How much value do you put into character whoring and sexualization during ED and sometimes OP themes?
How much value do you put into character whoring and sexualization during ED and sometimes OP themes?
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you make it sound impure
I love it.
I don't remember Hyouka being that good wtf?
You probably weren't kininarimasu enough to make it to the ED.
Nothin' sexual about that. Just two characters havin' a good time on a spacebed. No officer, this erection is unrelated.
Hyouka was always good user. You were just blinded by your shitposting.
let's just be honest,
they make the characters attractive for this reason alone. Buy the DVDs-sorry blurays.
I watch OP and ED twice; at the beginning of the show and during the last episode.
So not much, I guess.
Is "how much value" a new shitposting meme a la "What did he mean by this"?
Is it just me or the anatomy here doesn't make sense?
Yup. It basically means, spam KyoAni animation images while occasionally posting annoying text.
Probably an issue with foreshortening, looks better animated.
Friendly reminder that Kyoani NEVER sexualizes their characters.
Except for EDs and promo art.
I really like how they were teaching us anatomy at Phantom World. Instead of shoving sexual imagery down our throats like shaft does.
I can tell you that it's because the left shin doesn't curve the way it's supposed to. It's like the muscle is wrapping all the way around the bone, which is incorrect. But yeah just a small error since you wouldn't notice it outside of a freeze frame.
Kyoani does that a lot. Looks like a knocked kneed chicken desu.
Go for it Mochi. Make a huge family.
KyoAni's Post-Disappearance ED rankings
1. Kyoukai no Kanata
2. Tamako Market
3. Nichijou (1st cour)
4. Free! ES
5. Free!
6. Hyouka (2nd cour)
7. Hibike
8. Hibike 2
9. AmaBuri
10. Chuu2
11. Chuu2 Ren
12. Hyouka (1st cour)
13. Phantom World
14-28. Nichijou (2nd cour)
I like when Kyoani does it because it's usually to offset an utter lack of fanservice in the show proper. for example. It's a blatantly cheap way to push units without just outright ruining your characters. Sure there was the onsen scene but that was in character and super mild. Even the OVA was tame by fanservice OVA standards. So I think it's a fair trade off.
wtf I love Hyouka now
Second cour ED is GOAT desu
Free EDs are some of the greatest KyoAni has ever made.
Oh shit, I didn't realize you were ranking EDs. I'm in the wrong damn thread. Ignore my shitposting.
Can you not read?
I'll take that as a yes.
As far as OPs go, Nichijou OP1 blows every post Disappearance kyoani show out of the water.
Mochi is truly the best girl
KyoAni does great endings, but the openings are hit or miss.
Amagi's ED was pretty disappointing compared to the OP.
>Kyoukai no Kanata
Your standard are way too low. I bet you like glasses too.
Sauce please.
Their Keion endings are still the best of all time