I don't like to listen to people virtue signalling, and since I hate having to moderate my own speech to not get banned and downvoted.
Follow shit up until you have a sense of when it's right and when you're talking to a shill.
Pol is mostly smart but socially maladjusted people dealing with outrage and frustration through humor. Shills are mostly smug idiots trying to get you to join in on the outrage.
Use ur brain
If you don't visit here often, recognize that right now we're under attack by several shill organizations right now. It was worse near the 2016 election but it's pretty bad now.
Pic related. JIDF is here.
Lurk more.
>Shills are mostly smug idiots trying to get you to join in on the outrage.
Lefties are easy to recognize by how angry they are. They just try to insult people. Sup Forumsacks who have been here for a long time are very calm and rarely insult others. I think it's because you need to be a pretty calm person to tolerate the red pills and the vitriol of the left without getting stomach ulcers.
>As a casual visitor to Sup Forums, how am I supposed to filter out the useful information from the trash?
Lurk more you fucking faggot. You learn to filter by lurking for years cunt
>he thinks there's useful information
fucking shitskin get the fuck off my board REEEEEEEEEEEEEE
>visitor to Sup Forums
>useful information
Did you finish your 2 year lurking internship?
Confirm with outside sources.
There is some genuine breaking news here but you have to sort through the retards and Russian trolls.
How about lurk moar? That’s what everyone else does, shit for brains.
use filters