Reminder that this man is President of the United States
Reminder that this man is President of the United States
18 dimensional hopscotch
12D Subterranean LaCrosse
As an actual born and raised American, I find it glorious.
reminder i can see and read, you enormous faggot
23th dimensional hungry hungry hippos
i've been off the grid for the last 4 days. come back and see this tweet and am overjoyed then scroll down a tweet or two and he makes a basic grammatical english error and then literally the next tweet he rips hillary for the misspelling on the russian reset button. i fucking love this man and accept him with all his flaws.
thanks - I'm pumped
You know it
That day Kim executed an entire village because he was enraged.
yes, and he will be for the next 8 years. Get used to it Faggot.
...and it's beautiful.
Ain’t it fucking great?!?
I know isn't it great?
BASED PEDEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no problem ;)
I am so ashamed of our president.. America is over. We literally have a president who is "kind of the white trash". Rural obsoletes.. get the fuck out or OD on meth.. just do anything to get out of the lives of civilized people please!
Yep - it's a special time lads
is that a real coffee cup or shopped? i want one.
you either choose to see the illusion or you understand... think of a reason other than: "DRUMPF IS STUPIEJD FUERHERHER" why a man in his position wouldn't give a fuck about insulting "rocket man"...
don't tell me you can't... because i know you don't want to... or you're a shill...
would you keep social protocol towards a powerless marionette, dangled by strings and directed by your very enemies? this is just him saber-rattling for fun... because at this point... this whole illusion of NK being the big bad nuclear player is pretty much over...
i hope they arrest all the hired shills as well or at least put them on a watch list...
you made your bed, now lie in it, pedo-supporting SCUM
not exactly the same but close.
Good. I was asleep for the last 8 hours. Glad to see things haven't changed since this morning.
>Trump is chimping out again
He obviously spergs like this to counter political correctness.
That's my president!
That id. Eerie
good, thanks for reminding everyone
Loving every laugh
>>can’t wair to vote for him again
I love it.
as opposed to old and fat?