At what point in history did White people just start ruling shit and basically dominating every other race on earth
At what point in history did
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Never. whites are subhumans
Industrial age/enlightenment
Wrong jaquarious. Egyptians were not black you stupid nigger. You waznt kangz.
What made us so much better than the other bigger races
wh*Tes are only better at being subhumans.
dark skin doesn't make you black. if i lived in the desert i'd be tan as fuck too
does this look black to you?
does this look black or even arabic?
There was a while, after Egypt declined, when it was conquered by its black neighbor to the south. I think it came back though. If Egypt means that much to you, you should study its history. It won't support 'we wuz' though.
not that i want to take credit for the egyptians but they were far more closely related to whites than arabs and blacks. you don't see a lot of blue eyes among you
>Industrial age/enlightenment
commie education
what are your selective parameters for blacks then
We're the ones with the sticks
if you put a wh*Te subhuman in egypt he would simply die from skin cancer.
wh*Tes get skin cancer when they exposed to sun for ten minutes, unlike BLACKS.
I won't let crackers whitewash my BLACK ancestors.
Someday America will be full of shitskins claiming they built it all... Oh wait they already do.
Egypt became part of the Roman Empire
it was more affected by northern invaders then southern
I think it was Alexander the Great and the Greeks who started the winning streak.
When access to metal surged forward as a result of the application of new technologies to the task of mining. That's why asteroid mining has so much potential. Lightning strikes twice when human technology directs it. It doesn't have to be all for whites this time, either.
There is nothing beyond the economy.
Always. Europe has always been the biggest and baddest empire, and-
Wait, where are those arrows coming from?
>Egypt became part of the Roman Empire
>it was more affected by northern invaders then southern
>I think it was Alexander the Great and the Greeks who started the winning streak.
The Industrial Revolution
>winning streak
>most of europe was in constant threat of islamic invasion after rome fell, with greece and hispania conquered, and at one time even vatican being seiged.
Pretty short period. The Seven Years War until you let an Imperialistic Suicidal Eastern Country use Western Technology.
NO Commie. See thread
>replying to turk
interesting pic but I don't think NO counts as a rebuttal
>At what point in history did White people just start ruling shit and basically dominating every other race on earth
Depends on what you mean with domination and white people. Whites have been technologically and culturally in the lead for well over 2000 years. Maybe ever since Alexander conquered Persia. France and Germany have been powerhouses for well over 1000 years. England for about 500. And for about 500 years Europe has pretty much ruled the world.
cant give you a date, but when they invented glass... that is the only reason they are currently still ahead of the chinese... they extended the research duration of the academics by maybe 10 - 20 years, and as you can imagine a scientist at around 40 (which was kind of the cutoff age of effective reading eyesight at the time) has his best days of sciencing ahead of him.
meanwhile the chinese were using porcelain, since they drank more tea than wine... so in a way you could say europe got ahead when it created wine...
It started at some point in the 1500's when the Spanish kicked the ass of the Inca, Maya and Aztecs and took all their gold. Once England got into the colonization game, it was game over for the rest of the world. White people didn't truly flex their muscles until the 1800's.
The goal of the Age of Exploration was to find new routes to China and India in order to bypass the Ottomans following the fall of Constantinople. Europeans traded with China and India as far back as Roman times, either going overland along the Silk Road, or crossing through Egypt to get to get to the Red Sea and sail the rest of the way. The Ottomans controlled both and shut Europeans out.
Instead of reaching Asia, they found North and South America which were more interesting and lucrative. They focused on the New World for a few hundred years and ignored muzzies and Asia. China stood no chance in the Opium Wars, even though they still dominated trade.
Stop saying 'us' memeflag shitskin.
That's stupid. Throughout history most great scientists have made their greatest findings in their twenties.
It started with Rome, then briefly ended thanks to the (((Germans))) and Arab conquests, and was restored with the creation of the tsardom of Russia to kick back the Mongols.
What about Ancient Roman and Ancient Greece, you stupid nigger.
Europe was saved completely by Pope Innocent IV and the Mongol empire's infighting, just like Japan was saved by the Divine Wind.
Otherwise the Mongols would have outright massacred the European armies who tried to fight them.
when they controlled the world sea trade routes
Blue Eyes. Could it be more clear
>Europe was saved completely by Pope
>cliff dwellings in Nevada
shows Mesa Verde Colorado and Montezuma's castle in Arizona...
>Ancient Roman and Ancient Greece
They were ancient, dumbass. Europe truly was cucked by Islam during the Dark Ages. If it weren't for a couple of Polacks with wings, St. Peter's Basilica could easily have ended up as a mosque.
you're right and everyone that disagrees with you is trolling, shilling, or stupid.
Dark Ages are a stupid myth. There was nothing cucked about Europe during the era. Christians were technologically superior to Muslims during the Crusades, and Ottoman Empire came centuries after those. Sure, Muslims made some gains in the Iberian peninsula, but that was mainly due to the lucky initial invasion. They were kicked out of France very quickly, and most of Europe was still very firmly under European rule.
exactly. It started when we somewhat figured out where we were going at sea. As soon as whitey showed up somewhere else, it was game over for the natives. Brown people need to be grateful they're still around.
>. As soon as whitey showed up somewhere else, it was game over for the natives.
More like start of the game. Without whites, 99 % of blacks would never have even been born. I'm not even shitting you. Vaccines and fertilizers and crops from the new world made a gargantuan difference to Africa. Whites only caused a 'game over' to Australia and Americas.
very mysterious user
>Dark Ages are a stupid myth
The various European empires.
I'd say Romans were pretty dominant, they just didn't have much contact with Asia.
even Persia and Egypt fell to whites. Only one that could BTFO everyone pre-industrial age were the Mongols
The swastika (as a character 卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious icon used in the Indian subcontinent, East Asia and Southeast Asia, where it has been and remains a sacred symbol of spiritual principles in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism]
nothing to do with Aryan anything lol
see NO
Not denying the information. the photos are incorrect they didnt just live in fucking Nevada tard... what are you mormon?
After China stopped exploration and let Europe get ahead and get their hands on the new world
dont respond to me or my friends ever again
>not white
>The swastika (as a character 卐 or 卍) is an ancient religious icon used in the Indian subcontinent
>Indian is not Aryan at all lol
Unironically this.
KEKEK Ancient egyptian race war
I think during the 1500's
So we took over the world in under 500 years and formed the Anglo-Sphere nations which are all first world countries along with Europe .
Their coming from The Mamluks and Ivan the Terrible kek
yes yes yes yes lol
would be a good idea to read a history book, not weird internet sites which interprets things badly
American fighter pilots used to paint it on the side of their planes as a sign of good luck before ww2
14,000 BC
> Thulian pride, world wide!
idk, maybe facial/skeletal features, just the things that actually define a sub-species, that's all
more or less when spain and portugal started coloniing the world about 1492, before that china was more advanced that any other european country
>read a history book
I have a history degree you brainwashed TV drone
I am aware of that,
sorry think I copied you in to a list I did not mean too
Atlantis was Antarctica.
>kicked out mongols
russia are literally the rrape baby state of the mongols.
The Mongols would've gotten REKT if they were to come into mainland Europe .
They dense forests and mighty Castles with their fortified walls would stop the Mongols.
Also Daily Reminder that the Mongols achieved a lot of success during their early invasions of Europe because they brought gunpowder technology and cannons with them.
They only attacked a weak and divided Russia which had many principalities.
The Mongols were millions while the Rus were just a few hundred thousand.
200 years passed and Ivan the Terrible defeated the Tatar Yoke for good and the Russians expanded their empire eastward and conquered the mongol empire.
Tatars who stayed in Europe would eventually assimilate racially with the Slavs, and now Tatars look fully white and many look exactly like slavs.
You days are comming sand nigger
You are rightful Russian clay.
with the discovery of the new world and their resources
what did you're degree focus on
and you give me an example of a book by Arthur Kemp the insane ex BNP member and South African white supremacist with no historical standing at all and has been greatly debunked as a racist pushing an agenda
if you do have a history degree you should have higher standards
Europe was cucked by the Ottomans who repeatedly stonewalled any attempt to make contact with Asia, so they did the reasonable thing and just sailed west into the Atlantic.
Colonization of the americas made Europe unimaginably wealthy and made Eurasian trade no longer as viable in the long-term.
Also, Europeans started developing strong civic virtues around the 1500s and this lead to more organized and larger armies.
Super geniuses are one thing and general average scientists that "optimize" the discoveries of the geniuses and fill out the gaps in knowledge and study the meaning and possible applications of these theories is another thing... they build a store of knowledge they can draw on, and your average human has an effective brain until at least 60 on average... and besides the overhead of teaching new scientists in comparison to the amount of work any given scientist can put is much worse if you have half the span of work life... europe didnt really pull ahead of china until the industrial revolution started, which was an accumulation of science and discoveries over centuries, and all societies were racing towards knowledge, to be able to create weapons, more effective ways of mining, discovering the world is round by observing and studyiing the sky, and thus coming to a land where they found almost infinite resources... science gave europe all the breakthroughs it had basically, but not before the 13th century, which is when glasses were invented slowly over the next couple hundred years europe got out of the dark ages, and managed to more effectively use knowledge to further their domain...
>South African!
>greatly debunked racist
>if you do have a history degree you should have higher standards
LOL! You don't deny the work because you dislike the Historian or because it's "wayyycism!". You look to the physical evidence. You're brainwashed by Marxism. Free your mind and grow up.
I focused on West Civ.
>Also, Europeans started developing strong civic virtues around the 1500s and this lead to more organized and larger armies.
>Europeans started developing strong civic virtues around the 1500s
>and this lead to more organized and larger armies.
t.Confirmed retard
Fuck you really are a retard.
some egyptians have blue eyes or green eyes, olive skin color, and curly hair... thats actually the original egyptian look, like the "pharaonic" egypt, not egypt post 7th century when islam hir...
in before