Welcome to Wiz' Magical Tool Shop where only the finest of magical goods are on sale.
Would you be interested in this Wish Granting Choker? It makes your desires come true!
Welcome to Wiz' Magical Tool Shop where only the finest of magical goods are on sale.
Would you be interested in this Wish Granting Choker? It makes your desires come true!
I love wearing chokers, sign me up.
Can I buy her instead?
wait a second
I never seen this scene before with chris and wiz
Can it fulfill my wish of impregnating Yunyun?
Where do I find a wife like Wiz?
Only if it comes with Wiz's personal guarantee.
It was in a .001 second flashback in the OVA. Kind of like how they glossed over Wiz's introduction, Dust and Co.'s introduction, and Yunyun's introduction.
>oh this is chris in wiz's shop
>she's interested in buying crazy weight loss devices
>somehow as an undead hating goddess she doesn't even care/realize wiz is a lich-e
Don't bother trying to pause the episode looking for the scene, it goes by so fast you can't even find one frame of it.
For that you don't need a choker, you just need to write her a fake letter.