What the fuck did I miss?

Haven't been on here for a little over a month and need a few things explained.
What's all this about France surrendered to Islam?
What the fuck is this CBTS general being spammed really about? Seems like a LARP
Also why have so many of you taken the obvious D&C tactic "Amerimutt" bait?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a siege brah

A massive shilling OP started about a week ago. They mainly post merimutts and congratulate each other on how funny they are. Pointing out they are shills will make them double down on mermimutts and accuse you of being butthurt and "not being able to take the bantz".

Effective counters are Gas and Ovens memes, and general anti-semitic lulz trolling as the main human posters are JIDF.

Some kind of bot posts the "Republican politicans are rapists" threads. Crack open your rare merchants folder as it is maximally effective for trolling jew tears rn.

Typical script goes as follows

>EU meme flag: Merimutts aren't white
>EU: you're 0%, fellow goyim!
>US: nogunz yurupoor jealous of feedom

And it goes on. If you want to put an end to it post pic related.

This is now a rare merchants thread.

JIDF-made merchant right here paid with Soros bucks stolen from their gassed grandparents.

One of my favorites.

So what's up with this CBTS thread? I can't be bothered to read those massive fucking posts in a potential Anon5 level LARP
Quick rundown would be much appreciated

Detailed rundown on the Dossier

>There is nothing normal about the Fusion GPS dossier (The Hill)

>Russia dossier investigators suspect reporters were paid to spread collusion claims (WashTimes)

>Spinning in circles on the Trump dossier (WashEx)

>Lifting the Steele Curtain (WSJ)

This third article is important when considered next to Grassleys letter to the FBI about the dossier:

>Grassley concerned about FBI use of Trump ‘dossier’ in Russia investigation (politico)

>Noting that the dossier was passed on to the U.K. government according to lawyers representing author Christopher Steele, Grassley asked the FBI to clarify whether the document's contents could have been "surreptitiously funneled into U.S. intelligence streams through foreign intelligence sharing."

>Steele, a former British intelligence agent, initially compiled the dossier — replete with unproven details of alleged Russian efforts to compromise Trump — for the firm Fusion GPS.

>If the FBI had interpreted a foreign intelligence service's receipt of the Steele dossier as a de facto confirmation, "it would be alarming," Grassley wrote on Friday to FBI Director Christopher Wray.

>"Mr. Steele’s dossier allegations might appear to be 'confirmed' by foreign intelligence, rather than just an echo of the same 'research' that Fusion bought from Steele and that the FBI reportedly also attempted to buy from Steele."

In short Clinton and the dems engineered the dossier with the intention of injecting it into the Intel community so it would be reported by the media as an official intelligence issue rather than oppo research.

This is the sequence of events during the week that led up to the DNC admitting it paid for the dossier

>Dems obstructed the Fusion GPS hearing, Fusion GPS pleads the fifth to everything

>Nunes issued a subpoena for bank records back to 2015, Court was due to supply records Monday

>Obama appointee Judge delayed subpoena

>WaPo publishes story saying DNC funded the dossier tuesday

>This strengthened the injunction

>Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than the Clinton-DNC news—and that something is in those bank records. The release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s otherwise weak legal case.

Podesta tried to stop the hearing.
>The untold story is the Democrats’ unprecedented behavior. Mr. Rooney had barely started when committee staffers for Mr. Schiff interrupted, accused him of badgering witnesses, and suggested he was acting unethically. Jaws dropped. Staff do not interrupt congressmen. They do not accuse them of misbehavior. And they certainly do not act as defense attorneys for witnesses. No Democratic lawmakers had bothered to come to the hearing to police this circus, and Mr. Rooney told me that he “won’t be doing any more interviews without a member from the minority present.”

See pic related.

The Fusion GPS bank records subpoena was delayed until by Obama appointee Judge Tanya Chutkan
>U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan granted the House motion to intervene and has delayed the due date for the bank to comply with the subpoena until Wednesday while she evaluates the complaint.

Tanya is the judge that was trying to force Trump to give an illegal an abortion
>The temporary restraining order, issued by U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan Wednesday evening, said the federal government must allow the unnamed 17-year-old girl, who is about 15 weeks pregnant, to receive the abortion within days.

This gave WaPo and other media critters time to fess up before Nunes got the truth


Podesta committed perjury

>Exclusive: In Hill interviews, top Dems denied knowledge of payments to firm behind Trump dossier (CNN)

>Podesta was asked in his September interview whether the Clinton campaign had a contractual agreement with Fusion GPS, and he said he was not aware of one, according to one of the sources.

>Sitting next to Podesta during the interview: his attorney Marc Elias, who worked for the law firm that hired Fusion GPS to continue research on Trump on behalf of the Clinton campaign and DNC, multiple sources said. Elias was only there in his capacity as Podesta's attorney and not as a witness.

So Podesta denied paying Fusion while sitting directly next to the guy who paid Fusion on his behalf

So it looks like purjury but can it be proven? Maybe.
>EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton is in 'secret negotiations' with ex-British spy Christopher Steele to buy SECOND 'dirty dossier' on Trump's romantic englements with Russian women, claims Clinton author (DailyMail)

>Hillary personally authorized her campaign chairman, John Podesta, to launch the first controversial Russian dossier, according to a senior Clinton campaign strategist who worked for Hillary in both her 2008 and 2016 presidential bids

18 billion dollars = merimutt meme
kek that's the best they could come up with.
Should've given me all of that fucking money to start a fascist revolution .

>When Scandals Collide (National Review)

>Here, the Clinton campaign and the DNC retained the law firm of Perkins Coie; in turn, one of its partners, Marc E. Elias, retained Fusion GPS. We don’t know how much Fusion GPS was paid, but the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid $9.1 million to Perkins Coie during the 2016 campaign (i.e., between mid-2015 and late 2016).

>A friend draws my attention to an intriguing coincidence.

>In its capacity as attorney for the DNC, Perkins Coie – through another of its partners, Michael Sussman – is also the law firm that retained CrowdStrike, the cyber security outfit, upon learning in April 2016 that the DNC’s servers had been hacked.

To sum it all up

>DNC pays CrowdStrike to tell the FBI Russia hacked the DNC

>DNC pays Fusion GPS to give the FBI the dossier

>Fusion linked lawyer gets visa approved by Lynch to attend meeting with Don Jr

>one or all of these use in FISA court to spy on Trump

Damage control has been activated
>A Second Fusion GPS Dossier Implicated Clinton Foundation Donors (NationalReview)
The rats are scurrying for cover. Takeaways here
>there was an anti clinton dossier that fusion GPS tried to give to Trump Jr
>it didnt incriminate clinton
>Trump Jr rejected it
>Glen Simpson from Fusion met the russian lawyer before and after
>Fusion are good bois, they dindu nuffin.
>its all russias fault
This article is trying to shift the blame and say Russia tricked poor old Fusion.

John Podesta's lies to congress are getting more exposed
>Russia Scandal Befalls Two Brothers: John and Tony Podesta (NYT)
>After the postelection publication of a dossier by a former British spy into those connections — which included some salacious claims — John Podesta met with Glenn Simpson, the co-founder of the firm that commissioned the opposition research, to compare notes on Russia’s involvement, according to an associate of Mr. Podesta.

>During the general election season, the firm’s research was funded by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, though John Podesta has told congressional investigators that he had no knowledge of those payments. The associate said the meeting came as Mr. Simpson was considering whether, and how, his firm could continue its Russia-related Trump research. A spokeswoman for Mr. Simpson’s firm, Fusion GPS, declined to comment.

Really activates those almonds since Podesta claimed he didn't know the campaign he was running paid for the dossier. I guess Glen Simpson just forgot to mention that to Podesta.

This article also attempts to put distance between Tony and John Podesta which is at odds with what we learned from Tucker (pic related)
>Podesta Group Is In Mueller’s ‘Crosshairs’ Over Russian Influence (DailyCaller)

>amerimongrels this assmad over bantz


>What's all this about France surrendered to Islam?
Nothing new here in the last month, just France generally being cucky
>What the fuck is this CBTS general being spammed really about?
Trump made some retarded comment about how this is the calm before the storm with regards to north Korea. LARPing plebbitors think that means war is immanent
>Also why have so many of you taken the obvious D&C tactic "Amerimutt" bait?
Its just eurotrash bantsing butthurt americans

Thanks for the summary my man

the amerimutt meme is based in reality, if you havent seen dozens of these mixed race freaks in real life, then you must be blind.


the goal is to kill this board.

kill the culture of this board.

get a ton of boomer religious christ cucks on this board.

fucking kikes.




"Nazi's are mutts" memes when? I can see you're trying to push it on Europeans by shooping the mutt face on arabs.

Sup Forums is dead, retreat to level 2

most arabs are mutts. you idiot mongrel undermensch getting butthurt over a meme highlighting the reality of america turning into a brown shithole, are kikes. all its doing is highlighting the fact that you mongrel spic subhumans are destroying the country

>Flood a culture you don't like with foreigners to eliminate them as a threat

Typical tricks, Schlomo.

I knew Q was full of shit the second I saw that retard posting. CBTS is a waste of time that needs to be purged.

You seem a little salty about an overused forced meme spammed by shills being called out as such.

Yup. The mods are quick to 404 kek threads or anything to do with meme magic but theres always a fucking pagan general and like 10 religious threads. plus theres that larp.

fuck off back to t_d you faggot. you clearly arent from here if you think its some 'le ebin shill raid', fucking moron. yeah, shills want to highlight the fact that america is being destroyed by spics and turned into a 3rd world shithole full of brown goblins, thats totally something that leftist kike shills would want to draw attention to. kys

Hahaha nice

>"You're from reddit goyim!!!!"

Can't wait for you to end up on a train to a gas camp.

you do realize shills in the USA are actively being funded by foreign entities and governments.


you realize the amerimutt meme exists because you idiot mongrels keep calling various europeans not white, right? and that its highlighting the fact that the country is over 52% subhuman. you do understand the kikes want subhuman spic animals, such as yourself, to replace whites in the US, because you subhuman retards are easily manipulated, you are the mixed race slave caste theyve been trying to create.

>reddit spacing faggot
>s-stop pointing out that half the US are literal subhumans, goy.

>be mutt, export "culture" to the world
>world has enough, starts memeing back
>american chans devour themselves

i never believed to see the day. stay salty, gremlins.


you have to go back, jose.


>Doesn't deny it's chosen status

See you at the gas chamber, schlomo :^)

lots of jews here shilling lol seriously

just post anti-israel, anti-jewish memes, pro holocaust memes and watch them flip out

the smelly jews are losing their grip and its absolutely hysterical

>Americucks act like conspirarorial idiots because they can't take banter

Your country is a detriment to the world and you should honestly just kill yourselves

whats the matter paco? after we build the wall we are going to line you taco goblins up against it and paint it red

I'm lovin it. More rare merchants, I already dropped my rarest one.



Sieg heil

back in the oven jew, back in the oven



Post the original, (((faggot)))

oy vey goy, juan rodreguiz hernandez is a proud catholic, hes more american than apple pie!

>i never believed to see the day. stay salty, gremlins.
That precisely what I'm referring to
The "le 56%" meme has been around for awhile now but never in this force
>Why is it being spammed now instead of just for bants?
Because newfag burgers are getting eternally asshurt about it and since it's provoking a response it keeps being spammed for (You)'s
It could very well have started as a /leftypol/ D&C, wouldn't be the first time they've done it
Regardless of who or why it starting being spammed instead of just for bants the easiest thing to resolve it is don't give them (You)'s and they'll stop spamming it
Also since when did burgers get so fragile? FFS we call Europeans Europistan and Europoors

The darkest savage amazonian indio is whiter than you, merchant.

>australian shitposters
haha dumb australians haha
>poo in loo
haha stinky indians haha
>a fucking LEAF
haha dumb canadians haha
>truck of peace
haha dumb europeans nogunz haha
>56% white
the absolute state of amerimutt fragility

Level 2 it is.

yeah, because jews want to point out that your spic animals are their ideal slave caste

>Accusations of "buttmadness" when identified as a shill

Check.Try switching tactics, this trolling isn't working anymore.

How hard is it to meme properly, achmed... jesus christ you are embarassing
I can get paid for spamming this shit? Sign me up!
>tfw Soros is from your country but won't hire you

White guilt is restricted to white westerners. Without us, you'd be marched back into the camps in a second and you know it. Actually brown savages wouldn't even bother with camps. They'd hack you apart with machetes for being the child-eating cheating vampires you are.







>we identified you!!!
that was my first post, holy shit you burgers CANNOT handle banter. This meme would have died by now if you didn't sperg out in every thread.

You know how the bully in school picks on the kid who throws a tantrum and makes a scene? Are you too autistic to not understand this? holy smokes



>Accusations of "buttmadness" when identified as a shill
You fucking retard I was explaining the best way to combat the D&C shilling IF it is some /leftypol/ faggotry
Just ignore it, no (You)'s for the spam and it'll eventually run it's course



you arent white, pablo. unlike you i actually am white, and thusly im not trigger by a meme pointing out the reality of taco niggers such as yourself flooding the US.


Friendly fire, m8. Have a rare Hitler for reparations.

You missed a SHIT TON. Most of these Juniors don't even know what tf is going on. Follow @Delibrythe on Twitter and track anything from /pol or Q. Some major major shit.

>you aren't white
>unlike you I am white
>btw I am white

>This meme would have died by now if you didn't sperg out in every thread.
>ignore trolls
>they stop trolling
>give attention to trolls
>they keep trolling
wow, really makes one think, right? it's as if this hasn't been the way things were since the dawn of shitposting...
but then again you can't expect Sup Forumsedditor newfriends to understand this.

"You're not white fellow goyim!"

You're a lying rat-faced kike though. Why would I listen to you?

Memeflags get out

> a bunch of retards
>and a nigger
Just to fill the diversity quota.

i am white though, thats why im not asshurt over somebody pointing that the US is being flooded with spics.

You're literally reading off of the script posted here. New tactics pls this is boring now.

this entire debacle is just a result of reddit's sheer inability to handle banter


(((Americans))) would be more fitting. The fact you don't deny you're a kike or laugh about lampshades and gas chambers makes things pretty obvious.

>Also why have so many of you taken the obvious D&C tactic "Amerimutt" bait?
CIAniggers finally made a semi-successful meme

56% isn't about America being flooded with spics it's about you having shitskin blood

Maybe it was crafted by CIAnigger AI but they're not the ones posting it.

I'm whiter than you tyrone you'll never know how it feels to be pure

Again, you're reading off the script posted here. Get. New. Tactics. This is boring and not even effective anymore.

b-but its a shariablue character assassin shill raid!!1! im a proud magapeed and i look exactly like the amerimut memes, stop divide and conquering!! when trump said build a wall and deport them all, he meant deport the real racists like you!1

Kikes aren't pure. You've been chosen by God to burn in hell for all eternity, Khazar imposter.

nah mate it's Europeans that don't think it's right that halfbreeds call themselves white imagine a swimming pool that's clear and pure then imagine one that's got a drop of shit in it that's you

>inb4 "whiter than you, muhammed"

Technically arabs are a slightly lighter shade than blacks, so you aren't wrong.

>still not denying they're kikes

what would CIA gain out of this?