This is Drumpfs america

This is Drumpfs america
This is what hate you bigots are breeding

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Because no edgy middle schoolers did this when Obama was president

But this was already proved to be a hoax I thought? Didn't some anons compare samples of his handwriting with the "heil" in the picture?



Yeah, cause I never drew swastikas when I was in middle school

>very good....

*doesn't rub hands at all*

6th graders are shitposters


We already discussed this yesterday, look it up faggot! Nothing is wrong with kids drawing even if true. Next

Hell I've seen this when Clinton was President.


I did this in middle school under Bush lol

there was several racist graffiti in my school back when i was a kid and no one including minorities gave a shit about any of it.
Good times, good times

I saw one in a library book followed by a date from Carter's presidency.

What kid doesn't like drawing swastikas? It's an elegant doodle.

Can't be helped.


It's nothing but a reaction to the anti white culture. If you don't like it, stop hating whites. Generation zyklon is going to remember what you've done and you will be gassed.

same. obama too

would've got me if
>communist swine
was written in the kid's handwriting

I did this shit through school because it was just funny and ironic.

I drew this when Clinton was President.

hey rabbi

History teacher covers WWII, but is surprised when student remembers Hitler took part and makes a nice drawing of him. Scream racist.

teach kids that the source of all evil in the history of the entire world is nazis.
one of them actually listens and draws a picture of one

stop calling everyone that disagrees with you a nazi, and maybe they wont begin to identify that way? just a thought

Even when I was in elementary school in the 90s there were swastikas carved into desks and tables, in California. This is nothing new.

>middle schoolers can draw a swastika correctly
>leftist false flaggers can't
really makes you think

An Indian kid in my high school math kid (full on dark skin) would doodle swatsikas all the time. Once he even did it on his submitted homework. The teacher freaked out and almost lost it but calmed down once he realized this kid was Indian. True story.

This. If you view someone as enemy amd keep tell they they are nazis. You treat them as you would a brown shirt. They act surpised when they really indentify with the tenants of Nazi ideology.

>be me
>5th grade
>drew a nazi flag on the palm of my hand
>I had no idea what it stood for just thought it looked cool
>teacher caught me while coloring in the red background
>freaked the fuck out, told me how it was a symbol of evil
>made me go wash my hand
>made me like that flag even more, even after I learned about the ebil nazis.

nah, it's fucking middle school, we're all edgy in 6-8th grade

In Middle school, I drew sickle and hammers and all my papers because le edgy gommunism, but none of the teachers cared

>be me
>see lots of hogans heroes episodes recorded on VHS tapes as a kid
>think the nazis were awesome and hilarious

look a little closer.
It actually does look like the same handwriting.
the i's look the same as well as the n's

>he drew the swastika correctly
I-I'm so proud

Well shit, the increase in the gay population of the U.S. must be because of kids drawing dicks on their desks.

hate crime hoax again

Probably thought you were an edgy LARPer

I don't know why but white kids really love Hitler. Like really love him, he's like fucking Barney the dinosaur.

saw this when Bush Sr was pres. almost got blamed for it,,,class was German 1.

So a teenager doodled Hitler on his desk during history class? Why is this so shocking and offensive?

Trump is the reason middle-schoolers are edgy fucks confirmed.

>same as when this thread first popped up a few days ago, lame bait, CTR
>have something to go along with your parsley, rosemary, and thyme

I saw this when Woodrow Wilson was President

Duh.. aren't you in America?? The black lives matter movement was the first steps to war.

swastikas were always my most common doodle, on par with that
/ \
\ /

[pearl clutching intensifies]

>in Michigan


Lol I was drawing swastikas since I was in kindergarten in the 90s

If it weren't for leftists kids probably wouldn't even know the word Nazi

I wish this was real


Looks like a great portrait of the Democrat Party


I did this shit when I was younger, fuck outta here



ah yes the 6,198 prior instances were all revealed as fakes, but THIS one..

Interesting how a middle schooler knows how to correctly spell a german word.

Hoe desperate are democrats holy shit the ammount of shill threads today is amazing

I know a girl who did a Nazi salute and heiled Hitler on stage in front of the school. That was like 13 years ago. Edgy kids are nothing new, faglord

>inb4 the teacher comes clean and admits he drew it

basically two possibilities
a) the pupil in question was a troll. Something that is quite common amongst the newer generations, who are fed up with the PC bullshit their irrational parents and teachers are trying to feed them (which happens if you have young people which can use the internet to come to their own conclusion, without the kind of brainwashing that their parents and teachers went through due to naivety and media incompetency). Probably knew that his/her/whatever teacher was a liberal snowflake and would go nuts at the sight of this "drawn tragedy".
b) the teacher drew it him/her/whateverself. False flagging is like a global sport for today's western Leftists (or those affiliated with them, such as white Leftists in Japan), and it wouldn't be the first time for a teacher to fake a "hate crime" in order to get more social justice points. Considering the quality of the drawing, which is even lower than what i would expect of today's middleschoolers, i'm leaning towards this option (must have been yet another talent-less, leftwing adult)

I'm convinced, this time it must be true and not a false flag like all the other times.
surely a middle school history teacher would never lie

kids being edgy .... never happened before

I drew swastikas and socks on everything in middle school

Oh noooo that suuuucks

This shows a promising future.

I drew war cartoons, especially nazi when I was a kid. Big deal.

Yes, "surely".

Same but in elementary school

thats funny