Last comfy picture for tonight
I think miia would spoil the shit out of her children
Last comfy picture for tonight
I think miia would spoil the shit out of her children
Btw, its that time.
Time for a cyclops & monoeye manga thread Also Nurse Hitomi storytime
>Miia happy with sneklet
Muh heart.
About that manga about the T-Rex Girlfriend...
Is it good?
>miia would spoil the shit out of her children
Pretty much sum up every monster girls that became a mother.
Stop making early threads you retard
Just read it, it's not exactly long.
It has its moments.
How many Volumes is it?
So, is Miia's birthday finally over? We can now focus on the upcoming OAD?
Would you kindly do some MonMusu WIDEs some time?
Would femanons a (((totally legal))) monster boy?
Yes. Totally yes.
Especially monoeye boys
Two volumes, twenty something chapters.
I'm going to throw the spoon at you soon, google it if you're interested.
Only two volumes?
Fuck it, I'll just buy the whole thing!
>tfw Imp will never draw Cerea breastfeeding baby Centaur
It hurts.
>sneklet in rebellious teenage years
>goes full gyaru snek
I come here for snek, not sneks with little snek
>horse pussy
more for me
I left off in the manga just before Lala was introduced. Do things get better or worse?
Diving face first into anime now.
>tfw no centaur family
She's gotta pay her cellphone bills somewhow
>manga came out in 2012
>still no trap in the house
What in the FUCK is crab doing?
Being a senseless human being.
y tho
Ok Imperium, lets take a step back.
Am I seeing nude mother daughter snake jump roping?
>Miia's mom paunch
>Adding Darling's wife() before manga reaches it end.
The guy in that is just to fucking fat and ugly for me to enjoy
Make the guy bland enough to ignore, not distractingly ugly, holy shit
I think you misread the title of the manga, broseph
Centaurs are shit-tiers, Anons. Listen to father.
I read it just fine my man. Says nothing about having a girl (male) in the house
>girl (male)
Why did I know you were going to type that exactly?
I wanna snake family.
>Reminder Ms. Smith is Best Girl.
Where do arachne live? I want to go and marry one.
They live in the same place as Sniper Island.
>Arachne culture chapter when
Too late user, too late...
Who were the anons that asked for Emeth, Death, or Jelli?
Because Sup Forums is actually an intelligent AI designed to keep you company while giving the illusion of a thriving community. However, it was not meant to be used for this long, therefore you are starting to detect patterns allowing you to predict responses
This has probably been covered at some point, but
where do the monsters live?
If its our world they must be pretty damn good at hiding
To the Japanese, everyone from outside their borders are inhuman monsters.
Thank you user, I needed more golem in my life
Medium/large extra continents in the middle of the oceans sounds easiest to cover up.
Perhaps a few 'hidden paradise' type things in deep jungle, or mountains.
Always seemed like a big plot hole to me
>monster girls are a big government secret
>but lamia live somewhere that they can easily lure men
>other female only species lasted all this time somehow despite no one knowing about them
Anyways, it's just one of those things you don't think too hard about
Yeah, but the cenaturs seem to have a civilisation that would be difficult to hide unlike lamias near deserts etc
Fair point, its best not to think deeply about 90% of anime
Does this evolve beyond /d/ tier fapbait?
Cerea is Prussian.
It's a comedy and titty series, so not really?
>Giving the sneklet MC's eyes.
Nice touch.
Fuck you dad.
>Spider makes a home for itself next to my computer
>Kills loads of flies (and a moth)
>Disappears one day never to be seen again
Fuck spiders.
Why was my trip on. Hiromoot I fucking swear. This and the virus ads are going to fucking kill me until I get my computer fixed.
Should have smashed it on sight
>Fuck spiders.
Yes, that was the point of my question.
>not having adblock
>Not having a dedicated Sup Forums app
>Not having a second computer
You only have yourself to blame
There's a handy thread on /qa/ that will direct you to a non jailbreak adblocking app for phoneposting on whatever device you may have. I suggest you check it out.
Trust me, you didn't actually win $349.
>TTF blocks ads
>He'll never discover horny puppers in his area.
Thanks brah.
I could use 349 dollars,even if it was only canadian and not the real deal 2bh
I want rachne to bark; see if she gets the joke
I've heard of bark scorpions, but bark spiders?
>Miia gives her daughter her D
So Miia is the ideal monmusumom?
Oh yeah, happy birthday Miia! I know it's late, and I know I'm barely in the Monmosu threads, but I've loved you for a long time though I love spooder more I think. May you have a happiest birthday!
Really wish I had was here more. ML threads take up most of my time, the only monster girls there are noncanon...
I'd have to guess soon. And fuzzylover may actually get some love too.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Also, it's been quite popular even among normies. This is how /d/ subtly spreads its influence.
That's because she may have died user. Did you not fucking read Charlotte's Web ever?
If she died wouldn't she have left a corpse?
Next birthday is Cerea's (11/28)
Reminder that I have to get vol 11's alternate cover.
Look up "barking spider".
>love spooder more
Hate the spiders, user. Be like Billy.
We're skipping her birthday. Cerea is shit-tier.
Oh. Someone actually fixed that shitty edit.
I'm going to marry Draco!
>dat lala
I'm going to marry Tio!
Thank god. This coming from the guy who posted the first unedited version of that pic.
Not if I marry her first!
You wouldn't.
Maybe it tumbled away?
Either way, I pray for your lost spiderbro. I had one too in the corner of the living room, she caught this one giant fly that was proving impossible to get. I saw her work her magic and wrap it up, heard that assholes buzzing die down nice and slow. It's blood drained, DRAINED, as her toxin had sluiced itself through it's pitiful veins! It was magnificent to watch.
She seems to have moved onto greener pastures, or by now to the next life, but I will always remember and appreciate her. I prayed for her good journey, wherever she is.
No. Love the spiders. Always love the spiders.
I want to spoil her with delicious treats and spoon her when we sleep together.
There is only (wan) horny pupper for TTF
This guy gets it.
You won't be able to spoil her with delicious treats and spoon her when you two sleep together if she spoils you with delicious treats and spoons you when you sleep together
Fuck, my weakness.
I wan(t) to have Polt put down!
Tio knows all your weaknesses, because she finds them cute
B-but she's also cute! How do I subdue the cinnamon ogre?
rub her horn, it's really sensitive
I too wan(t) to put her down, slowly, onto my dick
Don't let TTF see you say that, he'll fite you
I can take him
He can share
I want to hug Tio.
Who is best girl and why is it Miia?