Wow great english Umaru-chan.
100% perfect good job
Wow great english Umaru-chan.
100% perfect good job
Other urls found in this thread:
What is Fred bought yesterday.
100% good job
>Why he went to bed early
The worst part is that I feel like English Education is so bad in most schools in Japan, they would probably mark things like
"Whose is that umbrella?"
"What is Fred bought yesterday?"
"Why he went to be early?"
"When they went to Kyoto?"
as correct.
How the FUCK did you know?
and what media player should I be using? mpc, cccp?
obviously it was jeopardy question
>"Whose is that umbrella?"
This is correct though.
because it looks like shit
also it doesn't matter because you already have eye cancer
I think you're just a contrararian asshole because I compared the same frame side by side in both vlc and mpc and they're exactly the same
I have 20/20 vision, never needed glasses, not colorblind etc.
>"Whose is that umbrella?"
What's wrong with that?
Correct but not a sentence that most people would use in the first place
the fact that this question remains unanswered
Wow love this show.
ESL? The standard way is to say "Whose umbrella is that"
>I compared the same frame side by side in both vlc and mpc and they're exactly the same
So you have eye cancer then
explain why they are different or close the tab
I wish english exams in my country would have stories about salarymen going to fuck a whore in Roppongi. Is that edited?
>But he was caught _____ new-half.
I'm honestly at a loss as to what word is supposed to go there. With maybe?
Because you left the bar up when you took your screenshot. Nerd.
Also VLC defaults to .png for its screenshots. Wholly unnecessary
This is a bit of a generalization, but Asian countries teaching English tend to focus more on grammar than other things. Like, how the language is actually used.
>.png is unnecessary
fucking pleb
For the image quality you're getting in the kinds of video files we generally use, yes, it is unnecessary.
>Implying otherwise
>.png autist
You fags still exist?
"When they went to Kyoto?" can work depending on context, like as an unsure response.
Probably not 100% proper English though, something more like "Do you mean when they went to Kyoto?" would likely be more correct, but in common conversation shortening it like that might happen and probably not be noticed.
>Ikuhara worked for Sailor Moon
>gets caught soliciting sexual favors from a trap in that passage
You're right, this is better.
>I will compress it to the utmost limit, that will definitely prove me right
Kill yourself. No, really.
It should look better, but the rotational velocidensity of my drive, took some detail with it. 10k rpm drives are hard to deal with.
>"Whose is that umbrella?"
ESLfag here, and yeah I was taught like that. Welp.
You can get away with saying it that way. What grammar nazis fail to mention in that English is quite flexible when it comes to sentence structure.
Further, Americans talking about written or even spoken English is the height of hilarity.
>English is quite flexible
>yeah but that English them there Americans use and talk about, hilarious!
These are not mutually exclusive, regardless of what you may think.
I'd love to hear why you think American English is so bad.
t. Amerilard
For starters I was talking about flexibility in sentence structuring, not the misuse and misspelling of several words for no apparent reason. Not the addition of superfluous words to standard speech, for no apparent reason.
It's flexible yeah, it is the international standard in language. It excels in subsuming other terminology as well but man oh man, that doesn't mean you should just make shit up as you go along.
No need to be so offended ameriboy. American English just sounds slurred compared to civilized variants.
>that handwriting
I can't learn Japanese.
>complains about the addition to superfluous words to speech, repeats the same line twice
Nice there britbong.
And I think linguists would like to have a word with you about "misspellings and misuse". We're not the fucking French; there's no authoritative body that defines what is right or wrong.
No offense but you guys are stupid. You can adjust your settings in VLC to improve quality.
There is a website where you can compare quality in separate pictures featuring the same scene from an anime title.
Once you learn how to adjust the settings on VLC it is far superior than anything else available. The thing is that none of you, a majority of Sup Forums doesn't know how to do it. It's much easier just to hop on the bandwagon and hate it. In short, just google. Not spoon feeding you(s).
Civilized meaning British? You know British English is all just fads and trendiness right? Brits are constantly trying to one up each other with how special they are, so they even have bastardized their own language to that end.
American English is actually a far more traditional form of English and closer to how it was spoken in antiquity by British immigrants.
I forgot to add that the VLC quality adjusted looks much much better in comparisons. During the side by side comparison to mpc.
Vlc can never look as good as mpc with madvr, even though it runs as heavy as it
Not a brit but what I did was repetition of a structure. Both of those similar sentences were valid and appropriate in terms of content. It must be hard for you, my friend. I know you're trying.
Fatboy is triggered
You need to go back.
That's your opinion and that's fine. However, statiscally speaking VLC is much better for rendering 4K. Truthfully speaking, both players are great and you're free to use whatever you want. Just don't hop on a bandwagon without knowing the facts.
what a waste of ink. just mark the incorrect ones you dumdum.
>people don't know how about mpv
VLC is to Windows 98
as MPC-HC is to Windows XP
as mpv is to Windows 10
you mean this right?
You need to _______lose weight
It works that way, but it's a matter of style preference.
"Whose is" just sounds awkward to say, and you're generally encouraged to avoid awkward-sounding but technically correct in english since it's very easy to make it an ugly language without breaking any rules.
>Americans in charge of knowing their native language
It's an unusual way of saying it, but correct.
That can be said though.
Wait what the fuck how is that correct?
>Whose is that umbrella?
Kinda sounds like the umbrella is the owner of the person in question.
That sentence kinda makes my head hurt desu.
>Whose is
>that umbrella
What the fuck am I having a stroke? I genuinely am mindfucked right now.
Summoning Umaru abusers.
Cried tears of freedom and clapped at this post.
There's an implied article in that question.
If you were to write it out fully, it would be something like "Whose possession is that umbrella?"
Since an umbrella can only be a possession, it's self-evident and doesn't need to be qualified directly.
Modern english is full of things like that. It mainly just sounds weird in this case because the possessive and the thing being possessed are on opposite ends of the sentence.
Shouldn't it just be "Whose umbrella is that?"
Man, fuck English.
That's also correct.
Both are correct, one just sounds good while the other sounds like shit.
Both are correct. "Whose umbrella is that?" will sound more natural, but "Whose is that umbrella?" is fine too.
Both are fine.
>What is Fred bought yesterday?
Maybe Fred is the name of a product she bought yesterday, and she's asking a metaphysical question about its nature.
That would still be wrong.
Or maybe Fred Bought Yesterday is the name of a movie and she's answering a question on Jeopardy
I want to teach young, impressionable nips the glorious standard of languages someday. Plant the seed of mutiny against the Japanese language and slowly convert everyone to the World's Best Language.
You mean German?
It's missing an article. In this case, it would probably be "that."
Not if the question is about Fred bought yesterday in general, not about the particular Fred she bought.
It can be said maybe as a sentence fragment or a subordinate clause. It shouldn't be used as a question.
The correct form is:
>Why did he go to bed early?
This makes it sound like the umbrella is possessive.
so MPC-HC is the best but mpv is more compatible with shit?
Only if you're a dirty ESL.
It would work if Fred is plural. That would be weird though.
mpv is the player of apple shills
It's a philosophical musing.
What is Fred, bought yesterday? A solid investment for the future or a quick transaction soon forgotten? And if a man can so easily be made a commodity in this world then by what value are we bartered? In this world of stones and feathers may the fruits of our labour do anything but turn to hard metallic coins that grate along our teeth as we chem them greedily, all other worldly sustenance refused us.
You make fun of Nips for not being bilingual, but most of you fuckers don't speak two languages either. In reality you are probably dumber than the average Japanese high school student.
We're all ESL here.
who /115+/ here?
I can speak 4 and a half languages.
Not as a stand alone question it can't. The word "why" is an adverb (in this context), it needs to modify a sentence that would be a question if it weren't there. The correct form would be "Why did he go to bed early?"
Sick hiragana bro.
English is easy to learn and is the most useful language to learn. The same cannot be said of Japanese.
English is fucking retarded anyway. Like what's the point of "have" and "has"? It literally might as well be the same shit. Stop needlessly complicating things, murryclaps.
>the most useful language to learn
That would be Spanish or Chinese.
It should be "Whose umbrella is that?"
English is my first language and Mandarin Chinese is my second language. We're all taught to be bilingual in both English and our mother tongue from young, so both are my native languages.
English is the best language the world has to offer. It is complicated by virtue of having to accommodate all the little languages it swallows as it grows.
i think that it helps to differentiate the subject that you're talking about.
but i learned english in Sup Forums so i'm probably wrong.