Lads I lost my national socialist folder.
Please dump anything you have.
Need to refill
I have some basics so far
If anyone has nuremberg zeppelin field pictures i'd prefer that too
This is all i have
You yankees are beyond saving. Lill muricans sharing pictures of cute german boys in uniforms.
>cute german boys
Are you gay mohammed?
I don't understand why they don't use their OWN revolutionary imagery, are they cucks? Are they retarded?
>national socialism
>american revolutionary war
Want to know how I know youre a shill?
>and now they are all dead, and you are all cucks
Yes. Because the founding fathers were all white nationalists, why do you need to resort to the Germans?
god damn, thats the best uniform design i have yet seen done by thee master hugo boss himself
>national socialism
>founding fathers
Want to know how I know youre a brainlet?
Any of zeppelin field or nurnberg?
Get the fuck out of here Schlomo
You're welcome. 1488!
Pathetic wannabe Germans
fuck off useless inbred fuck, I will destroy all of you white cucks again all by myself if I need to
They were certainly "White Nationalists"
Checked, thanks mate ill have a field day
Im 99% German and have blonde hair and blue eyes and im 6'1...
Dont be mad soyboy, go browse clothes on pinterest or whatever you manlets do.
Sheeeit i was looking for this
all this americucks sucking german dick instead of praising the brit empire or their own revolution, you are such faggots
wow looks like alot of fun, My friend from highschool look just like the chap on the right.
I’m not actually natsoc I just like the aesthetic and use the photos as inspiration for graphic design and art
i love this one
>praising the Brit empire or their revolution
Pick one
>meme flag
>meme response
>whoops we surrendered haha
hi shlomo
do any of you lads have this one in color?
The British empire? You mean the one that bent over and got ass fucked by schlomo to kill the German people and Hitler of which is has none of its original colonies and is basically a shitskin colony. You are fucking retarded KYs.
>implying NatSoc imagery wasn't borrowed from other nations/cultures
How are you so fucking stupid?
I didn’t surrender you krauts did. Sure did put up a good fight though
Both are your blood and national ancestors
For you, OP.
Americucks and Anglos both fought the German, why do you blame Bongs but not the Mutts?
R u retarded?
And another.
so comfy
Fucking faggot American that still has a kike history of the world. You destroyed the only country and culture that could have saved you and even worse sided with fucking communists to do it. You have nothing to be proud of mongrel burger boy
Who /eco-fascist/ here?
Think this counts.
>thinks all americans are british
Mate im german as I said. Theres no such thing as an "american"
I am literally embracing my heritage.
But im not even a national socialist. I used to be, right now im an imperialist
le dumping a few le
White Nationalist US concepts
>new flag = pic related
>new anthem =
post proof mait, and just because youre ''99% german'' by blood youll never be an actual real german, youll always be an american larper
misspelled "vengeance"
you stormfaggots are to the internet what locusts are for the foodchain
... What did germans meant by this?
Whats your ideology?
Is that real? They're surprisingly attractive for German women...
>post proof
Youre gay
>youre not german even though youre german
So if a mouse moves into a stable it becomes a horse?
Commie logic at its finest.
I love this one. I like images that are longer than they are wide
Don’t change the argument you stupid kike, the British empire is gone and the American empire will disappear as soon as the jews have no use for it. You gloat about killing off the greatest nation of people to have existed in this millennia who btw did not once think of surrender even when russian mongrols were raping their women and children. You have no perspective on world war 2 except for what your jewish masters have taught you. KYs
Fake it till you make it, culture is just the macro-expression of genes. German genes = German Cultural Receptivity. You can take a German baby born in Germany and stick him in Ohio and his diet preferences, attitude, etc will still lean German.
How good looking are german women from 0 to 10?
She's cute. These are the whores that like it when you rape them.
Last one, godspeed OP.
MY personal fav