How dare any of you make fun of us Jews. Anti semetism is irrational and there is no evidence to support any of your wild conspiracy theories. The Jews were massacred to the tune of 6 million, possibly 20 million as new evidence is suggesting and if you deny this you're simply a psychotic anti semite who should be put in jail!

The Jews are the chosen people of Israel and I invite you to read into the literature of the Jews as well as attend Jewish cultural events to get a deeper understanding of what it means to be Jewish in 2017. Here in Montreal we have people from all walks of life come to our events where we eat and dance and you know what? We don't care about what colour, culture or creed you are because we can look past such trivial things and see we are all people that love to dance and eat. Yous should have seen us to the nae nae last year it was beautiful. Everyone loves dancing with Jews.

Fuck you kike you belong in one of two places, Israel or an oven.

Israel is one of the two great cancers upon the face of the earth. It has no legitimacy or right to exist, and survives only through the web of manipulation and blackmail it has spun around the western world.

>mfw no one likes jews because they're actually incredibly shitty people, worse than any other race or religion in existence.

shut the fuck up you filthy heeb nigger, you are a Deicide Race and you were damned for the pit of hell the day you killed Christ.

Why focus on only 6 million of the 40 million people who died in the war?
The holocaust is an emotional manipulation method.

Chosen peoples of Israel?
Yeah right, we all know that the chosen peoples of Israel the man once called Jacob are the white European people. 13 tribes of the 12 white European nations.
Israel was never a piece of land, Israel was a man once called Jacob, who's name was changed by the father in heaven.
Can you say KEKED faggot?







fucking jew




I tried not to notice for as long as I could. I know there are many jews who are peasant niggers to the world just like me. But the agenda against white people must be countered.

The problem isnt whether the holocaust was real or not, the problem is that there are still jews today.
No holocaust? Shame there wasnt one.
Holocaust is real? Shame on the Germans for not getting every single jew.
That's all it boils down to m8


These threads do nothing but multiply my hatred of kikes cause you JUST WONT STOP BEING HELLISH JOOZ!!!

20 million?!?! Stop with thi antisemetic nonsense, clearly 60 million died in the rotating merry go round teleporting roller coaster gas chambers! Never forget the 190 billion!

Fuck off you leaf

this. i never wanted this, i don't want to be that guy with views that seem crazy to society, but they've BRAZENLY fucked over whites so long and hard that I can no longer just bend over and take it. They think we're retarded, that we don't read Jewish newspapers, think we don't know of how vile and racist "Barbara Spectre" Jewish Supremacists (all Jews cough) are, and think only (((they))) know about "The Yinon Plan".

no, i never wanted to be anti-anyone. I've just learned there are people who are actively anti-me, and I swear on all the is righteous in this world I will not die on my knees.

There are no Semites anymore. They've been bred out. That's why the DNA testing meme has gotten so popular.
Jews are like old hardware. Smartphone in my pocket, flip phone in the trash; where it belongs.

A jew walks into an oven.

wtf why is everyone so anti-semetic?

Id like to interject for a minute...

Don't feel like the Stoned Stranger, user. We're reaching critical mass.

It's not about anti semetic or no. Enough is enough. We are waaaay over the line.

>Possibly 20 million
>Only 9.5 million jews in 1933 in Europe
They sure fucked like Rabbis during the second world war.

Oy vey! Why do you hate our counter-semitism?

>only 20 million

>Interpreting this as muh discrimination and muh anti-semitism
You ever meet someone who starts telling you about someone they work with who is a real pain in the ass? You say, "Wow, that sucks. It sounds like they're a real pain in the ass." Then they start telling you about this other person they work with who is just awful. You say, "Wow, that's tough. It sounds like you've got to deal with some real assholes. I feel bad for you." Then they start telling you about the third person...and the fourth person...but by the time they start telling you about person number 12—along with the taxi driver and barista they had that morning—all of whom are out to get them, you're inclined to say, "Maybe the problem is you, you fucking asshole. You ever thought of that?" How's that old expression go? If everywhere you go smells like shit, then it's time to check your own shoe.

Forgive me for not buying into the narrative that literally hundreds of completely distinct civilizations—separated from each other by both time and geography—would independently and coincidentally reach the same conclusions about this one group, and all of those civilizations would decide to fuck with this one group in a way that none of them had with any other group.

usery, subversion, and degeneracy have been timelessly hated by decent people.
frankly, i find it morally stunning that kikes can get away with telling every white person "Its evil for you to be in charge of black people", but its somehow not evil for Jews to be in charge of Goyim... Spoiler Alert: Jews think of non-Jews as cattle. In the same way you think animals don't have souls and humans are kings of earth, they think goyim don't have souls, and Jews are the God's of the earth.
its overwhelming to me knowing how they've been looked at with absolute disgust by almost everyone throughout human history, yet they still manage to get away with it by controlling the banks and mass media.

their nefarious influence is so brazen, that sometimes it makes me think coal burning blue-pill faggots actually deserve to be human cattle. sigh...


Would someone please elaborate without going back to Christ himself? That's a long time ago

>I invite you to read into the literature of the Jews

You mean like this?

>as well as attend Jewish cultural events

You mean like this?








Pic related

Also, pic related


Open borders for israel, stop sterilizing ethiopians, you racists.


Also, see and

>1 post by this ID

Oh that's crazy so your saying all of those people at CNN are Jewish? I've heard of some of these theories and stuff but then Hitler is involved

>get kicked out of every host nation you inhabit
>surely we aren't the problem it's just all these anti semits

>tune of 6 million
Fake news, the whole shit post.

Ah okay right so they were expelled from Poland in 1968 damn son that's fucked up. Eh people in general should know these things and know not to abuse power and wealth. How could that not come naturally

Sup Forumsros avoid the bait.


