This is a girl from Hunter x Hunter. There are many others like her, but this one's mine.
Hunter x Hunter - girl appreciation thread
That's like literally the only girl in the series. Only good looking one at least.
She's not dead, Hisoka's Elastic Love can't last for very long once he moves far enough. He's only 60% emission.
and I have the monopoly on her
Reminder that Neferpitou, a.k.a. Pitou, is in fact female.
I can't even understand what you were trying to say.
What would happen if you shouted something in her ear while she's sleeping comfy like this?
This is my girl. She's the chairman and a doctor and a lawyer.
>not edgy Velma
Get the fuck out of there with that weak shit
Does Togashi have a hatred towards female characters?
He makes them, strong and confident, but they're NEVER in the forefront or make them main characters to travel with the guys
>Does Togashi have a hatred towards female characters?
Stretch before you leap.
I think you're too used to token female MCs.
>He makes them, strong and confident, but they're NEVER in the forefront or make them main characters to travel with the guys
Who is Genkai.
Komugi is actually the cutest.
But Bisky-chama though. Also his female characters are much better-crafted than 90% of anime girls even if they're not MCs. He's married to Sailor Moon so I doubt he has a problem with women.
i feel like bisky is going to die in the current arc and i really hope my feeling is wrong
I have a feeling that Senritsu will be the one to die. She will probably accomplish her goal in the DC.
Very lame choice.
t. smelly hobo
Nah, I don't think that would really have a big effect on viewers. She's like a joke character version of Genkai (or Genkai and Toguro's daughter perhaps).
>But Bisky-chama though. Also his female characters are much better-crafted than 90% of anime girls even if they're not MCs. He's married to Sailor Moon so I doubt he has a problem with women.
I would love to see him start a series starring a female lead then
I don't think he's interested. He wanted to do a baseball manga with all homos and recently he wants to do a card manga, though he didn't specify if the protagonists would be female or not. Most likely not though.
I wouldn't mind if he pulled a Stone Ocean with cards.
She's not yours. She's the property of Shueisha or Togashi
>Stone Ocean with cards
He should write the next Yugioh series
That's Nobunaga's girlfriend though.
What ever happened to that rumor that Togashi would continue the anime instead of the manga?
How can you continue the anime when you don't continue the mang?
Don't they just tolerate each other?
Also Machi likes Chrollo
They always hang out together, it's clearly love. Not to mention that Nobunaga could nothing personnel one strike slice Chrollo with his 4m en if he tried stealing his girl.
>he tried stealing his girl
But he's the most thievery thief there is. Stealing is his whole deal.
Still, Chrollo clearly doesn't care about love. He's nensexual or whatever.
Plot twist: he is a homosexual and he had a crush on Hisoka before he betrayed him.
Chrollo is alternate universe Sensui, but without the gay gene.
He's obviously into traps, not clowns.
Best girl coming trought.
>fillershit with daddy issues
The filler this series had made it so much better. Too bad we didn't have the same treatment for the remake, we could still be watching a lot of made up Chimera ants.
But Kurapika is a MC
Fuck off homo
Fine example of good filler in shonen anime
I don't like her, she's always angry.
She's always stoic, never angry. Except when she got clowned.
Literally when?
The only time her stoicness was peeled away was when Hisoka BTFO'd her friends.
She only gets angry when her boyfriend bukkake's her with rubber (and gum).
Make what last?
She's not really edgy though? Just dumb.
I would watch. Actual plot and characters...
I would Hisoka.
Daily reminder Kurapika should have been a girl.
>He's married to Sailor Moon so I doubt he has a problem with women.
Now THAT is something to really make you think
Stop trying to push this meme.
he cute
I wonder if it's the same retard who tries to force the meme about continuing the anime
This so much goddamnit. I love Kurapika but I don't want to admit it because I don't want to be gay. If Kurapika was a girl, she would be my bestest ever tomboy waifu.
Faggots in denial
>being attracted to a feminine character
>voiced by a woman no less
So next chapter really comes out in November??
>being attracted to males
>not gay as fuck
Gon and Killua are also voiced by females, how is that relevant at all you stupid homo?
Because they childrun.
Not really, in my fantasies I'm always a girl for him.
That's pretty hot
the only thing she did was to train the main characters and beat that mook character
Sleep well Pitou, you were too best for this world.
Fact: Shizuku is the best spider and best HxH. She is not something replaceble like Machi
Don't post lewds of my wife.
Have a palette cleanser friend.
I don't remember this kurapika
I would like to accidentally stumble over this Pitou and kick her and all of her kittens, by accident.
>no one mentioned the Jew girl
oy vey!
I'd give it a 8.5/10 that would be crazy.
Renz = loli tomboy Kurapika = better in every way than Kurapika?
literally who?
Best girl
>OC donut steal
>you'll never be bullied by Asuka jr.
>2011 garbage Machi
You can have her
>planting rumors by mentioning "rumors"
I see your plan here Hillman
>blue hair machi
Kurapika is a bishonen
I want you to kill yourself very fucking slowly
Nah this was him during this year's run
>pink hair machi
Much better. Nippon Animation did the impossible and actually made Machi pretty.
She was already pretty though.
>falling for low tier bait
Post lewds
>tfw gonna have to wait until 2018 to see more of them
Is this lewd enough?
Hey I'm a stoner
are leo and kura now zodiacs?
How do you write bold text??