Why do the nips keep making extremely effeminate boys? Do they take pleasure in turning people gay?
Traps and Japs
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I wish I could pass for a trap.
There's no way you can convince me that everyone is 'born' gay. It's a learned behavior and sexual deviancy just like almost anything else that isn't relevant to procreation.
It's not gay if it's 2D.
Why not fuck both? girls and "girls" best of both worlds
What exactly do boys offer that would be an improvement over a girl? More muscular bodies? A far more male musk? A dick?
>More muscular bodies? A far more male musk?
What are you, gay? Of course it's the dick
It's not gay if you don't drink his semen.
But does that make it wrong?
Fuck off.
that's not a trap
also fucking trap shills
It's only a trap if they are pretending to be a girl.
Nope. Humans have had sex for pleasure and actively fight against procreation so I have no idea how anyone can get up on their high horse about homosexuality being 'unnatural'.
You haven't lived until you've felt a young man's asshole pucker around the base of your election
homosexuality is affected both biological and cultural components
How's it feel to be dead, user?
Japanese culture is maybe more gay friendly in a way. No Judeo-Christian culpability about sex. And maybe also they are more easily androgynous
its not gay if balls dont touch
Their views towards gays are wierd.
This is one of the only hard rules. Hell I'm pretty sure it's one of the original rules of the internet.
asians in general are more androgynous than westerns, theres nothing wrong with a boy being pretty
Don't most Nips see gay as disgusting?
you can like both just like i do.
No tumblr bullshit needed
because i like them
Actually, from what I've seen, gay people are like unicorns to them: Immensely interesting and also very very rare
Source: I have a friend from Japan, and he finds it unique and is curious about how it feels to be gay more than anything else because its so alien to him
He's also hit on me a few times, so uh...
>Japanese culture is maybe more gay friendly in a way. No Judeo-Christian culpability about sex. And maybe also they are more easily androgynous
It fucking isn't. People here make a strong distinction between 2D and 3D, this is why traps in anime are becoming common but in real life it isn't. There is still a lot of prejudice, even against males cosplaying female characters, let alone the trap characters.
What people said about gays being alien is true (see Gachi), but that doesn't make them acceptable.
>Why do the nips keep making extremely effeminate boys?
To pander to the trapfag audience and keep them buying their shit.
>Japan knows Sup Forums fetish
You must be American.
Can have unprotected sex all you want
No periods
You both have a dick so you know the best ways to pleasure each other
>It's a learned behavior
Why are marxist faggots and other social constructionist faggots allowed to post here.
Get out commie.
I'm french, it's rather secular here but with a strong catholic culture and a strong atheist movement anyway. We are more relaxed about sex than most americans because of secularism and a strong tradition of provocation and disrespect for those moral rules.
>sound like woman
>looks like a woman
How is that gay?
> elephant dick
1 Boipussy in harem = 1 level of Alpha
Isn't that even better? Think about it.
>elephant dick
>how the hell he's still looks so feminine with that dick?
>god, I want that dick, somehow.
>trap doesn't have a semi-hard small feminine dick
>Not wanting a trap bf with the same dick size as you so you can maximize the contact area
>Can have unprotected sex all you want
I don't think sticking it raw in the ass is all that hygienic.
You have much to learn about the techniques of anal cleanliness.
not that user but teach me
imma add guaranteed evidence you made the little bitch cum
see user its called an enema...
I still feel like fapping to boys in skirts is a little gay, regardless of whether or not it's a drawing.
>not wanting a trap bf with a bigger dick than you so he can get revenge in bed for your teasing.
>not just loving your trap bf regardless of size as long as you can doggy style and stroke his female penis
The best trap BF is the one that turns you into a trap as well.
But I agree, we should stop discriminating against/for traps with feminine dicks versus masculine dicks. And just enjoy our theoretical trap bf's regardless of dick size, for they are all great.
I could've passed for a trap when I was in my teens. Didn't even know what a trap was back then...
linking to the greatest doggied trap jerkoff scene i know off on tsumino and not the panda cause its the first place i saw it and thats the bookmark i fucking have, deal with it
Looking for gf, post steam
pretty good doujin but theres barely any good trap parts
should've warned that it wasn't all trap, but something about the 4 pages in the toilet just blows my mind (and dick's mind) every time i see it
its rood to make fun of our nihonjin friends' engrish
...who are you user?
Where do you running for a position? What kind of electoral base do you rely on?
Chronos from Yu-Gi-Oh GX has got to be the ugliest trap ever! They basically drew an old lady, gave it a male voice and say it's male.
I just like traps because they have the cutest fashion sense.
because feminine characters are fappable. that's all.
the dick is a pretty cute accessory
This is true. A trap friend jerked me off. I don't cum from handies or blowiejs, but I came buckets from that hand job.
>trap thread
>not posting traps
nah, that's just a blonde frenchman. seriously
You can´t say "no" to this.
Are actual homosexuals attracted to traps?
No, because traps looks like a girl (but is much better).
crossdressing and drag shows are big in gay communities but the focus there isn't on passing as a girl, but pretty much just playing dress up
Do traps use boy or girl´s toilet?
depends,in bokura no hentai its not really addressed, hourou musukou it doesn't come up either as the trap isn't fully realized, in genshiken nidaime the trap is chastised for it, but also isn't a committed trap, in doujins and original h-manga fucking anything goes obvioiusly
also the manga this picture is from is some A+ shit
Liking traps makes you around 20% gay and 80% straight.
I'll second this. I've been with over 50 women but one of the best fucks of my life was with a qt barely legal trap.
t. Bill Clinton
Every fucking week I convince myself to go outside.
Every fucking week I go out there and look for a gf so I won't be lonely anymore.
And every fucking week I meet cute girls but I come home to this shit and I lose all my interest in them.
Why are you doing this to me? Why must you insist on taking away the happiness I could achieve with 3D women? Why am I so grateful for it?
Sounds about right.
We will never see her boinipples.
>Beach / onsen episode never.
Thick trap.
Gyaru trap.
Gyaru boys are literally a miracle of the universe. Seeing them all sissies teasing you to no end is fucking delicious.
I've always had a conceptual idea about this instead of percentages. Liking traps makes you bisexual instead of gay or straight.
She (male) is so darn cute.
I don't care if it is Sup Forums slipping out of this user but I fucking laughed my head off.
I want go to girl´s school for boys.
I'm not sure rui can really be considered a trap but you have good taste user
>that tiny erect bulge
How can women top that, for real
a fat pussy maybe, but that will hardly be as pronounced
Yoichi is on a whole other level.
How can >draw a girl call it a boy even compete with his perfect balance of feminine and masculine traits?