Wat do?
See this at UCLA
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kick that shit or put a lighter towards it. When i say kick it i mean from the side crumpling it
He's right in almost every quote on the list
indeed he is
>Wat do?
Facts > Feelings, as always.
Yup. That's why Leftists target him.
I agree with every single one of those points.
Why do anything?
Add an 'ELECT" over his name and leave everything else the same.
Plaster the campus with some "it's okay to be white " posters. Really work them into a frenzy
Take it the fuck down.
Tell them they're being antisemitic racists.
starting reading that I didn't quite understand if it was an add for shapiro holding a speech, or if it was some kind of protest.
Then I assumed it probably was the latter and gathering protesters against (((him)))
You know like
>Prevents holes in your teeth
>Kills of nasty germs
they go protest against it
nod my head and agree
Me on the left lol
80% true
submit to our new overlords.
i agree with everything
Fucking kek, this
all of those are correct except the last one because abortion is nigger population control
Agree with everything except the bottom two.
Blacks are violent because they are low IQ and the holocaust never happened, plus abortion has eugenic benefits
Is that a realdoll?
are they implying that hes wrong? All points are true
Shapiro seems like a very rational man when you put it that way.
Lol If I saw that on campus, I would instantly like the guy if I didn’t know him already.
>believes poverty among black people is a result of black culture
>believes poverty among black people is a result of black culture
>believes poverty among black people is a result of black culture
>believes poverty among black people is a result of black culture
openly agree with all of it
I agree with every bullet point except for the last one, abortions are doing their best to prevent baboon pregnancies. We should be all happy about that.
so he holding a speech there today or?
Might we be looking at screeching SJWs here?
i see nothing wrong with these statements...
he also believes the roy moore allegations despite no evidence and clear political motives
Yup. Change the last one to "wants to force women to face the consequences of their actions" and I'm all for em.
>forced to bear children against their will.
As long as they weren't having sex against their will, what is the issue here? Fucking pro-choice people are so good at re-branding their argument. If you're against abortion, you're "pro life" which sounds like a good side to be on. If you're pro abortion, you're "pro CHOICE" which on its face also sounds like a good side to be on.
>Ben Shapiro thinks women should not be allowed to have abortions.
>Ben Shapiro thinks women should be forced to give birth AGAINST THEIR WILL.
Ben is a total neo-con and he's not even pro Trump, he is pretty reasonable in most of his opinions, I can't believe that this is the boogey-man they chose. Richard Spencer is easy, because most of the shit his CIA PSYOP ass says is easily quotable as "racist" etc. But Shapiro??? He spends as much time trashing Republicans on his show as he does liberals.
He's a filthy zionist kike. Let the SJWs eat him
>black culture causes black poverty
Jeez and what could possibly explain black culture?
Add a gold sheriffs badge
>"A mental illness is simply defined by a behavioural or mental pattern causing suffering and difficulty adjusting to society. Why are you guys marginalizing the struggles of the disabled and trans folk?"
>"Bludgeoning someone's head against concrete is an excercise of lethal force. Why don't you believe in hispanic people's right to defend themselves?"
OP here, just a few SJW's butt hurt and a couple of people listening to their rant about the jew
B-black p-people?
Shes ugly and ur dumb
>the left cant greentext
Genetics. They're like this everywhere in the world.
Point by point
1 - Objectively true, even by the lefties own standards. Your body works fine, your problem is in your brain. This is called a mental illness.
2 - He was probably making a bit of a flippant joke that was funny at the moment, so it shouldn't be taken overly seriously. He is correct that Arabs seem to be the ones blowing up buses and tweeny concerts though. I dunno about the open sewers.
3 - According to the findings of the court, this is true. Trayvon did, in fact, do sumfin.
4 - True, no matter how much people like Al Sharpton wish it weren't.
5 - True, even very poor white communities do not suffer the same problems as most black communities. I'm not sure you can point to one single thing as the culprit, but something in the culture clearly appears to be faulty.
6 - He believes abortion is murder, which is true enough. A fetus is human, it does not matter that feminists would like to proclaim it a parasite in order to justify the act of murder to themselves. As for forcing women to bear children against their will, this is clearly false. What he wants is for people to take responsibility for their actions. Nobody forced you to fuck half the football team, dear. You knew the risks going in, and you still went in.
And circle takes the square
I ask what's his blog or Patreon page
join in and start screaming how you hate that fucking kike and his Jewish tricks!
they'll be forced to either hate jews or stop disagreeing with shapiro
>join in and start screaming how you hate that fucking kike and his Jewish tricks!
You are worthy to bear my manbabbies.
There's nothing wrong with that sign.
Leftists still blame whitey though. They say colonialism in Africa is what causes it. Same for Muslim terrorism; it was all thanks to colonialism. The Islamic world dindunuffin
Obviously they should be prohibited only when the child is white.
Voting for this, but draw wings around him and a halo
If they weren't raped, they can't complain about the last one as they weren't forced to have sex.
WTF!? I guess I'm /InWithBen/ now
I have a great suggestion. You put up a countersemitic flyer with Shapiros six gorillian Khazar milking sister epidemic with intervals between 1880s to 1930s.
If Ben wasn't such an "Israel first America second" kike he would be incredibly based.
Well all of those things are factual right? Seems like it to me.
Yikes, I didn't even know Shapiro said all these. Other than the subjective statments which are totally ridiculous, number 1 and number 2 are scientifically incorrect.
Transgenderism in itself is not classified as a mental illness in the DMS-5, only a form of gender dysphoria which causes significant clinical distress in the patient. Also, not all Arabs 'like to bomb crap and live in open sewage'. You'd see a ton more bombings otherwise.
Definitely lost the little respect I had left for him
That sign looks very flammable. Be a shame if someone holding a lighter were to stand next to it
This desu, abortion is good.
All of these are objectively correct other than the arab sewage one.
They didn't say he was wrong.
On the sign.
It works on many levels.
gotta realize she's bald under that wig
i can't stand black people fake hair
damn, I'm surprised spics have abortions at almost the same numbers that niggers do; it's because of this shit that I'm pro-abortion
it's pretty much all true
certainly closer to the truth than the shit libs spout
Tell them how right they are and how ben "I'm okay with America becoming brown" is a piece of shit human being
I'd walk up and pretend to be interested then destroy their sign like they do to people on the right.
Facts dont care about your feelings.
join in protest against (((Mr. Shapiro)))
>get a qt liberal girl
He's correct on all but the last point. Cheer and clap and tell them that this guy should run for office.
>tell each other that politicians don't have their best interests at heart
>votes democrat anyway because "das whut u do"
>not a cultural problem
>no significant progress in going on fifty years
>falls for any consumer trend thrown at them
>psyopped / pressured into idolizing career criminals and thuggery
>not a cultural problem
All the girls in that image were gang raped by Russian comrades :^)
> prepare replacement banner
> spot some bald guy
> say there are alt-right nazies right around the corner and he is their spy
> when they are distracted, post replacement banner over their banner
> replacement banner contents:
> we wuz kangz
> trayvon was an aspiring rapper on his way to church
> nigger homosex level is so much larger than of white males, which proves that we wuz kangz
> etc.
he's right about everything except the abortion thing
abortions have actually happened
This. There's no need to stand up for cucks and kikes, let the Golem turn on them and laugh.
4 is false in my opinion. I believe most of the discrimination is understandable though.
>abortion is murder
Ah the age-old debunked claim whether you go by the law books, biologists, or simple common-sense.
ummmmmm no sweetie you're a bigot
>bear children against thier will.
unless they were raped this os retarded.
it would be best to create your own positive movement. postive active is always better than complaining about someone elses message
>no quotes of him attacking Trump or praising Israel
absolutely disgusting
>He spends as much time trashing Republicans on his show as he does liberals.
They've obviously never watched any of his content, they just regurgitate the most quotable meanie arguments they see on Salon and Vox.
The fag is right.
You can not be employed by two corporations simultaneously and have no conflict of interest.
>"And by the way, I don't give a good damn about the so-called 'browning of America.' Color doesn't matter. Ideology does."
>-- Ben Shapiro
What's sadder is that supposed conservatives still parrot this "liberals are the real racists" dreck
That would be him catering to failed policies of last 30 years of GOP btw.
Meanwhile in Texas.
Absolutely correct.
to be fair though, women dont control whether they get raped or not.
They can reduce the odds, sure. But they dont choose to be raped.
Could you imagine an "English-American" holding more loyalty to England over America? Or a "German-American" more holding Germany in higher regard than America?
fuck this faggot, he deserves everything the SJWs throw at him and then some
Black women don't get abortions. White spoiled women do.